The conditional mood is expressed using the verb particle ger (would). The subordinate clause (if…) uses the dictionary form of the verb.
Mi ger turi in Turki eger mi pala Turkisa.
I would travel in/to Turkey if I spoke Turkish.
The suffix -ya is used to turn adjectives, nouns and prepositions into a variety of different abstract nouns. Click here for a full description.
Kam yu ger kari purpuro mobil?
Would you buy a purple car?
Mi xa dao cel Franse yon tren.
I will travel to France by train.
Mi vole na turi in Nipon. Mi xa dao cel denloka yon day, sefide navi. Mi xa visita multi meli xaher. Mi no pala Niponsa. Mi haja na xwexi Niponsa cel na abil na pala ton moyte.
Create your own sentences using the examples above, and examples from previous lessons, as sentence patterns. Tell a story.