Many languages are derived from words denoting countries by adding the suffix -sa (from basa - language).
Fill in the blanks below:
The names of languages may also be used as verbs:
Mi Englisa ji Globasa.
I communicate (speak and understand and/or read and write) in English and Globasa.
The word pala (speak) may be used either transitively, without a preposition, or intransitively (with either in or yon) as follows:
Mi pala (in/yon) Englisa ji Globasa.
I speak (in) English and Globasa.
The word ogar (home) can be used as a verb meaning inhabit, dwell, reside or live (in/at).
It is used transitively, without a preposition, when the object of the verb refers to the dwelling or home.
Mi ogar lil ogar.
I live in a small home.
The preposition fe is used when referring to the dwelling’s address.
Mi ogar fe Dolo Day Drevo.
I live on Big Tree Street.
The preposition in is used when referring to the dwelling’s location (city, country, etc.), as well as alternatively when referring to the dwelling or the dwelling’s address.
Mi ogar in lil ogar, in Dolo Day Drevo, in Nipon.
I live in a small home, on Big Tree Street, in Japan.
One of the suffixes used in Globasa for deriving adjectives from nouns is -li. It roughly means of, or relating to.
Fill in the blanks below:
As seen previously, the word yen is used for denoting people.
Fill in the blanks below:
Colon questions in Globasa are as follows.
Yu suki keto: kafe or cay?
“You like what: coffee or tea?”
Do you like coffee or tea?
Yu ogar keloka?
Where do you live?
Yu pala (in/yon) ke basa?
What language(s) do you speak?
Yu pala keto: Fransesa or Turkisa?
Do you speak French or Turkish?
Mi pala Espanisa ji Globasa.
I speak Spanish and Globasa.
Misu doste ogar in Rusi. Te pala Rusisa ji Fransesa. Tesu gami no pala Fransesa mas te vole na xwexi to. Ete vole na idi cel Franse ton sesu dua bete. Bete no vole na xwexi Fransesa. Ete vole na idi cel Nipon.
Create your own sentences using the examples above, and examples from previous lessons, as sentence patterns. Tell a story.