The verb particle nun is used to express the present moment. It is typically omitted unless one wishes to emphasize that the activity is currently taking place.
The verb tense particles (nun, le, xa) may be turned into abstract nouns by adding -ya, which may be used in prepositional phrases with fe. Note that fe is obligatory in these phrases.
Although fe nunya is the most common way to express now, hinwatu is also used. The expression hinwatu, however, contrasts with denwatu (then, at that time).
The verb particles nun, le and xa are used as quasi-prefixes in a specific and limited number of words, primarily those that appear in this lesson’s word list.
The prefix ja- means immediately adjacent. As you can see in this lesson, ja- is used in the words jaledin (yesterday) and jaxadin (tomorrow).
The prepositions lefe (before) and xafe (after) are composed of the verb tense prefixes le and xa plus the multi-purpose preposition fe. They can also be used to express ago and in (after some time).
Misu gami le irsal tas yu netoposta lefe tiga din.
My spouse sent you an email three days ago.
Yu abil na xwexi Globasa xafe un nyan.
You can learn Globasa in one year.
The days of the week are expressed as derived words using the international astronomical method by attaching din (day) as a quasi-suffix.
Monday - Lunadin (Luna - Earth’s moon)
Tuesday - Marihidin (Marihi - Mars)
Wednesday - Bududin (Budu - Mercury)
Thursday - Muxtaridin (Muxtari - Jupiter)
Friday - Zuhuradin (Zuhura - Venus)
Saturday - Xanidin (Xani - Saturn)
Sunday - Soladin (Sola - Earth’s sun)
To express a phrase like on Mondays, the word duli, seen in Lesson 18, is used: (fe) duli Lunadin, (fe) duli Marihidin, etc.
As we have seen with words such as dom, kamer, dukan and din, noun-noun compounds can be freely formed in Globasa using any noun.
Fill in the blanks below:
Yu le turi in Barati kewatu?
When did you travel in India?
Mi xa koki axamyam durki yu idi cel dukan.
I will cook dinner while you go to the store.
Mi nadir koki, mas mi xa koki axamyam jaxadin. Nundin, mi musi na idi cel bazar. Imi haja risi, mahi ji vino. Misu gami loga ki misu yam sen daymo bon, mas mi fikir ki te koki maxmo bon kom mi. Durki mi koki, misu gami xa oko filme.
Create your own sentences using the examples above, and examples from previous lessons, as sentence patterns. Tell a story.