Globasa-English Dictionary, 2025-01-26
- -abil
- which can (be), -able, -ible
- -bimar
- sick
- -bisu
- which must be, must-
- -bol
- ball
- -cu
- intransitive verb marker, become, get, turn (into)
- -din
- day
- -do
- in an inactive state of
- -doku
- document
- -dom
- building, facility, room, place, site (with specific purpose)
- -dukan
- store
- -ente
- (inanimate) agent
- -fil
- inclined (to), prone (to), tending (to, towards)
- -fobi
- phobia
- -fon
- -phone, sound tool
- -gi
- causative/transitive marker, make, cause to (be)
- -gimu
- which should be, which ought to be
- -gon
- -agon
- -grafi
- recording
- -hole
- sheath, holder
- -ible
- which can be, -ible, -able
- -ina
- -ine
- -ismo
- -ism
- -ista
- -ist
- -itis
- inflammation
- -je
- degree, level, measurement
- -kal
- without sufficient, -less
- -kamer
- room
- -kaxa
- case, container
- -kef
- chief, head, boss, lead, master
- -kolordo
- shade of color
- -krasi
- (type of) government
- -kumax
- piece of cloth (for specific purpose)
- -lari
- collective group
- -laye
- worthy
- -lexi
- word
- -li
- relating to, of
- -logi
- specialty, science (of), philosophy (of), study (of), art (of)
- -maso
- meat
- -maxina
- machine, device, apparatus (attached to nouns)
- -medis
- medical practice
- -meter
- measuring device, tool
- -mo
- adverb of degree and manner
- -mon
- element, unit (of a whole)
- -mosem
- season
- -musi
- which must
- -ne
- in an active state or process of
- -osis
- pathology
- -pel
- drive to, make want to, cause to want to
- -ple
- -uble, -iple, -uple
- -pul
- with enough or more than enough, -ful, -ous
- -sa
- language, animal sounds
- -sim
- -like, -ish (added to nouns)
- -su
- possessive adjective marker
- -tim
- team, body
- -tora
- -ator, machine, device, apparatus, appliance (attached to verbs)
- -tul
- tool
- -xey
- thing, substance
- -ya
- abstract nouns
- -yen
- being (any animate being), (personified) object
- -yum
- ordinal number
- a
- ah (denotes surprise or wonder)
- ababil
- swallow (bird), martin, Hirundinidae
- abakus
- abacus
- abces
- abscess, boil
- abece
- alphabet, ABCs
- alphabetize
- Abigail
- Abigail
- abil
- able, capable, capably
- be able, can
- abil na kari
- afford
- abilgi
- enable
- abilya
- ability, capacity, capability, means
- abone
- subscription
- subscribe (to)
- aboneyen
- subscriber
- abruto
- abrupt, sudden
- abruptly, suddenly, all of a sudden
- abrutoya
- suddenness, abruptness
- absorbi
- absorption
- absorb
- absorbiabil
- absorbent
- absorbigi
- drench, saturate, soak
- absorbine
- absorbent
- absurdo
- absurd, ridiculous, preposterous
- absurdly, ridiculously, preposterously
- absurdoxey
- absurdity (count noun)
- absurdoya
- absurdity (noncount noun)
- abyasa
- rehearsal, practice
- practice, rehearse
- abyasado
- rehearsed
- acidi
- acid
- acidigi
- acidification
- acidify
- acidihamir
- sourdough
- acidije
- acidity
- acidipul
- acidic, sour
- acidiroti
- sourdough (bread)
- acidiya
- acidity, acidness, sourness
- acum
- sneeze
- sneeze
- acumgi
- make sneeze, cause to sneeze
- adabu
- politeness, courtesy
- adabufil
- polite, courteous
- politely, courteously
- adabukal
- impolite, rude
- adabukalya
- impoliteness, rudeness
- adabunenfil
- impolite, rude
- adabupul
- polite, courteous
- politely, courteously
- Adam
- Adam
- adasi
- lentil
- adasisupa
- lentil soup
- adate
- adaptation
- adapt
- adapt (oneself)
- adateible
- adaptable
- adatexey
- adaptation (count noun)
- Aden
- Aden
- adhesi
- adhesion
- adhere, stick
- adhesiabil
- adhesive, sticky
- adhesiente
- adhesive
- adhesine
- adhesive, sticky
- adhesixey
- adhesion (count noun)
- adil
- fair, just
- fairly, justly
- adilya
- fairness, justice
- admiral
- admiral
- admiralya
- admiralty
- adola
- muscle
- adolabala
- brawny
- adolabalaya
- brawn
- adolakal
- scrawny
- adolapul
- muscular, brawny
- adolaya
- brawn
- adopsi
- adoption
- adopt
- adopsibyuro
- adoption agency
- adopsili
- adoptive, adopted, by adoption
- adopsiyen
- adoptive parent
- adrenalin
- adrenaline, epinephrine
- adresu
- address
- address (mail)
- adresukitabu
- address book
- adresulari
- directory
- Adrya
- Adria
- afarin
- applause
- applaud, clap
- well done, good job, bravo
- afatu
- disaster, catastrophe, calamity
- afatupul
- catastrophic, disastrous, calamitous
- Afgani
- Afghanistan
- Afganili
- Afghan (relating to Afghanistan, its people, or their language)
- Afganiyen
- Afghan (a native or inhabitant of Afghanistan)
- Afrika
- Africa
- Afrikali
- African (relating to Africa and its people)
- Afrikanse
- Afrikaans (relating to the Afrikaner people, their way of life, or their language)
- Afrikansesa
- Afrikaans (language)
- Afrikanseyen
- Afrikaner
- Afrikayen
- African (a native or inhabitant of Africa)
- afsane
- legend
- afsaneli
- legendary
- agil
- agile
- agilely
- agilya
- agility
- Agustin
- Augustine
- Ahab
- Ahab
- aham
- comprehension, understanding
- understand, comprehend
- I see, understood
- ahamgi
- clear up, make (somebody) understand
- ahamible
- understandable, comprehensible, intelligible
- understandably, comprehensibly, intelligibly
- ahamnenible
- incomprehensible
- incomprehensibly
- ajabu
- strange, weird, odd, peculiar
- strangely, weirdly, oddly, peculiarly
- ajabuxey
- peculiarity, oddity
- ajabuya
- strangeness, weirdness, oddness, peculiarity
- ajabuyen
- oddball, weirdo, crank, eccentric, strange person
- ajela
- hurry, rush, haste, urgency
- hurry, rush, haste
- hurry up
- ajelado
- rushed, in a rush, in a hurry
- ajelapul
- hasty, rushed
- hastily
- akaci
- acacia
- Akade
- Akkad
- akademi
- academy
- akademili
- academic
- academically
- akere
- acre
- akereje
- acreage
- akiku
- agate
- akne
- acne
- aknemon
- pustule, pimple, zit
- aknepul
- pimply
- akonto
- account
- akorde
- chord (music)
- akordyon
- accordion
- akran
- scorpion, Scorpiones
- akrobati
- acrobatics
- akrobatili
- acrobatic
- akrobatiyen
- acrobat
- akse
- axis, axle
- akseli
- axial
- aksento
- accent (sociolinguistics)
- aksetyan
- coordinate
- aksyoma
- axiom, postulate, assumption
- aksyomali
- axiomatic
- axiomatically
- aksyon
- action, activity
- act, take action, behave
- aksyonfil
- active, energetic
- actively, energetically
- aksyonkadam
- procedure
- akxu
- vice (moral)
- akxupul
- wicked, vile, viciuos
- wickedly, vilely, viciuosly
- albatros
- albatross, Diomedeidae
- alegori
- allegory
- alegorili
- allegoric
- axiomatically
- Aleksandro
- Alexander
- alergi
- allergy
- alergili
- allergic (caused by or relating to an allergy)
- alergipul
- allergic (having an allergy)
- alga
- alga, algae
- algafutru
- lichen
- algoritma
- algorithm
- algoritmali
- algorithmic
- algorithmically
- aligator
- alligator, Alligatorinae
- alim
- instruction, teaching
- teach, instruct
- alimdo
- learned, erudite
- alimible
- teachable, amenable to instruction
- alimli
- instructional
- instructionally
- alimlogi
- pedagogy
- alimlogili
- pedagogic
- pedagogically
- alimne
- instructive
- instructively
- alimxey
- teaching, teachings
- alimyen
- teacher, instructor
- aljebra
- algebra
- aljebrali
- algebraic
- algebraically
- alkali
- alkali
- alkalili
- alkaline
- alkimi
- alchemy
- alkimili
- alchemical
- alchemically
- alkoba
- alcove, recess, niche
- alkohol
- alcohol
- alcoholize
- alkoholdo
- drunk
- drunkenly
- alkoholfilya
- alcoholism
- alkoholfilyen
- alcoholic (one who suffers from alcoholism)
- alkoholli
- alcoholic (relating to alcohol)
- almari
- cabinet, cupboard
- almasi
- diamond
- almasihalke
- diamond ring
- alo
- other, another, a different
- alo-
- other, different
- alo kom
- different from, differ from
- alocu
- change
- change, become different, get changed
- alodexa
- abroad, foreign country
- alodexali
- foreign
- foreignly
- aloe
- aloe (vera)
- aloete
- some other ones
- aloforma
- transformation
- transform
- alogi
- change
- alter, (cause to) change, make different
- aloijen
- disagreement
- disagree
- alojensifil
- heterosexual
- heterosexually
- alokrasi
- revolution (regime change)
- alokwanti
- a different
quantity of, a different amount of
- alolabel
- relabeling
- relabel
- alolide
- redirection, referral
- redirect, refer
- aloloka
- elsewhere, somewhere else
- alomaner
- by another manner, by a different manner, in another manner, in a different manner
- alomo
- to a different degree
- alondra
- lark, Alaudidae
- alonumer
- a different number of
- aloopsyon
- alternative
- alooto
- some other things
- alopul
- different, a different kind of, (in) another way, (in) a different way
- alopul kom
- unlike
- aloseba
- for another reason, for a different reason
- alosu
- somebody else's, someone else's
- alote
- somebody else, someone else
- aloto
- something else, another thing, a different thing
- alowatu
- at a different time, at another time
- aloy
- alloy
- aloya
- difference
- differ, vary
- aloyagi
- distinction, differentiation
- differentiate, distinguish
- aloyagiible
- distinguishable
- distinguishably
- alpaka
- alpaca, Lama pacos
- alucina
- hallucination
- hallucinate
- alucinagiente
- hallucinogen
- aluminyum
- aluminum, aluminium, Al
- am
- imperative verb marker
- Amara
- Amhara region
- Amarali
- Amharan
- Amarasa
- Amharic (language)
- Amarayen
- Amharan (person)
- amaro
- bitter (taste)
- bitterly
- amaroya
- bitterness
- amber
- ambergris
- ambisi
- ambition
- make (somebody) ambitious
- be ambitious, aspire
- ambisifil
- ambitious
- ambitiously
- ambisikal
- unambitious
- unambitiously
- ambisinenfil
- unambitious
- unambitiously
- ambisipul
- ambitious
- ambitiously
- ameba
- amoeba
- amen
- amen
- Amerika
- America
- Amerikali
- North-American, South-American, American (of or relating to the Americas)
- Amerikayen
- North American, South American
- amerikyum
- americium, Am
- ametisto
- amethyst
- amiku
- deep, profound
- deeply, profoundly
- amikucu
- deepen, become deep, become deeper
- amikugi
- deepen, make deep, make deeper
- amikuje
- depth
- amikuya
- deepness
- amino
- amino, amine
- amiru
- order
- command, order
- amirufil
- commanding, bossy, authorative
- amiruli
- imperative
- imperatively
- amonyako
- ammonia
- amperi
- ampere, amp
- ampula
- ampoule, ampule, ampul
- amusa
- amusement, entertainment, fun
- amuse, entertain
- have fun, feel or be amused, feel or be entertained
- amusado
- amused, entertained
- amusane
- amusing, entertaining, fun
- amusingly, entertainingly
- amusaparke
- amusement park
- amusaxey
- pastime
- amusayen
- entertainer
- Ana
- Anna
- Anadir
- Anadyr
- anakonda
- anaconda, Eunectes
- analisi
- analysis
- analyze
- analisifil
- analytical
- analytically
- analisili
- analytic, analytical
- analytically
- analisiyen
- analyst
- analogu
- analog, analogue
- analoji
- analogy
- ananas
- pineapple
- ananassui
- pineappleade
- anar
- pomegranate
- anarki
- anarchy
- anarkiismo
- anarchism
- anarkiista
- anarchist
- anarkili
- anarchic
- anarchically
- anco
- reef
- ancovi
- anchovy, Engraulidae
- anda
- walk
- walk
- andagi
- (cause to) walk
- Andaman
- Andaman
- andayen
- walker
- andesita
- andesite
- andin
- stable, firm
- stably, firmly
- andincu
- stabilize, become stable
- andingi
- stabilization
- stabilize
- andinya
- stability
- Andora
- Andorra
- Andre
- Andrew
- anedota
- anecdote
- anedotali
- anecdotal
- anecdotally
- anemon
- anemone
- angam
- limb
- Angola
- Angola
- Angolali
- Angolan
- Angolayen
- Angolan
- anima
- animation, anime, cartoon
- animate
- animayen
- animator
- anisu
- anise, Pimpinella anisum
- anjen
- safe, secure
- safely, securely
- anjengi
- secure, save
- anjengili
- safety (of safety)
- anjenkaxa
- safe, safebox
- anjenya
- safety, security
- anjil
- gospel, evangel, divine message
- anjilkef
- archangel
- anjilyen
- angel
- ankara
- anchor
- anchor
- ansya
- anxiety
- make (somebody) anxious
- feel or be anxious
- ansyafil
- anxiety-prone, worrisome
- ansyapul
- anxious
- anxious
- Antartiko
- Antarctic (region or ocean)
- antelope
- antelope
- antena
- antenna (device), aerial
- anti
- against, versus
- anti-
- anti-
- antibaterili
- anti-bacterial
- antibioente
- antibiotic
- antidepresiente
- antidepressant
- antidokya
- antidote
- antigutonente
- analgesic, analgaesic, painkiller, pain reliever
- Antigwa ji Barbuda
- Antigua and Barbuda
- antijento
- fight against
- antilegali
- illegal
- illegally
- antili
- opposing
- opposingly
- antimonyum
- antimony, Sb
- antipul
- contrary
- contrarily
- antivirusli
- antiviral
- antiya
- opposition, objection
- be against, oppose, counter, object (to), mind
- antiyen
- adversary, opponent
- Antoni
- Anthony
- antru
- intestine, bowel, guts
- antruli
- intestinal
- anwi
- consolation, solace
- comfort, console, feel comforted, feel consoled, cheer (up)
- anwijayeza
- consolation prize
- anwinenible
- inconsolable
- inconsolably
- anxi
- implication, hint
- imply, allude (to), hint (at), insinuate
- anximena
- connotation
- connote
- aorta
- aorta
- apartamen
- apartment, flat
- apartamenlari
- (apartment) complex
- aplika
- application
- apply (bring or put into operation or practical use), be applicable (to)
- aplikaible
- applicable, appliable
- applicably, appliably
- aprikoti
- apricot
- aproba
- approval
- approve (of)
- aprobado
- approved
- apyun
- opium
- Arabi
- Arabia, Arabian Peninsula
- Arabili
- Arabian
- Arabisa
- Arabic (language)
- Arabiyen
- Arab
- Arafura
- Arafura
- arcivo
- archive
- archive, archivize
- ardwazi
- slate
- are
- minister, pastor (male or female)
- arena
- arena
- aresto
- arrest
- arrest, apprehend, take into custody
- arestoamiru
- (arrest) warrant
- arestokamer
- (prison) cell
- Argentina
- Argentina
- Argentinali
- Argentine, Argentinian
- Argentinayen
- Argentine, Argentinian
- argon
- argon, Ar
- aritmeti
- arithmetic
- arkitetur
- architecture
- arkiteturli
- architectural
- architecturally
- arkiteturyen
- architect
- arko
- arc, arch, bow
- armadilo
- armadillo, Cingulata
- armoni
- harmony
- armonika
- harmonica
- armonipul
- harmonious
- harmoniously
- Aron
- Aaron
- arpa
- harp
- arpun
- harpoon
- harpoon
- arseniko
- arsenic, As
- arte
- art
- arteatex
- fireworks
- artedom
- (art) studio
- arteeskol
- art school
- artefil
- artistic (tendency towards art), artistically
- artefilyen
- art lover
- arteli
- art, artistic (relating to art)
- artistically
- artemahara
- artistry
- artepul
- artistic
- artistically
- artexey
- work of art
- arteyen
- artist
- articoku
- artichoke
- artikel
- article (grammar)
- Artiko
- Arctic (region or ocean)
- artro
- joint
- artroitis
- arthritis
- artroitisli
- arthritic
- artropeda
- arthropod, Arthropoda
- asalu
- honey
- asan
- easy
- easily
- asancu
- become easy
- asangi
- make easy
- asanxey
- convenience
- asanya
- ease
- asel
- origin, source
- originate
- aselli
- original (first, initial), native
- originally, natively
- aselpul
- original
- originally
- asfalto
- asphalt
- Asia
- Asia
- Asiali
- Asian
- Asiayen
- Asian
- asif
- regret
- regret, be sorry (about)
- sorry
- asifpul
- regretful
- regretfully
- asifpulya
- regretfulness
- askeri
- army, infantry, troop
- askerilari
- infantry
- askeritim
- army
- askeriyen
- soldier
- asman
- sky
- asmankolordo
- sky blue
- asmansim
- sky blue
- asosya
- association
- associate
- asosyado
- associated
- asosyatim
- association
- asosyayen
- associate
- Asperger
- Asperger (name)
- aspini
- pin
- astama
- asthma
- astamakrisis
- asthma attack
- astamali
- asthmatic (relating to asthma)
- astamayen
- asthmatic (one who suffers from asthma)
- astatin
- astatine, At
- asteroyde
- asteroid
- astrato
- abstract
- abstractly
- astratoxey
- abstraction (count noun)
- astratoya
- abstraction (non-count noun), abstractness
- asuransu
- insurance
- insure
- asuransuli kontrata
- insurance policy
- ata
- coming
- come
- atake
- attack
- attack, charge
- atakefil
- aggressive
- aggressively
- atakeyen
- attacker
- atex
- fire
- burn (be on fire, be consumed by fire, destroy with fire), light (with fire)
- atexdom
- fireplace
- atexmon
- flame
- atinyum
- actinium, Ac
- ativo
- active, on
- actively
- ativocu
- become active
- ativogi
- activation
- activate, turn on, switch on, power on
- ativoje
- activity (degree of)
- ativoya
- activity (noncount), activeness
- Atlantiko
- Atlantic (Ocean)
- atleti
- athletics
- atletifil
- athletic (tending towards athletics)
- atletili
- athletic (relating to athletics)
- atletiyen
- athlete
- atmosfer
- atmosphere
- ato
- act, performance
- act, play a role
- atolo
- atoll
- atomu
- atom
- atomubomba
- atom bomb, atomic bomb
- atomuli
- atomic
- atomically
- atopupe
- puppet, marionette
- atoya
- acting
- atoyen
- actor, actress
- atre
- parent
- parent
- atrebasa
- native language
- atredexa
- mother land
- atreli
- parental, parenting
- parentally
- atreya
- parenthood, paternity
- aventur
- adventure
- venture
- aventurfil
- adventurous
- avokato
- avocado
- aw-
- away
- awajela
- hurry away, hurry off
- awbujo
- kidnapping
- kidnap, carry off, run away with
- awcu
- disappearance
- disappear
- awcudo
- disappeared
- awcudu
- deprivation
- take away, deprive (of)
- awcudunenible
- unalienable
- unalienably
- awdio
- audio
- awfe
- away from, off
- awfley
- fly away
- awglu
- drink up
- awgutonente
- analgesic, analgaesic, painkiller, pain reliever
- awidi
- leave, go away, depart
- awizin
- relinquish, yield, give up, surrender
- awjeti
- elimination, deletion
- throw out, throw away, eliminate, delete, discard
- awjuicu
- distraction
- get distracted, become distracted
- awjuigi
- distraction
- distract
- awmafu
- pardon, let off the hook
- awmotsu
- erase
- awmotsutul
- eraser
- awnormali
- abnormal
- abnormally
- awof
- away from, off
- awpawbu
- run away, flee
- awpel
- drive away, repel
- awresta
- abandonment
- abandon
- awsen
- absence
- be absent, be away
- awsenjenmin
- alibi
- awsenli
- absent, away, gone
- awsenne
- absent, away, gone
- Awstrali
- Australia
- Awstralia
- Australia (continent), Sahul
- Awstralili
- Australian
- Awstraliyen
- Australian
- awtenti
- authentic, genuine
- authentically, genuinely
- awtentigi
- authentication, certification, verification
- authenticate, certify, verify
- awtentiya
- authenticity
- awti
- autistic
- autistically
- awtiya
- autism
- awtiyen
- autistic person
- awto-
- auto-, automatic, autonomous
- awtoahamible
- self-evident
- awtomati
- automatic
- automatically
- awtomimbay
- self-evident
- awtonom
- autonomous
- autonomously, by itself
- awtonomya
- autonomy
- awtorita
- authority
- authorize
- awtoritafil
- authoritarian
- authoritarianly
- awtoritapul
- authoritative
- authoritatively
- awtoritaya
- authorization
- awyam
- eat up, eat away
- awyao
- biting away
- bite away
- awyongu
- expenditure
- spend, expend
- axam
- evening
- axamli
- evening (of the evening)
- axamyam
- dinner
- eat dinner, have dinner
- axke
- tear (eye)
- tear (up)
- axkegi
- cause (somebody) to tear up, make Isomebody) tear up
- axkekatru
- teardrop
- axkemon
- teardrop
- axolotle
- axolotl, Ambystoma mexicanum
- ay
- ouch, ah (denotes pain or fear)
- aya
- letter a, ace
- ayay
- scream (in pain or fear)
- scream, yell
- ayaygi
- cause (somebody) to scream (in pain or fear), make (somebody) scream (in pain or fear)
- aybu
- caress, stroke, pet
- caress, stroke, pet
- aybudo
- caressed, stroked, petted
- ayna
- mirror
- mirror, reflect
- aynaya
- reflection (of light)
- aynestaynyum
- einsteinium, Es
- ayse
- ice
- aysebarix
- hail
- hail
- ayseeskeyti
- ice skating
- ice skate
- aysejabal
- iceberg
- aysekrimu
- ice cream
- aysemon
- piece of ice
- aysepul
- icy
- Azerbayjan
- Azerbaijan
- Azerbayjanli
- Azerbaijani
- Azerbayjansa
- Azerbaijani (language), Azeri (language), Azeri Turkic
- Azerbayjanyen
- Azerbaijani (person), Azeri (person)
- azizu
- dear
- dearly
- azizuyen
- darling, beloved
- Babilon
- Babylon, Babylonia, Babel
- babun
- baboon, Papio
- babur
- tiger, Panthera tigris
- bacelor
- bachelor (graduate)
- bacelorya
- bachelor's degree, baccalaureate
- bacilus
- bacillus
- badam
- almond
- badammilko
- almond milk
- badminton
- badminton
- Bafin
- Baffin
- bagala
- mule, Equus mulus
- bage
- artificially divided: part, portion, piece, section
- cut (up), portion, allocate
- bageli
- (in) part
- bagor
- fence
- fence
- Bahama
- the Bahamas
- Bahamayen
- Bahamian (person)
- bahari
- sea, ocean
- Bahari Antartiko
- Antarctic Ocean
- Bahari Artiko
- Arctic Ocean, (the) Arctic
- Bahari Atlantiko
- Atlantic Ocean, (the) Atlantic
- Bahari Hindiko
- Indian Ocean, Indic Ocean
- Bahari Pacifiko
- Pacific Ocean, (the) Pacific
- bahariestare
- starfish, sea-star, Asteroidea
- baharikacupa
- sea turtle, marine turtle, Chelonioidea
- baharili
- maritime, oceanic
- baharilogi
- oceanography
- bahariyen
- sailor
- Bahayi
- Bahá’í, Baha'i
- Bahrayn
- Bahrain
- Bahraynyen
- Bahraini (person)
- baji
- badge, insignia
- bakalao
- cod, Gadus
- bakugamon
- backgammon
- bakxixi
- tip, gratuity
- (give a) tip
- bala
- strong
- strongly
- balacu
- strengthen, become strong
- balagi
- strengthen, make strong
- balaje
- (degree of) strength
- balangu
- grasshopper, locust, Caelifera, Acridomorpha
- balaxey
- (a) strength
- balaya
- strength
- balde
- bucket
- Balear
- Balear
- balem
- spear, lance
- balena
- whale, Cetacea
- baleto
- ballet
- baletoyen
- ballet dancer, ballerina
- balgam
- phlegm
- baligu
- adult, grown-up
- balkon
- balcony
- balon
- balloon
- balonnavi
- blimp, airship
- balsam
- balsam, balm
- Baltiko
- Baltic
- baluta
- oak, Quercus
- balutajozi
- acorn
- bambu
- bamboo
- bamya
- okra
- ban
- some, certain
- banana
- banana, dick (penis, vulgar)
- bananadrevo
- banana tree
- Banda
- Banda
- bandekutu
- bandicoot
- bandera
- flag, banner
- banete
- some of them
- Bangla
- Bengal (region)
- Bangladexa
- Bangladesh
- Banglali
- Bengali
- Banglasa
- Bengali (language)
- Banglayen
- Bengali
- bangura
- fragile, delicate, brittle, frail, tender
- banguraya
- fragility, delicateness, brittleness, frailty, tenderness
- banka
- jar, can, tin
- bankabukatul
- can opener
- banko
- bank
- bankofil
- frugal, thrifty
- bankomaxina
- bankoyen
- banker
- bankwanti
- some amount (of), some quantify (of), some, a bit (of)
- banloka
- somewhere
- banmaner
- somehow, by a certain manner, by some manner, in a certain manner, in some manner
- banmo
- to some degree, to a certain degree, somewhat, (a) bit, (a) little bit
- bannumer
- some number (of), a certain number (of), some, several, various, (a) few
- banoto
- some things
- banpul
- some kind (of), a certain kind (of), in some way, in a certain way
- banseba
- for some reason, for a certain reason
- bansu
- somebody's, someone's
- bante
- somebody, someone
- banto
- something
- banwatu
- sometime (in the past or future), once upon a time, at some point (in time), eventually
- banyo
- bath
- bathe
- banyokamer
- bathroom
- banyokumax
- towel
- bao
- bag
- baraka
- blessing
- bless
- barakado
- blessed
- barakuda
- barracuda, Sphyraena
- Barati
- India
- Baratili
- Indian
- Baratiyen
- Indian
- Barbado
- Barbados
- Barbadoyen
- Barbadian (person), Bajan (person)
- Barbara
- Barbara
- barbari
- barbaric, barbarian, barbarous
- barbarically
- barbarixey
- barbarism (count noun)
- barbariya
- barbarism (noncount noun)
- barbariyen
- barbarian
- barbekyu
- barbecue, grill
- barbecue, grill
- bardi
- cold
- be cold, chill, make cold, cool (down)
- bardimosem
- winter
- bardipul
- cold
- barditora
- refrigerator, fridge
- Barentse
- Barentz
- barinjen
- eggplant, aubergine, brinjal
- barix
- rain
- rain
- barixababil
- swift, Apodidae
- barixkalya
- drought
- barixkatru
- raindrop
- barixmon
- raindrop
- barixsokutu
- rainfall
- barku
- lightning
- barone
- baron, baroness
- Bartolome
- Bartholomew
- baru
- bear, Ursidae
- baryum
- barium, Ba
- basa
- language
- communicate via language
- basafilyen
- language enthusiast, language lover, linguaphile
- basali
- linguistic
- linguistically
- basalogi
- linguistics
- basalogili
- linguistic
- linguistically
- basalogiyen
- linguist
- basalto
- basalt
- basatayti
- translation, interpretation
- translate, interpret
- basataytiyen
- translator, interpretor
- basaxube
- dialect
- basi
- basis, base, foundation
- base, is based
- basibol
- baseball
- basido
- based
- basidom
- base
- basieskol
- elementary school, primary school, grade school
- basikal
- baseless
- baselessly, without base
- basili
- basic, fundamental
- basically, fundamentally
- basketo
- basket
- basketobol
- basketball
- bason
- bassoon
- bateri
- bacteria
- batiza
- baptism
- baptise, baptize
- batizaatre
- godparent
- batizali
- baptismal
- batizamatre
- godmother
- batizapatre
- godfather
- bawe
- defense
- defend
- bawedom
- fortress, fort
- bawekal
- defenseless, defenceless, vulnerable
- defenselessly, vulnerably
- bawlu
- violence
- be violent, cause to be violent, make violent
- bawlukrasi
- tyranny
- bawlukrasiyen
- tyrant
- bawlupul
- violent
- violently
- bax
- under, beneath, below
- bax-
- under-, sub-, vice-
- bax asman
- outdoors, in the open air, open-air
- baxasmanli
- outdoor, open-air
- baxbaharili
- underwater, submarine
- baxcu
- get underneath, go underneath
- baxdom
- basement
- baxexikili
- subliminal
- subliminally
- baxgeoli
- subterranean, underground
- baxgi
- put under
- baxixu
- teen, teenager, adolescent (underage)
- baxjungwi
- ensign, second lieutenant
- baxli
- lower, underlying
- baxoreitis
- mumps, parotits
- baxplasi
- subject
- baxpresidiyen
- vice president
- baxtexto
- subtitle, caption, closed caption
- baxwoju
- support (from below)
- baxya
- underneath
- be under, be underneath
- baxyen
- subordinate
- bayoneta
- bayonet
- bayti
- byte
- baytu
- house
- bazar
- market, bazaar
- bazu
- hawk, Accipitridae
- be-
- passive voice marker
- beadopsiyen
- adopted child
- beadresuyen
- addressee
- bearestoyen
- arrestee
- beasuransuyen
- insured party
- bebatizayen
- baptizand
- bebe
- baby, child (informal for daughter, son)
- bebinanyen
- refugee
- befaydayen
- beneficiary
- befobi
- fear, be afraid (of)
- befobido
- feared
- befobifil
- fear-prone
- befuraha
- enjoy
- begoyonyen
- employee
- beharemusi
- indispensable
- indispensablely
- behemot
- behemoth
- beinteresyen
- interested person
- beinterviuyen
- interviewee
- bekir
- virgin
- bekiryen
- virgin
- bekoneyen
- acquaintance
- bekreayen
- creature
- belaka
- raft
- Belarus
- Belarus
- Belarussa
- Belarusian (language)
- Belaw
- Palau
- Belgi
- Belgium
- Belgili
- Belgian
- Belgiyen
- Belgian
- Belinshawsen
- Bellingshausen
- Belize
- Belize
- Belizeyen
- Belizean (person)
- belo
- hair, fur
- belomon
- single hair, strand of hair, strand of fur
- belopul
- hairy, furry
- beltu
- belt
- belu
- bel (unit)
- belubiyen
- loved one
- Belzebul
- Beelzebub
- bembi
- constipation
- constipate, get constipated
- bembido
- constipated
- bemedisyen
- patient
- bendaji
- bandage, dressing
- bandage, dress
- bendu
- tape, band, strip, strap, ribbon
- benge
- excuse, pretext, justification
- make excuses (for), excuse, justify (oneself)
- Benin
- Benin
- Beninyen
- Beninese (person)
- benji
- essence (intrinsic quality)
- benjilexi
- noun, verb, noun-verb word
- benjili
- essential, inherent
- essentially, inherently
- benjunfo
- dialectics, dialectic
- benjunfoli
- dialectical
- benki
- bench
- benti
- calf (anatomy)
- Benyamin
- Benjamin
- benzol
- benzene, benzole
- beokomusi
- must-see
- beri
- berry
- berilyum
- beryllium, Be
- Bering
- Bering
- berkelyum
- berkelium, Bk
- bete
- daughter, son, child, children
- betekal
- childless
- beton
- concrete (material)
- betula
- birch (tree)
- bexikaryen
- game, prey
- bexin
- jury
- bexorfobi
- get scared (of)
- beygel
- bagel
- beykon
- bacon
- beyongukal
- useless
- beyongupul
- useful
- usefully
- beze
- bee, Anthophila
- bezedom
- apiary
- bezekaxa
- beehive
- bezelari
- swarm of bees
- bezeyen
- beekeeper
- biber
- beaver, Castor
- bibi
- honk
- honk
- Bibli
- (the) Bible
- bideti
- bidet
- bidzu
- bead
- bija
- seed
- sow
- bijamosem
- spring
- bikini
- bikini
- bildircin
- quail
- bilyardi
- billiards, pool, cue sport
- bimar
- sick, ill
- bimarcu
- get sick, fall ill
- bimarfil
- sickly
- bimargi
- sicken, make sick, make ill
- bimarya
- illness, disease
- bimaryen
- patient, sick person
- bimaryendom
- hospital
- binan
- refuge, shelter
- give refuge, shelter
- binandom
- asylum, refuge
- binde
- binding
- tie, bind, fasten (together)
- bindetul
- buckle
- bingo
- bingo
- bio
- life (organisms)
- biodoyanya
- biodiversity
- biokimika
- biochemistry
- bioli
- organic, biological
- organically, biologically
- biologi
- biology
- biologiyen
- biologist
- biomekanilogi
- biomechanics
- biotekno
- biotechnology
- bioyen
- life form, living organism, being
- bira
- beer
- biradom
- bar, pub, tavern
- brewery
- biradomyen
- bartender
- birke
- pool, puddle
- pool
- bisagra
- hinge
- biskiti
- cookie, biscuit
- biskopo
- bishop
- bismuto
- bismuth, Bi
- bisnes
- business
- bisnesyen
- businessman, businesswoman
- bison
- bison
- bistar
- bed
- bisteki
- steak, beefsteak
- bisu
- compulsory, mandatory, indispensable, essential, which must be done, which must happen
- biti
- bit (unit of information)
- bitu
- beet
- bla
- chat
- chat
- bladom
- chat room
- blakjaku
- blackjack
- bleydo
- (knife) blade
- blogu
- blog
- blog
- bloki
- blocking, obstruction, prevention
- block, obstruct, prevent, avoid
- blokido
- blocked, obstructed, prevented, avoided
- blokiible
- blockable, avoidable, preventable
- blockably, avoidably, preventably
- blokinenible
- unblockable, unavoidable, unpreventable, inevitable
- unblockably, unavoidably, unpreventably, inevitably
- blue
- blue
- bluebalena
- blue whale, Balaenoptera musculus
- blueberi
- blueberry
- blueya
- blueness, blue color, color blue
- blusa
- blouse
- bobo
- dumb, stupid, foolish
- dumbly, stupidly, foolishly
- boboya
- stupidity
- boboyen
- idiot
- bocan
- compensation
- compensate
- bocando
- compensated
- bocanli
- compensatory
- compensatorily
- bodon
- riot, tumult
- riot
- bodonfil
- riotous, tumultous, turbulent
- bodontim
- mob, rabble
- bodonyen
- rioter
- Bofort
- Beaufort
- bofun
- storm
- bofunpul
- stormy
- bohay
- persecution
- persecute
- boksi
- boxing
- box (combat sport)
- boksiyen
- boxer, pugilist
- bol
- ball, testicle (sexualized)
- boleto
- porcini, cep, Boletus
- Bolivi
- Bolivia
- boloku
- block (approximately cuboid or rectangular object or group), bloc
- bomba
- bomb
- bomb
- bombaya
- bombing
- bon
- good, well, fine, positive
- well, positively
- bon-
- good, eu-
- bon jiwa
- goodbye (expecting long absence or separation)
- bon noce
- good night
- bon turi
- bon voyage
- bon xanse
- (good) luck
- bonata
- welcome
- be welcome
- welcome
- bonatagi
- welcome
- bonaxam
- good evening
- boncu
- become good, get good
- bondin
- good day
- bongeniismo
- eugenics
- bongi
- make good
- bongibe
- donation
- donate
- bonglu
- toast
- (drink a) toast
- cheers
- bonhifazi
- maintentance, upkeep
- maintain
- boninsanli
- humane
- humanely
- boninsansim
- humane
- humanely
- bonjiwa
- welfare
- live well, be well
- greetings (after long absence or separation)
- bonjotay
- well-being
- bonkonedo
- familiar
- familiarly
- bonlexi
- euphemism
- bonmorcu
- euthanasia
- bonnuru
- good day
- bonobo
- bonobo, Pan paniscus
- bonsoba
- good morning
- bonus
- bonus
- bonxansepul
- fortunate, lucky
- fortunately, luckily
- bonya
- goodness
- bonyam
- bon appetit
- bonyen
- good person, good guy
- Boro
- Boro, Bodo (ethnolinguistic group in India)
- boron
- boron, B
- Borosa
- Boro, Bodo (language)
- Boroyen
- Boro, Bodo (person)
- borsuke
- badger
- bortokal
- orange (fruit)
- bortokaljusu
- orange juice
- bortokalsui
- orangeade
- boryum
- bohrium, Bh
- Bosna ji Hertsegovina
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- bota
- boot
- botela
- bottle
- Botswana
- Botswana
- bowlin
- bowling
- bowl
- bowlinbol
- bowling ball
- bowlinyen
- bowler
- boya
- buoy
- boykoti
- boycott
- boycott
- boykotido
- boycotted
- boyle
- boil
- boil
- boyledo
- boiled
- boyledo ovo
- boiled egg
- boylene
- boiling
- boyletora
- boiler
- boyletul
- kettle
- bozi
- goat, Capra hircus
- bozisa
- bleat
- brandi
- brandy
- brawa
- swamp, marsh
- brawse
- browse (the web)
- brawsetul
- browser
- brayle
- braille
- Brazavilkongo
- Republic of the Congo
- Brazil
- Brazil
- Brazilli
- Brazilian
- Brazilyen
- Brazilian
- Brendan
- Brendan
- bretzel
- pretzel
- breyki
- brake(s)
- brake
- brila
- shine
- shine
- brilameli
- resplendent, shiny
- resplendently
- brilapul
- shiny, brilliant
- brilliantly
- Briti
- United Kingdom, UK, Britain
- Britili
- British
- Britiyen
- Brit
- broda
- beard
- brokoli
- broccoli
- bromin
- bromine, Br
- bronki
- bronchus, bronchial tube
- bronze
- bronze
- bronzeli
- (made of) bronze
- broxa
- brush
- brush
- Brunay
- Brunei
- bruno
- brown
- brunoya
- browness, brown color, color brown
- bubu
- butt (informal)
- bucun
- supplement
- supplement
- bucunli
- supplementary
- supplementarily
- bucunne
- supplemental
- supplementally
- Buda
- Buddha
- Budaismo
- Buddhism
- Budaista
- Buddhist
- Budu
- Mercury (planet)
- bududin
- Wednesday
- bufeti
- buffet
- buhar
- steam, vapor
- steam
- buhardo
- steamed
- buharkoki
- steaming
- steam
- bujeto
- budget
- budget
- bujo
- capture, catch
- capture, catch
- bujodo
- captured, caught
- bujotul
- trap
- buka
- opening
- open
- bukado
- open
- openly
- bukaxey
- (an) opening
- bulbula
- bubble
- bubble
- bulbulu
- nightingale, Luscinia
- bulevar
- boulevard
- Bulgari
- Bulgaria
- Bulgarisa
- Bulgarian (language)
- Bulgariyen
- Bulgarian (person)
- bulyon
- broth, bouillon, stock
- bum
- explosion, blast
- explode
- boom
- bumabil
- explosive, able to explode
- explosively
- bumabilxey
- explosive
- bumbi
- secretion
- secrete
- bumeran
- boomerang
- bumfil
- explosive (tending to explode)
- explosively
- bumgi
- detonation
- detonate
- bumgitul
- detonator
- bune
- beech (tree), beechwood, Fagus
- bunhway
- collapse
- collapse
- bunhwaydo
- collapsed
- bunman
- grudge, resentment, indignation, rancor, bitterness
- resent, hold a grudge (against)
- bunmanpul
- resentful, rancorous, bitter
- resentfully, rancorously, bitterly
- bur
- bad, evil, negative
- badly, evilly, negatively
- bur-
- bad
- burbaytu
- hovel
- burbla
- chatter
- burcu
- become bad, get bad
- burdava
- narcotic
- burdoyday
- abuse, mistreat
- burdoydaydo
- abused, mistreated
- burdoydayfil
- abusive
- abusively
- burdoydayne
- abusive
- abusively
- burfahuri
- arrogant
- arrogantly
- burfahuriya
- arrogance
- burfil
- addicted
- burfilya
- addiction
- burgi
- make bad
- burhazam
- indigestion
- burikaw
- addiction
- be addicted (to)
- burikawne
- addicted
- burinforme
- disinformation
- disinform
- burinsanli
- inhuman, inhumane
- inhumanely
- burinsansim
- inhuman, inhumane
- inhumanely
- burito
- burrito
- burjumun
- curse, hex
- Burkina
- Burkina Faso
- burlabas
- rag(s)
- burlexi
- swearword, expletive
- swear, curse
- burmobil
- jalopy, junker, banger, bucket of bolts, lemon, clunker
- burnasacu
- stink, stench, reek
- burnini
- brat
- burpala
- babble
- burplanta
- weed
- burroya
- nightmare
- have a nightmare, have nightmares
- bursolo
- lonely, lonesome
- bursoti
- noise
- burtrafiko
- gridlock, traffic jam
- burtyan
- stain, blemish
- burxanse
- bad luck
- burxansepul
- unfortunate
- unfortunately
- burxohra
- infamy
- burxohrapul
- infamous
- burya
- evil, badness
- buryen
- villain, bad person, bad guy
- bus
- bus
- busardo
- buzzard, Buteo
- busdom
- (bus) station
- busula
- compass
- buter
- butter
- butter
- buterpul
- buttery
- butersim
- buttery
- buton
- button
- button
- Buve
- Bouvet (Island)
- buzaku
- saliva
- salivate
- buzakugi
- cause (somebody) to salivate, make (somebody) salivate
- bwaw
- dog, Canidae
- bwawdom
- dog kennel, doghouse
- bwawsa
- bark
- byen
- edge
- byuro
- bureau, agency
- byuroyen
- agent
- cabuke
- whip
- whip
- Cadi
- Chad
- Cadili
- Chadian
- Cadiyen
- Chadian
- cakal
- jackal
- cakare
- vertigo, dizziness
- cakarepul
- dizzy
- cakix
- hammer
- hammer
- cakmake
- flint, flintstone
- caku
- chalk
- cakutahta
- chalkboard, blackboard
- calun
- wheel
- caluneskeyti
- roller skating
- roller skate
- calunkursi
- wheel chair
- calyo
- vehicle
- calyoli
- vehicular
- vehicularly
- cambay
- pale, palid
- cambaycu
- become pale, got pale, become pallid, get pallid
- cambaygi
- make pale, make pallid
- cambayya
- paleness
- canal
- channel, canal
- candru
- moon
- cane
- comb
- comb
- canedo
- combed
- canfen
- ingredient
- canterel
- chanterelle, girolle, Cantharellus
- care
- four
- carecen
- four hundred
- caredes
- forty
- caredesyum
- fortieth
- caregon
- quadrilateral
- carehedro
- tetrahedron
- careple
- quadruple, fourfold
- careyum
- fourth
- carme
- charm, enchantment
- charm, enchant, feel charmed, feel enchanted
- carmedo
- charmed, enchanted
- carmene
- charming, enchanting
- charmingly
- carmepul
- charming, enchanting
- charmingly
- cati
- chest (anatomy)
- catimaso
- breast (meat)
- catioretul
- stethoscope
- cawdar
- rye, Secale
- cay
- tea
- cebula
- onion
- cebulapul
- oniony
- cebulasim
- oniony
- ceke
- (bank) check, cheque
- cel
- to, for (denotes destination/goal, intention to attain)
- -wards
- cel-
- to
- cel bax
- under (“under to”)
- cel comen
- aside, to the side
- cel ex
- out (“out to”)
- cel fronta
- forward, forwards, ahead
- cel in
- into
- cel infer
- down
- cel infracengu
- downstairs
- cel kapi
- to the top
- cel na
- in order to
- cel peda
- to the bottom
- cel per
- onto
- cel ruke
- backward, backwards
- cel super
- up
- cel supracengu
- upstairs
- cele
- goal, target, purpose, end
- aim (at), target
- celeloka
- destination
- celidi
- access, reach, attain
- celidiible
- reachable, attainable, accessible
- attainably, accessibly
- celki
- so that, in order for
- celul
- cell (biology)
- celulli
- cellular
- celvoka
- invoke, call forth
- celvokaible
- invocable, which may be invoked
- invocably
- cemento
- cement
- cen
- (one) hundred
- cengon
- hectogon, hecatontagon, 100-gon
- cengu
- layer, floor, storey, level
- cengubistar
- bunk bed
- cennyan
- century
- cenple
- centuple, hundredfold
- censora
- censorship
- censor
- censorado
- censored
- censorayen
- censor
- censu
- mature, ripe
- maturely
- censucu
- (become) mature, rippen, become ripe
- censugi
- (make) mature, rippen, make ripe
- censuya
- maturity
- centi
- 10^-2, one hundredth of, percent of
- centimetro
- centimeter, centimetre
- centixey
- cent
- centro
- center, centre
- center, centre
- Centroafrika
- Central African Republic
- centrodo
- centered, centred
- centroli
- central
- centrally
- centrolungoje
- diameter, diametre
- cenyum
- hundredth
- ceramika
- ceramic (material)
- ceramikaarte
- ceramics
- ceramikali
- ceramic
- ceramikaxey
- ceramic (object)
- ceri
- cherry, ball (testicle, vulgar)
- Cernagora
- Montenegro
- Cernagorali
- Montenegrin
- Cernagorasa
- Montenegrin (language)
- Cernagorayen
- Montenegrin (person)
- ceryum
- cerium, Ce
- Cesar
- Caesar
- Ceski
- Czech Republic, Czechia
- Ceskili
- Czech
- Ceskisa
- Czech (language)
- Ceskiyen
- Czech
- cesyum
- cesium, caesium, Cs
- Cewta ji Melila
- Ceuta and Melilla
- ci
- denotes endearment or affection
- cibo
- fat
- cibokal
- lean
- cibopul
- fat
- cibopulgi
- fatten, make fat
- cidra
- cider, apple wine
- cidrasurka
- apple cider vinegar
- cihe
- scream, yell, cry
- cihene
- screaming, yelling
- Cile
- Chile
- Cileli
- Chilean
- Cileyen
- Chilean
- cilindro
- cylinder
- cilindroli
- cylindrical
- cimpanze
- chimpanzee, Pan troglodytes
- cincila
- chinchilla
- cindan
- diagnosis
- diagnose
- cindando
- diagnosed
- cindanli
- diagnostic
- cine
- chin
- cinju
- pearl
- cinjuli gardanbendu
- pearl necklace
- cinon
- intelligence
- be intelligent, cause to be intelligent, make intelligent
- cinonkal
- stupid
- cinonkalya
- stupidity
- cinonpul
- intelligent, smart
- intelligently, smartly
- cipen
- deception, deceit
- deceive, cheat (on somebody)
- cipenkal
- honest, sincere, frank
- honestly, sincerely, frankly
- cipenkalya
- honesty, sincerity
- cipenpul
- dishonest
- dishonestly
- cipenpulya
- dishonesty
- cipresu
- cypress, Cupressaceae
- cipsu
- chip(s), crisp(s)
- Ciril
- Cyril
- cirkito
- circuit
- cirkus
- circus
- ciru
- tear, rip, rend
- tear, rip, rend
- cirudo
- torn, ripped
- cis
- on this side of
- ciscu
- get on this side of, come to this side of
- cisgi
- put on this side of, bring on this side of
- cisjensili
- cisgender
- cisli
- of this side, cisgender
- cisya
- this side
- be on this side (of)
- cita
- cheetah, Acinonyx
- civil
- civil (non-miliatry, non-religious)
- civilly
- civilyen
- civilian
- cocanga
- sandpiper, woodcock, curlew, snipe, Scolopacidae
- cokolate
- chocolate
- cokolateli
- (of) chocolate
- colo
- ugly
- uglily
- colo-
- ugly
- coloeskri
- scribble, scrawl
- colosoti
- noise
- coloya
- ugliness
- comen
- side, aspect
- comenli
- side, lateral
- conce
- beak
- cori
- theft, larceny
- steal
- corido
- stolen
- corifil
- kleptomaniacal, thieving, larcenous
- corifilyen
- kleptomaniac
- coriyen
- thief
- cosan
- praise, compliment, admiration
- praise, compliment, admire
- cosando
- praised, complimented, admired
- cosanlaye
- commendable, laudable, praiseworthy, admirable
- commendably, laudably, admirably
- cosanyen
- flatterer, admirer
- cote
- short, low
- cotebahari
- low tide
- cotecu
- become short, get short
- cotegi
- shorten, make short
- coteya
- shortness
- coteyen
- short person
- coxo
- mockery, ridicule, derision
- mock, ridicule, deride, scoff (at), sneer (at), make fun (of)
- coxodo
- mocked, derided, ridiculed
- coxone
- mocking, sneering, deriding
- mockingly, sneeringly, deridingly
- cucu
- nipple
- cudu
- acquisition, gain, taking, grab
- obtain, acquire, take, get, gain, grab
- cududo
- obtained, acquired, taken, gained, grabbed
- cuduible
- available, obtainable
- availably, obtainably
- cuduyen
- taker, acquirer
- cufam
- offense
- offend
- cufamdo
- offended
- cufamfil
- offensive
- offensively
- cufampul
- offensive
- offensively
- cugaku
- antenna (biology), feeler
- cuki
- cycle
- cycle
- cukili
- cyclical
- cyclically
- Cukotka
- Chukchi
- cundotu
- collision
- collide, impact, crash
- cungi
- loyal, faithful, devoted
- loyally, faithfully, devotedly
- cungiya
- loyalty, faithfulness, devotion
- Cungwo
- China
- cungwodama
- Chinese checkers
- Cungwoli
- Chinese
- Cungwoyen
- Chinese
- curuko
- bruise, contusion
- bruise
- curukodo
- bruised
- cuyo
- main, primary, principal, chief
- mainly, primarily, chiefly, largely
- cuyoanjilyen
- archangel
- cuyoato
- star (acting), be starring
- cuyoato fal
- starring
- cuyoatoyen
- star (actor), protagonist
- cuyodolo
- main street
- cuyoxaher
- capital (city)
- cuyoyam
- main course, main dish
- cuyoyawxe
- master key
- cwenton
- tradition
- cwentonli
- traditional
- traditionally
- cyan
- cyan
- cyanya
- cyan color, color cyan
- da
- (relative pronoun) he, she, it, they
- dabihu
- sacrifice, offering
- sacrifice
- Dabihudin
- Eid al-Adha, Feast of Sacrifice
- dabihudo
- sacrificed
- dabihuli
- sacrificial
- sacrificially
- dadal
- achievement, accomplishment
- reach, achieve, accomplish
- dadaldo
- accomplished, achieved, reached
- dadalible
- attainable, achievable, accessible
- achievably, accessibly
- dadu
- die, dice
- daftari
- notebook, register
- dahabu
- gold, Au
- dahabukolordo
- gold, golden (color)
- dahabuli
- golden, (of) gold
- dahabusim
- golden
- dahun
- leaf, sheet
- dahunkabiji
- kale
- dahunxirani
- aphid, plant louse, Aphidoidea
- daif
- weak
- weakly
- daifcu
- weaken, become weak, get weak
- daifgi
- weaken, make weak
- daifxey
- (a) weakness
- daifya
- weakness
- daju
- approximate, rough
- around, approximately, about, roughly
- dajuya
- approximation, estimate
- approximate, estimate
- dakwa
- lawsuit
- sue, file a lawsuit, prosecute, indict
- dakwado
- sued, prosecuted, indicted
- dakwayen
- prosecutor
- dalu
- shield
- shield
- dalutul
- shield
- dama
- checkers, draughts
- dambi
- sin
- sin
- dambipul
- sinful
- sinfully
- dambiyen
- sinner
- dambo
- thin, slim, slender, lean, skinny
- dambocu
- become thin, get thin, become slim, get slim, become slender, get slender, become lean, get lean
- dambogi
- make thin, make slim, make slender, make lean
- damboya
- thinness, slimness, slenderness, leanness
- damboyen
- thin person
- damu
- blood
- bleed
- damugi
- (cause to) bleed
- damuli burtyan
- bloodstain
- danglan
- (praying) mantis, Mantodea
- Dani
- Denmark
- Danisa
- Danish (language)
- Daniyen
- Dane
- danju
- bile, gall
- danjupangwan
- gallbladder
- danse
- dance
- dance
- dansedom
- dance studio, dance club
- dansegi
- cause (somebody) to dance, make (somebody) dance
- dansegrafi
- choreography
- dansekamer
- ballroom, dance room
- danseyen
- dancer
- dantel
- lace (fabric)
- danyam
- grain, cereal, corn
- Danyel
- Daniel
- dao
- path, way, route
- travel
- daoismo
- Taoism
- daoista
- Taoist
- daone
- traveling
- daoya
- trip, journey
- daoyen
- traveler
- daraje
- degree, grade, level, extent
- darajeli
- gradual
- gradually
- daraki
- crack, fissure, crevice, split, slit, rift, cleft
- crack
- darakido
- cracked
- darbe
- strike, blow
- hit, strike, beat
- darbedo
- struck, beaten
- darcini
- cinnamon
- dardar
- elm, Ulmus
- dari
- digit (finger or toe)
- darmestatyum
- darmstadtium, Ds
- darsu
- lesson, class
- darsukamer
- classroom
- darsulari
- course, class
- data
- datum, data
- datakaxa
- database
- datasayfa
- spreadsheet
- dava
- drug
- drug
- davado
- drugged
- davadukan
- pharmacy, drugstore, chemist
- davafil
- drug-addicted, addicted to drugs
- davafilya
- drug addiction
- davafilyen
- drug addict
- davaikaw
- drug addiction
- davaikawne
- drug-addicted, addicted to drugs
- davaikawyen
- drug addict
- David
- David
- dawara
- millet
- dawla
- state, polity
- Dawn
- Down (name)
- day
- big, large, great, major
- bigly, largely, greatly, majorly
- day-
- big, large, much, loud
- dayajabu
- bizarre
- bizarrely
- dayantru
- large intestine, colon
- dayatex
- blaze
- dayatre
- grandparent
- daybahari
- ocean
- daybala
- mighty
- daybardipul
- freezing
- daybarix
- downpour
- pour, be pouring
- daybawlupul
- brutal
- brutally
- daybaytu
- mansion
- daybeze
- bumblebee, Bombus
- daybon
- excellent, great, awesome, fantastic
- Daybriti
- Great Britain
- daybur
- awful, terrible, evil
- daycinonpul
- brilliant, genius
- daycinonyen
- genius
- daycolo
- hideous
- hideously
- daycoloya
- hideousness
- daycu
- enlarge, become big, get big, become large, get large
- dayday
- huge, enormous, immense, gigantic, hugely, enormously, immensely, gigantically
- daydaymo
- extremely, exceedingly
- daydenkwanti
- so much
- daydenmo
- so, such, how
- daydenmo multi
- so many, so much
- daydennumer
- so many
- daydenpul
- what a, such a
- daydolo
- road, highway, freeway
- daydwer
- gate
- daygadibu
- furious, enraged, livid, seething
- daygadibuya
- fury, rage
- daygeo
- continent
- daygi
- enlarge, make big, make large
- dayhaha
- guffaw
- guffaw, laugh out loud
- dayhazuni
- inconsolable
- inconsolably
- dayhox
- ecstatic, blissful
- ecstatically, blissfully
- dayhoxya
- ecstacy, bliss
- dayible
- probable
- probably, likely
- dayje
- size
- dayjuhudi
- struggle
- struggle, strive
- daykabaca
- pumpkin
- daykanu
- trunk (tree)
- daykarar
- determine, be determined to
- daykargux
- hare, jackrabbit, Lepus
- daykaxoke
- ladle, dipper, scoop
- daykotor
- filthy
- daykotorya
- filth
- daykowa
- might
- daykraw
- raven
- daykwanti
- abundance
- daykwantipul
- abundant, plentiful
- abundantly, plentifully
- daylama
- ancient
- daylil
- tiny
- dayloga
- exclaim, cry (out)
- daylubi
- adoration
- adore
- daylubilaye
- adorable
- adorably
- daymama
- grandma, nanna, nana
- daymatre
- grandmother
- daymaxmo
- much more
- daymeli
- gorgeous
- gorgeously\
- dayminmo
- much less
- daymo
- greatly, very, really, highly
- daymo maxmo
- much more
- daymo minmo
- much less
- daymuhim
- essential, crucial, critical, imperative, gravely important, greatly important, (of) grave importance, (of) great importance
- daynakun
- claw
- daynakunkal
- clawless, achelate
- dayneo
- brand new
- daypala
- yell, shout
- daypamtul
- cannon
- daypanda
- panda, giant panda, panda bear, Ailuropoda
- daypapa
- grandpa, granddad, gramps
- daypatre
- grandfather
- daypawbu
- sprint
- daypeti
- appeal
- beg, beseech, implore, appeal
- daypetra
- boulder
- dayra
- circle
- dayrapul
- circular, round
- daysoksu
- stocking
- daysoti
- noise, loud sound, bang
- daysurprisa
- astonishment
- astonish, feel astonished
- daysurprisane
- astonishing
- daytermopul
- hot, scorching
- dayvento
- gust
- dayvi
- dive (sport)
- dive (jump)
- dayviyen
- diver (athlete)
- daywaone
- phenomenal, astonishing
- phenomenally, astonishingly
- daywatumon
- era, epoch
- dayxaher
- metropolis
- dayxaherli
- metropolitan
- dayxerafu
- glory
- dayya
- bigness, largeness, greatness
- dayyakin
- most certain
- most certainly
- de
- of, belonging (to), (equivalent to) -'s (genitive case)
- debate
- debate
- debate
- debatemon
- argument, point
- argue
- debito
- debit
- debit
- Debora
- Deborah
- deci
- 10^-1, one tenth of
- decibelu
- decibel, dB
- decimetro
- decimeter, decimetre
- deha
- village
- dehayen
- villager
- deklara
- declaration, statement
- declare, state, claim
- deklarado
- declared
- deklaradoku
- declaration (official document), manifesto
- dekora
- decoration, ornament
- decorate
- dekorado
- decorated
- dekorali
- decorative, ornamental
- deleza
- slide, glide, slip
- slide, glide, slip
- deli
- belonging
- deliryum
- delirium
- deliver
- delivery
- deliver
- deliverdo
- delivered
- delta
- delta (letter, geography)
- delusi
- delusion
- delude
- delusido
- deluded
- demo
- (the) public, (a) people, peoples, population
- demoenketa
- census
- demoje
- population (size)
- demokrasi
- democracy
- demokrasili
- democratic
- democratically
- demoli
- public
- publicly
- demomorgi
- genocide
- commit genocide (against)
- demoni
- demon
- demonili
- demonic
- den
- that, those, the
- denete
- those ones
- denim
- denim
- denimli
- denim (made of)
- denkwanti
- that amount of, that quantity of, that much of
- denloka
- there
- denloka hu
- subordinate clause: where, wherever
- denlokali
- local
- locally
- denmaner
- like that, like so, by that manner, in that manner
- denmaner hu
- like, in the way that
- denmo
- as, to that degree, that
- denmo... kom...
- as... as...
- denmo multi
- so many, so much
- dennumer
- that number of, that many
- denoto
- those (things), those ones
- denpul
- like that, like so, (in) that way, thus, such
- denpul kom
- as, such as, like
- denseba
- for that reason
- denseba hu
- subordinate clause: why, how come
- densu
- that one's
- denta
- tooth
- dentabroxa
- toothbrush
- dentadotor
- dentist
- dentakrema
- toothpaste
- dentali
- dental
- dentally
- dentamedis
- dentistry
- dentamedisyen
- dentist
- dente
- that, that one, that being, that person
- dento
- that, that one, that thing
- denwatu
- then (at that time)
- denwatu hu
- subordinate clause: when, whenever
- denya
- identity
- identify
- deodoran
- deodorant
- departamen
- department
- depresi
- depression
- depress, feel depressed
- depresido
- depressed
- des
- ten
- des care
- fourteen
- des dua
- twelve
- des lima
- fifteen
- des nue
- nineteen
- des oco
- eighteen
- des sabe
- seventeen
- des sisa
- sixteen
- des tiga
- thirteen
- des un
- eleven
- desbanyen
- teen, teenager, adolescent (11 to 19)
- descaregon
- tetradecagon, tetrakaidecagon, 14-gon
- descareple
- quattuordecuple, fourteenfold
- descareyum
- fourteenth
- desduagon
- dodecagon, 12-gon
- desduaple
- duodecuple, twelvefold
- desduayum
- twelveth
- deslimagon
- pentadecagon, pentakaidecagon, 15-gon
- deslimaple
- quindecuple, fifteenfold
- deslimayum
- fifteenth
- desnuegon
- enneadecagon, enneakaidecagon, nonadecagon, 19-gon
- desnueple
- novemdecuple, nineteenfold
- desnueyum
- nineteenth
- desnyan
- decade
- desocogon
- octadecagon, octakaidecagon, 18-gon
- desocople
- octodecuple, eighteenfold
- desocoyum
- eighteenth
- desple
- decuple, tenfold
- dessabegon
- heptadecagon, 17-gon
- dessabeple
- septendecuple, seventeenfold
- dessabeyum
- seventeenth
- dessisagon
- hexadecagon, hexakaidecagon, 16-gon
- dessisaple
- sexdecuple, sixteenfold
- dessisayum
- sixteenth
- destigagon
- tridecagon, triskaidecagon, 13-gon
- destigaple
- tredecuple, thirteenfold
- destigayum
- thirteenth
- destrui
- destruction
- destroy
- destruido
- destroyed
- destruifil
- destructive, destructively
- destruiyen
- destroyer
- desungon
- undecagon, hendecagon, endecagon, 11-gon
- desunple
- undecuple, hendecuple, elevenfold
- desunyum
- eleventh
- desyum
- tenth
- detale
- detail
- detail
- detalepul
- intricate, detailed
- intricately
- Devtest
- devtest, devtest0
- devtest
- devtest, devtest1
- devtest
- devtest, devtest2
- dexa
- country
- dexabyen
- border
- dexafil
- patriotic
- patriotically
- dexafilya
- patriotism
- dexafilyen
- patriot
- dexakef
- head of state, prime minister
- dexayen
- citizen
- deya
- (state of) belonging
- belong (to)
- deylyu
- convection
- convect
- deysi
- daisy, Leucanthemum
- di
- (optional) proper noun marker
- digita
- digit
- digitali
- digital
- digitally
- dila
- dill, anet, Anethum graveolens
- dildo
- dildo
- din
- day
- dinamita
- dynamite
- dingya
- definition, determination
- define, determine
- dingyado
- defined, determined
- dingyalexi
- determiner
- dini
- religion
- dinidom
- church, temple
- dinifil
- religious, religiously inclined
- religiously
- dinili
- religious (of or relating to religion)
- dinimisyonli
- missionary
- dinimisyonyen
- missionary
- dinixube
- sect, denomination
- dinkitabu
- diary, journal
- dinosor
- dinosaur, Dinosauria
- diplomasi
- diplomacy
- diplomasiyen
- diplomat
- dis-
- dis-
- disbage
- division, partition
- divide (up), share (out), portion (out)
- disbija
- dissemination
- disseminate
- discu
- dispersion
- disperse, spread, expand
- diseno
- design
- design
- disenodo
- designed
- disenoyen
- designer
- disgi
- dispersion
- disperse, spread, expand
- disgibe
- distribution
- distribute
- disgongin
- issue (supply and distribute)
- dishadya
- share
- disko
- disc, disk
- diskrimina
- discrimination
- discriminate (against)
- diskriminado
- descriminated
- diskusi
- discussion
- discuss
- diskusido
- discussed
- disordenu
- confusion, disorder
- confuse, disorder, disarrange
- disprosyum
- dysprosium, Dy
- dissolusi
- dissolution
- dissolve
- distrito
- district
- ditator
- dictator, autocrat, despot
- ditatorkrasi
- dictatorship, autocracy
- ditatorya
- dictatorship, autocracy
- divar
- wall
- Divehi
- Maldives
- Divehisa
- Dhivehi, Divehi, Maldivian (language)
- dixan
- floor
- doduku
- morality
- dodukuamiru
- commandment
- dodukubon
- righteous
- righteously
- dodukubur
- unrighteous, wicked, vile
- righteously, wickedly, vilely
- dodukukal
- immoral
- immorally
- dodukuli
- moral (of or relating to morality)
- dodukumal
- unrighteous, wicked, vile
- righteously, wickedly, vilely
- dodukupul
- moral
- morally
- dodukusahi
- righteous
- righteously
- Dogra
- Dogra (ethnolinguistic group in India and Pakistan)
- Dograsa
- Dogri (language)
- Dograyen
- Dogra (person)
- doku
- document
- dokujem
- monopoly
- monopolize
- dokujemdo
- monopolized
- dokukaxa
- briefcase
- dokya
- poison, venom
- poison
- dokyado
- poisoned
- dokyapul
- poisonous, toxic
- poisonously, toxically
- dolantan
- wander, err, roam
- dolantanne
- wandering, roaming
- dolantanyen
- wanderer, roamer
- dolar
- dollar
- dolfin
- dolphin
- dolo
- street, road
- dom
- place, site, facility
- domaku
- artery
- domakuli
- arterial
- domeni
- domain, field (of study, knowledge), dimension
- Dominika
- Dominica
- Dominikana
- Dominican Republic
- donatu
- doughnut, donut
- dongu
- east
- donguli
- eastern
- Dongutimor
- East Timor, Timor-Leste
- dongwi
- agreement, accord, deal, consent
- agree (to a suggestion, etc.), consent (to)
- dongwido
- agreed
- dongwigi
- convincing, persuasion
- convince, persuade
- dongwipul
- consensual
- donji
- pupil (anatomy)
- donmen
- alliance
- ally (become allied with)
- donmenyen
- ally
- dopamin
- dopamine
- Dorote
- Dorothy, Dorothea
- dose
- dose, dosage
- dose
- doste
- friend
- doste ci
- buddy, pal
- dostecu
- become friends
- dostefil
- friendly (“friend-prone”)
- dostegi
- befriend
- dostesim
- friendly (“friend-like”)
- dosteya
- friendship
- dotor
- doctor (PhD), physician
- dotorya
- doctorate, PhD
- doxo
- reading
- read
- doxoabil
- literate
- doxoabilya
- literacy
- doxodo
- read
- doxoible
- legible
- legibly
- doxokamer
- reading room
- doxolaye
- worth reading, readworthy
- doxonenabil
- illiterate
- illiterately
- doxonenabilya
- illiteracy
- doxonenible
- illegible
- illegibly
- doxoyen
- reader
- doyan
- diverse, various
- diversely, variously
- doyanya
- diversity, variety
- Doyci
- Germany
- Doycili
- German
- Doycisa
- German (language)
- Doyciyen
- German
- doyday
- treatment
- treat (act or behave in specified manner)
- dragon
- dragon
- dragonfruta
- dragon fruit, pitaya
- drama
- drama
- dramali
- drama (of or relating to), dramatic
- dramapul
- dramatic
- drevo
- tree
- drevogeo
- forest
- drevolari
- forest, woods
- drilu
- drill
- drill, bore
- driludo
- drilled, bored
- dron
- drone
- Druki
- Bhutan
- Drukili
- Bhutanese
- Drukisa
- Dzongkha, Bhutanese (language)
- Drukiyen
- Bhutanese (person)
- drumu
- drum (music)
- drumuyen
- drummer
- du-
- _continuous (aspect), habitual (aspect), gerund_
- dua
- two
- dua-
- bi-
- dua giga
- two billion
- dua kilo
- two thousand
- dua mega
- two million
- dua tera
- two trillion
- duabasali
- bilingual
- bilingually
- duabasayen
- bilingual speaker
- duabioyen
- amphibian
- duacalun
- bicycle
- duacen
- two hundred
- duades
- twenty
- duadesgon
- icosagon, 20-gon
- duadesple
- vigintuple, twentyfold
- duadesyum
- twentieth
- duaglif
- digraph
- duagon
- digon
- duajensifil
- bisexual
- bisexually
- duajensifilya
- bisexuality
- dualabyali
- bilabial
- dualim
- (act of) teaching
- duamwin
- diphthong
- duapedali
- bipedal
- bipedally
- duaple
- double, twofold
- duatyan
- colon (punctuation)
- duaxey
- duo, couple, pair
- duaya
- duality
- duayen
- duo, couple, pair
- duayum
- second
- secondly
- dubnyum
- dubnium, Db
- dubomba
- bombing
- dubroxa
- brushing
- ducakix
- hammering
- ducane
- combing
- ducori
- stealing, thievery
- dudan
- smoke, fume
- smoke
- dudando
- smoked
- dudantubo
- chimney, smokestack, stovepipe
- dudanyen
- smoker
- dudao
- traveling (act of)
- dudaokaxa
- suitcase, luggage
- dudoxo
- reading (act of)
- dudrilu
- drilling (act of)
- dugaga
- stuttering (act of)
- dukan
- store, shop
- duke
- duke, duchess
- dumarali
- occasional
- at times, sometimes, occasionally, on occasion, from time to time, once in a while
- dumbu
- posterior, buttocks, butt, hindquarters, heinie, bottom, pygo-
- dumbumon
- butt cheek
- duna
- dune
- dunerleli
- lately
- Dunya
- Earth
- Dunyayen
- Earthling, world citizen, terrestrial being
- duofcori
- robbing
- dupa
- incense
- dupul
- continuative aspect
- dur
- during, for
- dur-
- during
- dur moywatu
- forever
- dur na
- while (+ -ing)
- dur total
- throughout
- dure
- duration
- last, continue, go on, keep going, carry on
- dureabil
- durable
- durably
- duregi
- continuation
- continue, keep (on)
- durepul
- continuous
- continuously
- durki
- while
- durmomentoli
- momentary
- durwatuli
- temporary
- temporarily
- duryan
- durian
- duxe
- shower
- shower
- duzuka
- ladybug, Coccinellidae
- dwan
- tip, point, end, apex
- dwarfu
- dwarf (mythology)
- dwarfuplaneta
- dwarf planet
- dwer
- door, gate
- dwerfarxu
- doormat
- dwerhantatul
- doorknob
- dyabetes
- diabetes
- dyabol
- devil
- dyabolli
- diabolical
- diabolically
- dyabolsim
- diabolic, diabolical, devilish
- diabolically
- dyer
- late
- late
- dyerya
- lateness, tardiness
- dyeta
- diet
- (follow a) diet
- dyetalogiyen
- dietitian
- dyex
- plate, dish
- dyexmaxina
- dishwasher
- dyodo
- diode
- Dyonisi
- Dionysius, Dennis, Denise
- dyorita
- diorite
- dyuca
- investigation
- investigate
- dyucado
- investigated
- dyucayen
- investigator, detective
- e
- hmm, uh, um
- ebanus
- ebony, Diospyrus
- ebatal
- cancellation, annulment, nullification
- cancel, annul, nullify
- Ebrahem
- Abraham
- Edwardo
- Edward
- efelidi
- freckle
- efeto
- effect, impact
- affect
- efetobon
- effective
- effectively
- egal
- equal, even
- equally, evenly
- egaljacipul
- equivalent
- equivalently
- egalwazen
- balance, equilibrium
- balance
- egalya
- equality
- egalyali
- egalitarian
- egalyayen
- egalitarian
- Egeo
- Aegeus, Aegean
- eger
- if
- eger no
- if not, otherwise
- eger si
- if so
- ehtiram
- respect
- respect
- ehtiramdo
- respected
- ehtiramfil
- respectful
- respectfully
- ejakula
- ejaculation
- ejaculate
- ejakulaxey
- semen, ejaculate
- ekidna
- echidna, Tachyglossidae
- eko-
- eco-
- ekologi
- ecology
- ekonomi
- economy
- ekonomili
- economic
- economically
- ekonomilogi
- economics
- ekonomilogiyen
- economist
- ekosistema
- ecosystem
- ekrin
- screen (TV, phone)
- eksame
- exam, test
- test
- Ekwador
- Ecuador
- Ekwadorli
- Ecuadorian
- Ekwadoryen
- Ecuadorian
- ekwatora
- equator
- Ekwatoragine
- Equatorial Guinea
- ekwatorali
- equatorial
- equatorially
- el
- direct object marker (restricted use)
- elasti
- elastic
- elastically
- elastibendu
- elastic
- elastiya
- elasticity
- elefan
- elephant, Elephantidae
- eleki
- cardamom, elaichi
- eletri
- electricity
- electrify
- eletrigitara
- electric guitar
- eletrili
- electric, electrical
- electrically
- eletrixoku
- (electric) shock, electrocution (not necessarily fatal)
- shock, taze, zap, electrify, electrocute
- eletron
- electron
- eletroni
- electronic
- electronically
- eletroniya
- electronics
- elfu
- elf
- elfuli
- elvish, elven
- elfusim
- elfish, elfin
- Elia
- Elijah, Elea
- Elini
- Greece
- Elinili
- Greek
- Elinisa
- Greek (language)
- Eliniyen
- Greek
- elipse
- ellipse
- elipseli
- elliptical
- elliptically
- Elisabet
- Elizabeth
- elite
- elite
- eliteli
- elite
- em
- hmm, uh, um
- Emanwel
- Emanuel
- emblema
- emblem
- emoji
- emoji
- empati
- empathy
- emu
- emu, Dromaius
- emula
- emulation
- emulate
- enciklopedi
- encyclopedia
- enciklopedili
- encyclopedic
- encyclopedically
- encilada
- enchilada
- energi
- energy
- energize
- energikaxa
- battery
- energipul
- energetic
- energetically
- enfasis
- emphasis, stress, accent (phonology)
- emphasize, stress
- enfasisdo
- emphasized
- enfasispul
- emphatic
- emphatically
- enfeksi
- infection
- infect, get infected
- enfeksido
- infected
- Engli
- England
- Englili
- English
- Englisa
- English (language)
- Engliyen
- Englishman, Englishwoman
- engyan
- nutrition, nourishment
- nourish
- engyankal
- nonnutritious, unhealthy (of no nutritional value)
- engyanpul
- nutritious
- nutritiously
- enketa
- survey, questionnaire, inquiry
- survey, inquire
- ente
- (inanimate) agent
- entona
- intonation, inflection
- intone, inflect
- enzima
- enzyme
- epiko
- epic (poem)
- epikopul
- epic
- epically
- epilepsi
- epilepsy
- epilepsili
- epileptic
- erbyum
- erbium, Er
- ergo
- work, labor, job
- work
- ergodom
- workplace, place of work
- ergofil
- diligent, hard-working
- diligently
- ergofilyen
- workaholic, hard worker
- ergogi
- cause (somebody) to work, put (somebody) to work, make (somebody) work
- ergokal
- unemployed
- ergokalya
- unemployment
- ergomon
- task
- ergotim
- staff, personnel, crew
- ergouncutim
- union, labor union, trade union
- ergoxey
- job, employment, occupation
- ergoyen
- worker, employee
- eringa
- herring
- Eritra
- Eritrea
- ermino
- ermine, stoat
- esey
- essay
- esfer
- sphere
- esferli
- spherical
- esfinter
- sphincter
- esfinxe
- spynx, Sphinx
- eskan
- (digital) scan
- scan
- eskandal
- scandal
- make a scandal
- eskandalpul
- scandalous
- scandalously
- eskandyum
- scandium, Sc
- eskantora
- scanner
- eskarabe
- scarab, Scarabaeidae
- eskaso
- scarce
- barely, scarcely, hardly
- eskasoya
- shortage, scarcity, lack
- eskela
- scale (range of values)
- eskeleto
- skeleton
- eskeyti
- skating
- skate
- eskeytitahta
- skateboard
- eskeytiyen
- skater
- eski
- skiing
- ski
- eskirti
- skirt
- eskiyen
- skier
- eskizofreni
- schizophrenia
- eskizofrenili
- schizophrenic
- schizophrenically
- eskizofreniyen
- schizophrenic (person)
- eskol
- school
- school, educate
- eskoldo
- educated, scholarly, erudite, learned
- eskoldoku
- diploma, degree
- eskolkef
- schoolmaster, principal, rector
- eskolya
- education
- eskolyen
- educator
- eskorbuto
- scurvy
- eskri
- writing
- write
- eskrido
- written
- eskrimesa
- desk
- eskripu
- script
- script
- eskrisistema
- script, writing system
- eskritahta
- whiteboard, blackboard, chalkboard
- eskritul
- writing utensil
- eskriyen
- writer, author
- eskultur
- sculpture
- sculpt
- eskulturdo
- sculpted
- eskulturyen
- sculptor
- eskumri
- mackerel
- eskunku
- skunk, Mephitidae
- eskuter
- scooter
- eskwati
- crouch, squat
- be crouching, be squatting
- eskwatine
- squatting, crouching
- esliper
- slipper
- esloti
- sloth, Folivora
- Eslovaki
- Slovakia
- Eslovakili
- Slovak, Slovakian
- Eslovakisa
- Slovak (language), Slovakian (language)
- Eslovakiyen
- Slovak (person), Slovakian (person)
- Esloveni
- Slovenia
- Eslovenili
- Slovene, Slovenian
- Eslovenisa
- Slovene, Slovenian (language)
- Esloveniyen
- Slovene, Slovenian (person)
- eslovi
- Slavic
- espageti
- spaghetti
- espam
- spam
- spam
- espaner
- wrench, spanner
- Espani
- Spain
- Espanili
- Spanish
- Espanisa
- Spanish (language)
- Espaniyen
- Spaniard
- esparago
- asparagus
- espatul
- spatula
- especifi
- specific, particular
- specifically, particularly
- especifigi
- specify
- espesyal
- special, particular
- especially, particularly
- espetrum
- spectrum, range, gamut
- espinaka
- spinach
- espiral
- spiral, helix
- twist
- esponji
- sponge
- esportu
- sport
- esportuyen
- sportsperson, sportsman, sportswoman
- esprey
- spray
- spray, atomize, nebulize
- espreybotela
- spray bottle
- espreydo
- sprayed
- espringu
- spring (device)
- esprintu
- sprint, dash, rush, spurt, surge
- esprintuyen
- sprinter
- esraru
- insistence, persistence
- insist, persist
- esrarupul
- insistent, persistent, stubborn
- insistently, persistently, stubbornly
- Esrilanka
- Sri Lanka
- Esrilankali
- Sri Lankan
- Esrilankayen
- Sri Lankan
- establi
- establishing
- establish, determine, settle, set up, found
- establido
- established, set
- establixey
- establishment, institution, foundation
- estampe
- stamp, seal
- stamp, seal
- estandar
- standard, default
- standardize
- estandarli
- standard
- estano
- tin, Sn
- estare
- star
- estarefruta
- starfruit, carambola
- estarelari
- asterism, constellation
- estatisti
- statistics
- estatistili
- statistic, statistical
- statistically
- estato
- state, province
- estatokef
- governor
- estatomon
- county
- estatus
- status
- estay
- stance
- stand, be standing
- estayli
- vertical
- vertically
- estayne
- standing
- Estefan
- Stephan, Stephen, Steven
- Ester
- Esther
- esteyple
- staple
- staple
- esteypledo
- stapled
- esteypletul
- stapler
- Esti
- Estonia
- estigma
- stigma
- stigmatize
- estigmado
- stigmatized
- estilo
- style
- estimula
- stimulus, motivation
- stimulate, motivate, feel stimulated, feel motivated
- estimulado
- stimulated, motivated
- Estisa
- Estonian (language)
- Estiyen
- Estonian (person)
- esto
- stop (come or bring to a stop), halt (come or bring to a halt), cease
- estodo
- stopped
- estodom
- (bus) stop
- estoka
- stock, stockage, inventory
- stock
- estomotsufono
- affricate
- estovu
- stove
- estrategi
- strategy
- strategize
- estrategili
- strategic
- strategically
- estrayki
- (labor) strike
- (go on) strike
- estres
- stress
- stress (out), feel stressed
- estresdo
- stressed
- estrimi
- (live)stream (internet)
- stream
- estripe
- strip(tease)
- strip
- estripeyen
- stripper
- estroberi
- strawberry
- estrontyum
- strontium, Sr
- estrutur
- structure
- structure
- estruturdo
- structured
- estruturli
- structural
- estudi
- study
- study
- estudido
- studied
- estudiyen
- student
- estulu
- stool
- Etan
- Ethan
- etatu
- obedience
- obey
- etatudo
- obeyed
- etatufil
- obedient
- obediently
- ete
- they, them (animate, personified objects)
- eter
- ether
- etesu
- their
- etesu ete
- theirs (those beings belonging to those beings)
- etesu oto
- theirs (those things belonging to those beings)
- etesu te
- theirs (that being which belongs to those beings)
- etesu to
- theirs (that thing belonging to those beings)
- etika
- ethics
- etikali
- ethical
- ethically
- etiraf
- confession
- confess, admit
- etirafdo
- confessed, admitted
- etno
- ethnicity, ethnic group
- etnoli
- ethnic
- etnotim
- ethnic group, ethnicity
- Eva
- Eve
- evolu
- evolution, development
- evolve
- evolucudo
- evolved
- evoludo
- developed
- evolugi
- development
- develop
- evoluli teori
- theory of evolution
- ewkalitus
- eucalyptus
- Ewnike
- Eunice
- ewreka
- discovery, find, finding
- discover, find, locate
- ewrekado
- found
- Ewropa
- Europe
- Ewropali
- European
- Ewropayen
- European
- ewropyum
- europium, Eu
- Ewskal
- Basque Country
- Ewskalli
- Basque
- Ewskalsa
- Basque (language)
- Ewskalyen
- Basque (person)
- ex
- out, outside (of)
- ex-
- ex-, extra-, out
- exata
- emergence
- come out, emerge
- exbao
- take out of bag
- exbistar
- get out of bed, get up
- excu
- get out
- exdexagi
- exile
- exdunyayen
- alien, extraterrestrial
- exergo
- fire
- quit, resign
- exergocu
- resignation
- resign, quit
- exergogi
- fire, oust
- exeskeleto
- exoskeleton
- exfon
- speaker(s)
- exgi
- extraction
- take out, extract
- exhawa
- blow (air)
- exidi
- exit, leave, go out
- exiki
- threshold, sill
- exikili
- liminal
- liminally
- exizin
- release, let out, excuse
- exjeksi
- draw
- Exkiperi
- Albania
- Exkiperisa
- Albanian (language)
- Exkiperiyen
- Albanian (person)
- exkludi
- exclusion, omission
- exclude, omit
- exkludido
- excluded, omitted
- exkopi
- copy out, upload
- exku
- (romantic) love, romance
- love (romantically)
- exkudoste
- romantic partner, boyfriend, girlfriend
- exkune
- in love, enamoured
- exkungan
- (outer) space
- exkupul
- in love, enamoured
- exkuyen
- lover
- exli
- exterior, external
- externally
- exnafasu
- exhalation
- exhale
- exnasyonli
- foreign
- exnetoli
- offline
- exordinari
- extraordinary, exceptional
- expel
- expel
- expesa
- expense, expenditure
- spend
- explasi
- output
- take out
- exporta
- export
- exxaher
- suburb
- exya
- (the) outside, exterior
- be out (of), be outside (of)
- eya
- letter e
- Eyre
- Ireland
- Eyresa
- Irish (language)
- Eyreyen
- Irish (person)
- fabrika
- manufacturing
- manufacture
- fabrikado
- manufactured
- fabrikadom
- factory, plant
- fabrikayen
- manufacturer
- fabula
- fable
- fadila
- virtue
- fadilakal
- unvirtuous, unrighteous
- unvirtuously, unrighteously
- fadilapul
- virtuous, righteous
- virtuously, righteously
- fahex
- vulgar, crude, uncouth, obscene
- vulgarly, crudely, uncouthly, obscenely
- fahexxey
- obscenity (count noun)
- fahexya
- vulgarity, crudeness, obscenity (noncount noun)
- fahuri
- proud
- proudly
- fahuriya
- pride
- faksi
- fax
- fax
- faksido
- faxed
- faksitora
- fax machine
- faku
- fuck
- fuck, shag, (have) sex (vulgar)
- fal
- (done) by
- falafel
- falafel
- fale
- deed, act
- do, does, make, perform
- faledo
- done
- falelexi
- verb
- falezi
- cliff
- falso
- false
- falsely
- falsoxey
- falsehood
- falsoya
- falseness
- falya
- be (done) by
- famil
- family
- familname
- last name
- familyen
- relative, family member
- fan
- fan
- fanko
- mud
- fankobunhway
- mudslide
- fankopul
- muddy
- fantasi
- fantasy
- fantasisim
- fantastic
- fantastically
- faradi
- farad
- faraon
- pharaoh
- farina
- flour
- Faroer
- Faroe (Islands)
- farxu
- carpet
- farxudo
- carpeted
- fase
- phase, stage
- fasi
- fascist
- fascistly
- fasidu
- rotten
- fasiducu
- rot
- fasidugi
- make rotten
- fasiismo
- fascism
- fasiista
- fascist
- fasul
- bean
- fatmin
- invention
- invent
- fatmindo
- invented
- fatmindoku
- patent
- fatminfil
- inventive
- fatminyen
- inventor
- fato
- fact
- fatoli
- actual, factual
- actually, factually
- fatura
- invoice, bill, check
- fayda
- benefit
- benefit
- faydayen
- benefactor
- faylu
- file (collection of paper or data)
- file
- fayludo
- filed
- fe
- at (time), at (unspecified place), in (time), for (for the first time, etc.), of (relating to, number, quantity, amount)
- fe alo kaso
- otherwise, or else
- fe alo lexi
- in other words
- fe alo loga
- in other words
- fe aresto
- under arrest, in custody
- fe asel
- originally
- fe asif
- regretfully, unfortunately
- (fe) ban leli watu
- at some point in the past, once upon a time
- (fe) ban mara
- on a certain occasion, once, once upon a time
- (fe) ban xali watu
- at some point in the future, eventually
- fe basi
- basically, fundamentally
- fe basi fe
- on the basis of
- fe baxya
- underneath
- fe benji
- in essense, basically
- fe bonxanse
- luckily, fortunately
- fe byen de
- at the edge of
- fe centro
- in the center, in the middle
- fe centro de
- amid, in the middle of
- fe comen
- on the side
- fe comen de
- beside, next to
- fe den kaso
- in that case, then
- (fe) dua mara
- twice, two times
- (fe) duli mara
- at times, sometimes, occasionally, on occasion, from time to time, once in a while
- (fe) dumara
- at times, sometimes, occasionally, on occasion, from time to time, once in a while
- fe durya
- in the meantime, meanwhile
- fe espesyalya
- in particular, particularly, especially
- fe exkludi fe
- excluding
- fe exya
- outside, without
- fe exya de
- outside of
- fe fato
- in fact, actually, de facto
- fe fini
- finally, eventually
- fe folo
- therefore, consequently, so, thus, then
- fe folo ki
- (such) that
- fe folya
- alongside, accordingly
- fe fronta
- in front, ahead
- fe fronta de
- in front of
- fe geo
- my gosh, land sakes
- fe gwaho
- by the way
- fe hataya
- even so, however, nevertheless, nonetheless, in spite of that, yet
- fe hataya fe
- in spite of, despite
- fe hataya ki
- (even) though, although, while, despite the fact that
- fe hin kaso
- in this case
- (fe) hin noce
- tonight
- fe infer
- (down) below, (down) under
- fe infracengu
- downstairs
- fe inkludi fe
- including
- fe intrewatu
- in the meantime, meanwhile
- fe intreya
- in between
- fe inya
- inside, within
- fe inya de
- within, inside of
- fe jadin
- supposedly
- fe jaya
- adjacently
- fe kapi
- on top
- fe kapi de
- on top of
- fe kaso fe
- in case of
- fe kolyo ki
- considering that, whereas
- fe kompara fe
- in comparison with, compared to, versus
- fe kompara ki
- whereas
- fe kosa fe
- because of, due to
- fe kosa ki
- because, since
- fe leya
- in the past, prior
- fe lutuf
- please (“kindly”)
- fe maxusya
- besides (phrase initial)
- fe midiya
- in the middle
- fe midiya de
- amid, in the middle of
- fe minusya
- except for that (phrase initial)
- fe misal
- for example, for instance
- fe misu bage
- for my part
- fe misu ijen
- in my opinion
- fe moy kaso
- in any case, at any rate, anyway
- fe moyun
- per, a
- fe muka
- across, face to face
- fe muka de
- across from
- (fe) ner leya
- in the near past, recently
- (fe) ner or teli xaya
- sooner or later, eventually
- (fe) ner xaya
- in the near future, soon
- fe nerleli watu
- lately
- (fe) nunli din
- nowadays
- fe nunya
- at present, presently, now
- fe offolo fe
- depending on
- fe oko de
- before, in the eyes of
- fe okur fe
- in case of, in the event of
- fe onxala
- hopefully
- fe oposya
- on the contrary
- fe oposya de
- opposite, contrary to, against (positioned)
- fe peda
- at the bottom
- fe peda de
- at the bottom of
- fe perya
- on top
- fe peti
- please (“by request”)
- fe porya
- (in) exchange
- fe preferi kom
- rather than
- fe rimara
- again, once more, one more time
- fe ruke
- in the back
- fe ruke de
- behind, in back of
- fe sesu bage
- for one's part
- fe super
- (up) above
- fe supracengu
- upstairs
- fe tayti
- instead
- fe tayti fe
- instead (of), in place of, rather (than)
- fe tayti ki
- instead of (+ sentence)
- fe tema fe
- with regards to
- fe Teo
- by God, my God, for God's sake
- (fe) tiga mara
- thrice
- fe totalya
- in total, in all, overall
- fe ultraya
- beyond
- (fe) un mara
- once, one time
- fe xaya
- in the future, afterwards, later (on)
- fe xoru
- at the start, in the beginning, initially
- fe xugwan
- usually, typically
- fe xukra
- thankfully
- federa
- federation
- federali
- federal
- federally
- fefu
- lung
- fefuitis
- pneumonitis, pneumonia
- feka
- feces, shit
- defecate, shit
- fekagi
- cause to defecate, cause to shit
- fekali
- fecal
- fecally
- feki
- that (noun-modifying conjunction)
- Feliks
- Felix
- felto
- felt (material)
- feltoli
- felt (made of)
- fem
- female, feminine
- fem-
- female
- fembete
- daughter
- fembwaw
- bitch, dam (female dog)
- femdoste
- girl friend, female friend
- femduke
- duchess
- femete
- they (females)
- femgami
- wife
- femgwafu
- widow
- femhirxa
- hind, doe
- femixu
- woman
- femkonte
- countess
- femkuku
- hen
- femkuzin
- (female) cousin
- femlilbete
- granddaughter
- femmeme
- ewe
- femmumu
- cow
- femnepoti
- niece
- femnini
- girl
- fempoemayen
- poetess
- femsenyor
- lady, ma'am, Mrs.
- femsim
- effeminate
- effeminately
- femsodar
- sister
- femte
- she
- femteo
- goddess
- femtie
- aunt
- femuma
- mare, female horse
- femwangu
- queen
- femya
- femininity
- femyen
- female, woman, lady, gal, girl
- fenix
- phoenix
- fenjan
- cup, mug
- fenomen
- phenomenon, phenomena
- fenomenli
- phenomenal (of or relating to phenomena)
- phenomenally
- fenxui
- feng shui
- feodal
- feudal
- feudally
- feodalismo
- feudalism
- fereto
- ferret, Mustela furo
- fermenta
- fermentation
- ferment
- fermentado
- fermented
- fermyum
- fermium, Fm
- ferne
- fern
- festival
- festival, fest
- fetixi
- fetish, fetishism
- fetishize
- feya
- be (at), be located (in), be found (in), be situated (in)
- fibra
- (dietary) fiber
- fida
- silver, Ag
- fidakolordo
- silver (color)
- fidali
- (of) silver, made of silver
- fidasim
- silvery, silver (color)
- figura
- shape, figure
- shape
- Fiji
- Fiji
- Fijili
- Fijian
- Fijisa
- Fijian (language)
- Fijiyen
- Fijian (person)
- fikir
- thought
- think
- fikiryen
- thinker
- fiksa
- fixing, affixing, attaching
- fix, affix, attach
- fiksado
- fixed, affixed, attached
- fikso
- affix
- fiksolexi
- affixed word
- fiksyon
- fiction
- make up, fabricate
- fiksyondo
- fabricated, fictitious, made up
- fiksyonli
- fictional
- fil
- inclined (to), prone (to), tending (to, towards)
- filamen
- filament, fiber
- Filipu
- Philip
- filme
- film, movie
- film
- filmearte
- cinema, cinematography
- filmedo
- filmed
- filmedom
- movie theater, cinema
- filmekef
- director
- filmetul
- camera, movie camera, film camera
- filtro
- filter
- filter
- filtrodo
- filtered
- filya
- inclination, tendency
- tend (to)
- fin-
- come to the end, arrive at the end
- finco
- finch, Fringillidae
- finfe
- until (+ noun), to (xorfe... finfe...)
- finfe nunya
- so far, until now
- finfley
- landing
- land
- fini
- end, conclusion
- finish, end, finalize, (be) done (with), conclude
- finido
- finished, over, done
- finikal
- endless, eternal, infinite, permanent
- endlessly, eternally, infinitely, permanently
- finikalya
- eternity, permanence, infinity
- finili
- last, final
- lastly, finally
- finili eksame
- final exam
- finipul
- finite, temporary
- finitely, temporarily
- finki
- until (+ sentence)
- finrasona
- conclusion
- conclude (that)
- finsabedin
- weekend
- finsen
- end up being, turn out to be, prove
- firaru
- escape
- escape
- firarudoyen
- escapee
- firma
- company, firm, corporation
- firmakef
- firmali
- corporate
- corporately
- fisika
- physics
- fisikali
- physical (of or relating to physics)
- fisu
- fee, fare, due, toll, honorarium
- fisyo
- physiology, bodily functioning
- fixin
- phishing
- flamingo
- flamingo, Phoenicopteridae
- fleksi
- bend, flex
- bend, flex
- fleksiabil
- flexible, can bend
- flexibly
- fleksiabilya
- flexibility, ability to bend
- fleksido
- bent
- fleksiible
- bendable, can be bent
- bendably
- fleksiibleya
- flexibility, ability to be bent
- flerovyum
- flerovium, Fl
- fley
- flight
- fly
- fleyabil
- able to fly, fledged
- fleygi
- (cause to) fly (a plane, drone, kite, etc.)
- fleygikef
- pilot (in command), (airline) captain
- fleygiyen
- (airline) pilot
- fleysinjabu
- flying squirrel, Pteromyini
- fleytora
- airplane, aeroplane
- fleytoralogi
- aviation
- fleytul
- wing
- flirti
- flirting, flirtation, coquetry
- flirt, coquet
- flirtifil
- flirtatious
- flirtifilyen
- flirt
- flirtiyen
- flirt
- Flores
- Flores
- flota
- flotation
- float
- fluores
- fluorescence
- fluoresce
- fluorin
- fluorine, F
- flura
- flower, vagina (sexualized), vulva (sexualized), pussy
- bloom, blossom
- flurakabiji
- cauliflower
- flurali
- floral
- florally
- flutu
- flute
- fobi
- fear
- frighten, scare, feel frightened, feel scared
- fobido
- frightened, scared
- fobikal
- fearless
- fobikalya
- fearlessness
- fobine
- scary, frightening, feared
- fobipul
- afraid, fearful
- fokma
- seal, Pinnipedia
- fokus
- focus, concentration
- focus, concentrate
- fokuskal
- distracted
- fol
- according to, along, alongside (of), by, for (according to), the more/less
- fol-
- according to
- fol gramati
- grammatical
- grammatically
- fol lega
- legal
- legally
- fol moda
- in fashion
- fol norma
- normal
- normally
- fol satumeter
- clockwise
- fol xanse
- random
- randomly
- folcu
- get alongside (of)
- folder
- folder
- folfatoli
- objective
- objectively
- folgi
- put alongside (of)
- folgramatili
- grammatical
- grammatically
- folijenli
- subjective
- subjectively
- folki
- the more, the less
- folklor
- folklore
- folklorli
- folkloric
- follegali
- legal
- legally
- follexipul
- literal
- literally, word-for-word
- folli
- alongside
- follogapul
- alleged
- allegedly
- folmodali
- fashionable
- folnormali
- normal
- normally
- folo
- following
- follow
- foloyen
- follower
- folpasa
- pass by
- folxanseli
- random
- randomly
- folya
- be along
- fon
- -phone, sound tool
- fono
- speech sound
- fori
- immediate
- immediately
- fori lefe
- immediately before (+ noun)
- fori lefe na
- immediately before (+ -ing)
- fori leki
- immediately before (+ sentence)
- fori xafe
- immediately after (+ noun)
- fori xafe na
- immediately after (+ -ing)
- fori xaki
- immediately after (+ sentence), as soon as
- forke
- fork
- forma
- form
- form
- formato
- format
- formu
- form (document)
- formula
- formula
- forum
- forum
- fosfato
- phosphate
- fosforo
- phosphorus, P
- fosil
- fossil
- fosilcu
- fossilization
- fossilize
- fosilgi
- fossilization
- fossilize
- foto
- photo, photograph, picture
- photograph, take a picture, take pictures
- fotoli
- photographic
- photographically
- fototul
- camera
- Francisko
- Francis
- Franse
- France
- Franseli
- French
- Fransesa
- French (language)
- Franseyen
- Frenchman, Frenchwoman
- fransyum
- francium, Fr
- fremu
- frame (of film, video, animation)
- fron-
- forward, forwards
- frongi
- promotion, advancement
- promote, foster, further, advance
- fronidi
- advance, advancement
- advance, proceed
- fronkadam
- progress
- fronkumax
- apron
- fronpel
- propulsion
- propel, push forward
- fronpul
- forwards
- fronta
- forehead, front
- frontali
- frontal
- frontally
- frontasahni
- foreground
- frustra
- frustration
- frustrate, be frustrated
- frustrado
- frustrated
- frustrane
- frustrating
- fruta
- fruit
- frutosu
- fructose, fruit sugar
- fubay
- corruption
- corrupt
- fubaydo
- corrupt, corrupted
- corruptly
- fubu
- abdomen, belly, gut
- fubuli
- abdominal, ventral
- abdominally
- fuha
- load, charge, burden
- load, charge, burden
- fuhado
- loaded, burdened
- fukujun
- submission
- submit (to a superior force, authority, or will), yield
- fukuza
- complicated, complex
- fukuzacu
- become complicated, get complicated, become complex, get complex
- fukuzagi
- complication
- complicate
- fukuzaxey
- complication
- fukuzaya
- complexity
- fuladi
- steel
- fuladili
- steel (made of)
- fumbun
- rumor
- funci
- satire
- satirize
- funcili
- satirical
- satirically
- fundo
- struggle, strife
- struggle, contend, grapple, wrestle
- fundone
- struggling, striving
- funduku
- hazel, hazelnut, Corylus
- funjin
- rubella
- funsu
- fountain
- funsyon
- functioning
- work, function, be in operating condition
- funsyongi
- run, operate
- funsyonne
- functioning, functional
- furaha
- enjoyment, pleasure
- pleasure, please, feel pleasure, enjoy oneself
- furahado
- pleased, pleasured
- furahane
- pleasing, pleasuring
- furno
- oven
- bake
- furnodo
- baked
- furnoxey
- pastry, baked good
- furnoxeydukan
- bakery
- furnoyen
- baker
- fustan
- dress (garment)
- futbal
- (American) football, gridiron
- futbalbol
- (American) football (ball)
- futi
- foot (unit)
- futru
- fungus, mushroom
- futruli
- fungal
- fungally
- fuxi
- wipe
- wipe
- fuxido
- wiped
- fyordo
- fjord
- fyusi
- (electrical) fuse
- Gabon
- Gabon
- Gabriel
- Gabriel
- gadibu
- angry
- angrily
- gadibucu
- get angry
- gadibugi
- anger, make angry
- gadibuya
- anger
- gadolinyum
- gadolinium, Gd
- gaga
- stutter, stammer
- stutter, stammer
- gagane
- stuttering
- gagayen
- stutterer
- galaksi
- galaxy
- galaksili
- galactic
- galactically
- galon
- gallon
- galyum
- gallium, Ga
- gambari
- shrimp, prawn
- Gambi
- The Gambia
- gamel
- camel, Camelini
- gami
- spouse, husband, wife
- marry
- gami-
- -in-law, in-law
- gamiatre
- in-laws
- gamibete
- daughter-in-law, son-in-law
- gamicu
- wedding
- get married, marry
- gamido
- married
- gamiduayen
- couple, spouses, husband and wife
- gamigi
- (cause to) marry
- gamihalke
- wedding ring, wedding band
- gamikal
- single
- gamikalyen
- bachelor, bachelorette
- gamisodar
- brother-in-law, sister-in-law
- gamivada
- engagement, betrothal
- engage, become engaged, get engaged, betroth, become betrothed, get betrothed
- gamivadayen
- fiancé, fiancée, betrothed
- gamiya
- marriage, spousehood
- Gana
- Ghana
- Ganali
- Ghanaian, Ghanan
- Ganayen
- Ghanaian, Ghanan
- gancaw
- licorice, liquorice
- ganci
- perception, sense
- perceive, regard (as), consider (regard as)
- gandum
- wheat
- gandumkompleto
- whole wheat
- ganima
- booty, loot, spoils
- pillage, plunder, ransack, foray, maraud
- ganimado
- pillaged, plundered, ransacked, marauded
- ganjon
- emotion, feeling, sentiment
- feel (emotionally, psychologically)
- ganjoncu
- feel (emotionally feel a particular way)
- ganjonpul
- emotional
- emotionally
- ganmoku
- bush, shrub
- gansa
- goose
- gante
- glove
- ganxopu
- interference, intervention
- interfere, intervene
- ganzo
- liver
- ganzoitis
- hepatitis
- gao
- tall, high
- highly
- gaobahari
- high tide
- gaodarajeli
- advanced
- gaoeskol
- high school
- gaoje
- height
- gaoya
- tallness
- gapsipe
- gossip
- gossip
- gapsipefil
- gossipy
- garaku
- drowning
- sinking
- drown, sink
- garakudo
- drowned, sunk
- garakugi
- (cause to) drown, (cause to) sink
- garakune
- drowning, sinking
- garanti
- guarantee, warranty
- guarantee
- garantido
- guaranteed
- gardan
- neck
- gardanbendu
- necklace, neckband
- gardi
- protection
- guard, protect
- gardido
- protected, guarded
- gardiyen
- protector, guard
- garebi
- west
- garebili
- west, western
- gargare
- gargle, gurgle
- garize
- instinct, nature
- garizeli
- instinctive
- instinctively
- garu
- scratch
- scratch
- garudo
- scratched
- gas
- gas
- cause to turn gaseous
- become gaseous
- gascu
- become a gas
- gasgi
- (cause to) turn into a gas
- gasolin
- gasoline, gas, petrol
- gaspul
- gaseous
- gawlu
- throat
- gawluli
- guttural
- gutturally
- gawni
- gown, robe
- gayser
- geyser
- gazela
- gazelle, Gazella
- gazeta
- newspaper
- gebo
- arm
- geko
- gecko, Gekkota
- general
- general (officer)
- generasi
- generation
- geni
- gene
- genixube
- strain (of a virus, etc.)
- genu
- root
- genulexi
- root word
- geo
- land, ground
- geobunhway
- landslide
- geografi
- geography
- geokacupa
- tortoise, Testudinidae
- geologi
- geology
- geomaxusgi
- annexation
- annex
- geometri
- geometry
- geometrili
- geometrical
- geometrically
- geomon
- plot (of land), field
- Georgi
- George
- geosui
- groundwater
- geosuidom
- aquifer
- geotreme
- earthquake
- gepu
- burp, belch, eructation
- burp, belch
- gepugi
- cause to burp, cause to belch
- ger
- would (conditional mood marker)
- ger abil
- could, would be able
- ger preferi
- (would) rather
- Germani
- Germanic
- germanyum
- germanium, Ge
- gey
- gay
- geyyen
- gay person
- gibatu
- slander, libel, calumny, defamation
- backbite, badmouth, slander, libel, calumnize, defame
- gibe
- giving
- give, grant, award
- gibedo
- given
- gibefil
- generous
- gibenenfil
- stingy, ungenerous
- gida
- guidance
- guide
- gidado
- guided
- gidane
- guiding
- gidatul
- guide, legend, key
- gidayen
- guide
- giga
- billion, one billion
- gigagon
- gigagon, 1000000000-gon
- giganyan
- gigayear
- gigi
- vagina (non-clinical)
- gile
- wet
- gileya
- wetness
- gimnasti
- gymnastics
- gimnastidom
- gym, gymnasium
- gimnastili
- gymnastic
- gimnastiyen
- gymnast
- gimu
- obligatory, which should be done, which ought to be done, which should happen, which ought to happen
- gindu
- longitude
- Gine
- Guinea
- Ginebisaw
- Guinea-Bissau
- gingiva
- gums, gingiva
- gingivaitis
- gingivitis
- gingivali
- gingival, alveolar (linguistics)
- gingivarukeli
- postalveolar
- ginyem
- memento, keepsake, souvenir
- commemorate, memorialize
- ginyemdo
- commemorated, memorialized
- ginyemne
- commemorative
- commemoratively
- gipsu
- gypsum, plaster (of Paris)
- girbilo
- sieve, strainer, colander, sifter, cribble, sile
- sift, strain
- girbilodo
- sifted, strained
- girehe
- knot
- knot
- gitara
- guitar
- gitarayen
- guitarist, guitar player
- gitay
- expectation, anticipation
- expect, anticipate
- gitaydo
- expected, anticipated, due
- gitayfrustra
- disappointment, let-down
- disappoint, let down
- gitayfrustrado
- disappointed, let down
- disappointedly
- gixiki
- rite, ritual
- glandu
- gland, adeno-
- glasu
- glass (drinking), cup
- glif
- glyph, (written) character, symbol, mark
- globa
- world
- globabasa
- world language, international language, worldlang
- globali
- global
- globally
- Globasa
- Globasa
- globatotal
- worldwide
- glu
- drink
- drink
- gluible
- drinkable, potable
- glukosu
- glucose
- glunenible
- undrinkable
- gluten
- gluten
- glutenkal
- gluten-free
- gluxey
- beverage, drink
- godo
- excessive, too much, too many
- excessively
- godojaldi
- premature
- prematurely
- godomo
- too (excessively)
- godoya
- excess
- gogo
- testicle (non-clinical)
- gol
- goal (soccer, football), score, touchdown
- score
- golenjan
- galangal
- golfu
- golf
- golje
- score
- golmon
- point (scoring unit)
- Golyat
- Goliath
- gomi
- gum
- gomyo
- witty, clever, sharp, astute, ingenious, slick, crafty, sly, cunning, slick, wily
- gomyoya
- wittiness, cleverness, sharpness, astuteness, ingenuity, slickness, craftiness, slyness, cunning, wiliness
- gona
- angle, corner
- gonali
- angular (of or relating to)
- gonapul
- angular (having)
- gongaw
- announcement, proclamation
- announce, proclaim
- gongawdo
- announced, proclaimed
- gongin
- supply, provision
- supply, provide
- gongindo
- supplied, provided
- gonginyen
- supplier, provider
- gorila
- gorilla
- gorona
- groan, moan
- groan, moan
- goronagi
- cause (somebody) to groan or to moan, make (somebody) groan or moan
- gotas
- dive, plunge, submerge
- dive, plunge, submerge
- gotaspiu
- grebe, dabchick, Podicipedidae
- gotasyen
- diver
- gowan
- testicle, testis, testes
- gowanli
- testicular
- goyon
- employment, hiring
- employ, hire
- goyonyen
- employer
- goyu
- pit, hole
- dig, excavate
- goyudo
- excavated, digged (up)
- goyutul
- shovel
- goyuya
- excavation
- grafi
- recording, record
- record
- grafika
- graphic, graphics
- grafiti
- grafitti
- grafito
- graphite
- grahana
- eclipse
- gramati
- grammar
- gramatili
- grammar (of or relating to)
- gramo
- gram
- graneda
- grenade
- granito
- granite
- gras
- grass
- grasgeo
- grassland, meadow
- graspul
- grassy
- grava
- gravel
- Graw
- Grau
- Gregori
- Gregory
- Grenada
- Grenada
- Grenadali
- Grenadian
- Grenadayen
- Grenadian
- gresa
- grease
- gresapul
- greasy
- grey
- gray (unit)
- grosela
- currant, gooseberry, Ribes
- grupo
- group
- group (together)
- grupoxube
- faction
- gubangu
- beetle, Coleoptera
- gubar
- dust
- gubarofgi
- dusting
- dust
- gubarofgido
- dusted
- gubarpul
- dusty
- gucam
- bunch, cluster, bouquet
- gude
- tickle
- tickle
- gudedo
- tickled
- gudehisifil
- ticklish
- gudeible
- ticklish
- gufa
- cave, cavern
- Gujarati
- Gujarat (state in India)
- Gujaratili
- Gujarati
- Gujaratisa
- Gujarati (language)
- Gujaratiyen
- Gujarati (person)
- guje
- fracture (become fractured or cause to fracture)
- gujedo
- fractured
- gulam
- slave
- gulamcu
- become a slave
- gulamgi
- enslavement
- enslave
- gulamya
- slavery
- gulun
- roll
- gumbo
- stick, rod, club, bar, stake
- gunca
- bud, shoot, sprout
- bud, sprout, burgeon
- gungu
- bow (weapon)
- gupan
- pelvis
- gupanli
- pelvic
- guruma
- growl, grunt
- growl, grunt, grumble, mutter
- gurumagi
- cause (somebody) to growl, to grunt, to grumble or to mutter, make (somebody) growl, grunt, grumble or mutter
- gurumane
- growling, grunting, grumbling, muttering
- guti
- solid
- solidify (cause to turn into or become solid)
- gutipul
- solid
- solidly
- guton
- pain, ache
- ache, hurt (feel or cause pain)
- guxi
- obsolete, archaic, outdated, old-fashioned
- obsoletely, archaically, old-fashionedly
- Guyana
- Guyana
- guzruf
- cartilage, gristle
- gwaba
- guava
- gwafu
- widow, widower
- gwafuya
- widowhood
- gwaho
- parenthesis, parentheses
- gwakamole
- guacamole
- gwancan
- plaza, (town) square
- gwanxi
- relationship
- relate (to), concern, involve, have to do with
- gwanxido
- related
- gwanxikal
- irrelevant, impertinent
- irrelevantly, impertinently
- gwanxilinku
- bond
- gwanxipul
- relevant, pertinent
- relevantly, pertinently
- Gwatemala
- Guatemala
- Gwatemalali
- Guatemalan
- Gwatemalayen
- Guatemalan
- ha
- ha (denotes surprise, laughter, etc.)
- Habel
- Abel
- haberi
- news
- haberitim
- press
- haberiyen
- journalist
- hadidu
- iron, Fe
- hadu
- cheek
- hadya
- gift, present
- give as present
- hafnyum
- hafnium, Hf
- haha
- laugh, laughter
- laugh
- hahagi
- make laugh, cause to laugh
- hahagine
- ridiculous
- ridiculously
- haja
- necessity, need, want
- need
- hajado
- needed, necessary
- necessarily
- hajapul
- needy
- needily
- haji
- still, yet
- hajul
- shy, bashful, timid, coy
- shyly, bashfully, timidly, coyly
- hajulya
- shyness, bashfulness, timidness, coyness
- hake
- hack
- hack
- hakedo
- hacked
- hakeyen
- hacker
- haki
- right
- have the right (to)
- hala
- solution
- solve
- halaanxi
- clue
- halado
- solved
- halaixara
- clue
- halapenyo
- jalapeño
- halazun
- snail
- haleluya
- hallelujah
- haliju
- gulf
- halke
- ring
- halow
- hello (when answering the phone)
- Halowin
- Halloween
- halu
- circumstance
- halulari
- situation
- hamaka
- hammock
- hambo
- ham
- hamburger
- hamburger, burger
- hamile
- pregnant
- pregnantly
- hamilecu
- get pregnant, become pregnant
- hamilegi
- impregnation
- impregnate
- hamileya
- pregnancy
- hamir
- dough
- hamuster
- hamster, Cricetinae
- Hana
- Hannah
- handaki
- trench, ditch, moat, gutter
- Hangu
- Korea
- Hanguli
- Korean
- Hangusa
- Korean (language)
- Hanguyen
- Korean (person)
- hanjer
- dagger
- stab (with dagger)
- hanman
- slow
- slowly
- hanmancu
- slow (down)
- hanmangi
- slow (down)
- hanmanya
- slowness
- hanta
- hand
- handle, hold (with hands)
- hantabendu
- bracelet, wristband
- hantabol
- handball
- hantacudu
- grab
- hantagenu
- wrist, carpus
- hantapamtul
- handgun, pistol
- hantatul
- handle
- har
- with (having)
- har-
- with (having)
- har posjui tem
- regardless (of), irrespective (of), no matter
- harabu
- ruin, waste, wreck
- ruin, wreck, spoil, desolate, devastate, get ruined, get wrecked, get spoiled, get devastated
- harabudo
- ruined, wrecked, spoiled, devastated
- hardal
- mustard
- hardwer
- hardware
- hare
- have
- haregi
- provide with, cause to have, get, grant, share
- hareible
- available
- availably
- harenenible
- unavailable
- harepulya
- wealth
- hariri
- silk
- haririsim
- silky
- harita
- map
- map
- haritalari
- atlas
- harizin
- may, have permission (to)
- harka
- move, motion, movement
- move
- harkakal
- still, motionless
- harki
- with (while having)
- harufi
- letter (alphabet)
- spell
- harufisistema
- spelling system, orthography
- harufiya
- spelling
- harxaf
- scale (of fish, reptile)
- harya
- be with (having)
- Hasan
- Hasan, Hassan
- hasaxi
- tender, gentle, loving, sympathetic
- tenderly
- hasaxiya
- tenderness, gentleness
- haseda
- envy
- hasedapul
- envious
- enviously
- hasratu
- yearning, longing, pining, craving, aspiration
- yearn (for), long (for), thirst (for), pine (for), crave, aspire (to)
- hasyum
- hassium, Hs
- hata
- even, yet
- hata un
- even one, a single
- hatali
- even so, still, however, nevertheless, nonetheless, in spite of that, yet
- hatari
- danger
- be dangerous, cause to be dangerous, make dangerous
- hatarido
- endangered
- hataripul
- dangerous
- dangerously
- hataya
- spite (only in the sense of “despite” and “in spite of”)
- haul
- wolf, Canis lupus
- haulsa
- howl
- havun
- mortar (pounding vessel)
- havungumbo
- pestle
- hawa
- air
- hawa-
- aero-, air-
- hawagile
- humid
- hawagileje
- humidity
- hawagileya
- humidity
- hawakontamina
- air pollution
- hawanavi
- aircraft
- hawanavidom
- airport
- hawanavilogi
- aviation
- hawanavitim
- airline
- hawanaviya
- aeronautics
- hawanaviyen
- pilot, aeronaut
- haxi
- chopstick, chopsticks
- haxtagu
- hashtag, #
- hay
- there is, there are
- Haya
- Armenia
- Hayasa
- Armenian (language)
- Hayayen
- Armenian (person)
- Hayti
- Haiti
- Haywo
- Neptune (planet)
- hayzi
- menstruation, period
- menstruate
- hazam
- digestion
- digest
- hazamdo
- digested
- hazamli
- digestive
- hazina
- treasure
- hazuni
- sad
- sadly
- hazunicu
- become sad, get sad
- hazunigi
- sadden
- hazuniya
- sadness
- he
- emphatic correlative particle, any, ever, at all
- he alo
- any other
- he aloloka
- anywhere else
- he alosu
- anybody else's, anyone else's
- he alote
- anybody else, anyone else
- he aloto
- any other thing, anything else
- he ban
- any
- he bankwanti
- any amount of, any quantity of
- he banloka
- anywhere, wherever
- he banmo
- to any degree
- he banpul
- any kind of, in any way
- he bansu
- anybody's, anyone's
- he bante
- anybody, anyone, whoever
- he banto
- anything, whichever
- he banwatu
- ever, whenever
- he den
- that specific
- he dento
- that specific one
- he hin
- this specific
- he hinto
- this specific one
- he ke
- whatever, what ever, whichever, which ever
- he kete
- whoever, who ever
- he keto
- whatever, what ever
- he moy
- every and any
- he moyto
- everything and anything
- he nil
- no (... at all)
- he nilto
- not any, not a single one
- he sama
- the same exact
- he samato
- the same exact thing
- hedro
- geometric face, -hedron
- hegemoni
- hegemony
- Helena
- Helen
- helikoter
- helicopter
- helmeto
- helmet, casque
- helyum
- helium, He
- henci
- dedication
- dedicate (publishing)
- hencido
- dedicated
- henri
- henry (unit)
- Henrik
- Henry
- herba
- herb
- herbali
- herbal
- herbally
- herni
- hernia
- herniate, get herniated
- hero
- hero, heroine
- heroina
- heroin
- heroli
- heroic
- heriocally
- heroya
- heroism
- Hervatska
- Croatia
- herzi
- hertz
- hesabu
- count, calculation
- count, calculate
- hewan
- animal
- hewandom
- zoo
- hewandomyen
- zookeeper
- hewandotor
- veterinarian
- hewanlogi
- zoology
- hewanmedis
- veterinary medicine
- hewanmedisyen
- veterinarian
- hey
- hey
- hidrogen
- hydrogen, H
- hifazi
- holding, saving, retention
- hold, keep, save, store, retain, maintain
- hifazido
- held, kept, saved, stored, retained
- hijera
- migration
- migrate
- hijerayen
- migrant
- hikaye
- story, narrative
- narrate, relate, recount
- hikayedo
- narrated, recounted
- hikayemon
- chapter
- hikayeyen
- story teller, storyteller, narrator
- hiku
- hiccup, hiccough, singultus
- hiccup, hiccough
- hilal
- crescent (moon/shape)
- hilu
- heel
- hin
- this, these, the
- Hindi
- Hindi (language)
- Hindiko
- Indian Ocean, Indic Ocean
- Hindiyen
- Hindi-speaking Indian
- Hindu
- Hindu
- Hinduismo
- Hinduism
- hinete
- these ones
- hinkwanti
- this amount of, this quantity of, this much of
- hinloka
- here
- hinlokali
- local
- locally
- hinmaner
- like this, like so, by this manner, in this manner, thus
- hinmo
- to this degree, this, yay, yea
- hinnumer
- this number of, this many of
- hinoto
- these (things), these ones
- hinpul
- like this, like so, (in) this way, thus, such
- hinseba
- for this reason
- hinsu
- this one's
- hinte
- this, this one, this being, this person
- hinto
- this, this one, this thing
- hinwatu
- now (as opposed to “then”)
- hinwatuli
- contemporary
- contemporarily
- hipopotam
- hippo, hippopotamus
- hipotesis
- hypothesis
- hypothesize
- hipotesisli
- hypothetical
- hypothetically
- hipu
- hip (anatomy)
- hirxa
- deer, Cervidae
- hirxamaso
- venison
- hisi
- feeling, sensation
- feel (physically, emotionally, psychologically)
- hisicu
- feel (physically, emotionally or psychologically feel a particular way)
- hisido
- felt
- hisifil
- sensitive
- sensitively
- histerika
- hysteria, hysterics
- histerikali
- hysterical
- hysterically
- histori
- history
- historili
- historical
- historically
- historimuhim
- historic
- historiyen
- historian
- hobi
- hobby
- hodaw
- walnut, Juglans, nut (testicle, obscene)
- hoju
- porcupine
- hoki
- hockey
- hokiyen
- hockey player
- hole
- sheath, sleeve, shell, casing, holster, holder
- holmyum
- holmium, Ho
- holoba
- fenugreek, Trigonella
- Holocen
- Holocene
- homa
- fever
- homapul
- feverish
- honcay
- iris
- Hondura
- Honduras
- Hondurali
- Honduran
- Hondurayen
- Honduran (person)
- hongu
- hole, cavity
- bore
- hongyo
- ray, skate, Batoidea
- hor
- snore
- snore
- horgi
- cause (somebody) to snore, make (somebody) snore
- hormona
- hormone
- hormonali
- hormonal
- hormonally
- horne
- snoring
- hortum
- trunk, proboscis
- hospital
- hospital
- hosu
- lake
- hotdogu
- hotdog
- hotel
- hotel
- hotuba
- sermon, speech, oration
- preach, give a speech
- hox
- happy, happily, joyful, joyfully
- hoxcu
- get happy, become happy, get glad, become glad
- hoxgi
- make happy, please, be pleasing to
- hoxinlyo
- spice
- hoxya
- happiness, joy
- hoy
- toward, towards (in the direction of)
- hoy-
- toward, towards (in the direction of)
- hoyo
- direction, orientation
- orient
- hoypospel
- attraction
- attract
- hoyya
- be toward, be towards
- hoza
- sink, basin, pelvis
- hu
- relative clause marker: who, which, that
- hu da
- subordinate clause: who, whom, which, that
- hu dasu
- subordinate clause: whose, of whom, of which
- hu denloka
- relative clause: where
- hu in da
- relative clause: where
- Hudson
- Hudson
- huf
- hoof
- hufax
- bat (animal), Chiroptera
- huhu
- owl, Strigiformes
- huhusa
- hoot
- hukimu
- judgment
- judge
- hukimudom
- courthouse, court (of law), tribunal
- hukimutim
- tribunal, court of law
- hukimuyen
- judge
- hulasa
- summary, synopsis, résumé, abstract, précis
- summarize, sum up, recapitulate
- hulasado
- summarized, summed up, recapitulated
- humor
- humor
- (tell a) joke
- humorpul
- humorous, funny
- humorously, funnily
- humorxey
- joke
- humus
- hummus
- hunfun
- excitement, arousal, stimulation, agitation
- excite, arouse, stimulate, agitate, feel excited, feel aroused, feel stimulated, feel agitated
- hura
- cheer
- cheer (on), root (for)
- hooray, hurrah, hoorah, yay, woo-hoo
- hurakef
- cheerleader
- hurma
- date (fruit)
- huru
- free (with liberty)
- hurugi
- liberation, release, emancipation
- liberate, free, release, emancipate
- huruwatu
- leisure, availability
- huruya
- liberty, freedom
- huruyen
- freeman, freewoman, freedman, freedwoman, free person
- hwam
- yawn, oscitation
- yawn, oscitate
- hwamgi
- cause to yawn
- hwamne
- yawning
- hwandun
- brass
- hwanjin
- environment, ambience, ambiance
- hwegay
- remorse
- repent, feel remorse (for)
- hwepi
- avoidance, evasion
- avoid, evade, dodge
- hwepido
- avoided, evaded, dodged
- hwese
- gray, grey
- hyanatu
- treason, betrayal
- betray, commit treason
- hyanatudo
- betrayed
- hyanatuyen
- traitor
- hyara
- cucumber
- hyena
- hyena, Hyaenidae
- hyerarki
- hierarchy
- hyerarkili
- hierarchical
- hierarchically
- ibada
- worship
- worship
- ibadadom
- church, temple, sanctuary, shrine
- ibadayen
- worshipper, worshiper
- ibe
- letter b
- ible
- possible, potential, which can be done, which can happen
- maybe, perhaps, might, possibly, potentially
- iblegi
- enable
- ibleje
- likelihood, probability
- ibleya
- possibility
- ice
- letter c
- ide
- letter d
- ideal
- ideal
- ideally
- idey
- idea
- idi
- go
- idol
- idol
- idolize
- idolibada
- idolatry
- ife
- letter f
- ige
- letter g
- igwana
- iguana
- ihe
- letter h
- ihtilas
- embezzlement
- embezzle
- ije
- letter j
- ijen
- opinion, position
- opine
- iji
- both (both... and...)
- ikaw
- dependence
- depend (on), rely (on)
- ikawkal
- independent
- independently
- ikawkalya
- independence
- ikawne
- dependent
- ikawyen
- (a) dependent (person)
- ike
- letter k
- ikono
- icon (religious, popular, computing)
- iksir
- potion, elixir
- ile
- letter l
- ilhamu
- inspiration
- inspire, feel inspired
- ilhamudo
- inspired
- ilhamune
- inspirational
- ilusi
- illusion
- illude
- imaje
- image, picture
- imagine
- imajekrea
- depict, render (computing)
- imajeli
- imaginary
- imajenenible
- unimaginable
- imajeya
- imagination
- imanu
- belief
- believe
- imanuible
- credible, believable
- credibly, believably
- imanunenible
- incredible, unbelievable
- incredibly, unbelievably
- imanuyen
- believer
- Imarati
- United Arab Emirates, Emirates
- ime
- letter m
- imi
- we, us
- imi am
- let's
- imisu
- our
- imisu ete
- ours (those beings belonging to us)
- imisu oto
- ours (those things belonging to us)
- imisu te
- ours (that being belonging to us)
- imisu to
- ours (that thing belonging to us)
- imperi
- empire
- imperiismo
- imperialism
- imperikef
- emperor
- imperili
- imperial
- in
- at (place), in (place), inside of, within
- in-
- in-
- inama
- bow, reverence, curtsey
- bow (down)
- inbao
- bag (put inside a bag)
- inbistar
- go to bed, get in bed
- inbistargi
- put to bed
- inbotela
- bottling
- bottle
- inbotelado
- bottled
- incesto
- incest
- incestoli
- incestuous
- inci
- inch
- incu
- enter, get in
- indexali
- domestic
- domestically
- Indonesi
- Indonesia
- Indonesili
- Indonesian
- Indonesisa
- Indonesian (language)
- Indonesiyen
- Indonesian
- industri
- industry
- industrili
- industrial
- indyum
- indium, In
- ine
- letter n
- inergo
- hire
- get oneself hired
- inergogi
- hire
- infarto
- infarction, infarct
- infer
- inferiority, belowness
- influenza
- flu, influenza, grippe
- infon
- microphone
- informe
- information
- inform
- informeli
- informational
- informationally
- informene
- informative
- informatively
- informeyen
- informant, informer
- infra
- below
- infra-
- infra-, hypo-, under-
- infrafuha
- download
- download
- infragebo
- forearm
- infragi
- oppression, subjugation
- oppress, subdue, put below, lower
- infragiyen
- oppressor
- infraidi
- descend, go down
- infrajeti
- throw down
- infrali
- inferior
- inferiorly
- infraroso
- infrared
- infratermo
- hypothermia
- infratui
- shank
- infraxanse
- disadvantage
- infraya
- belowness, inferiority
- be below
- ingay
- which should, which ought (to)
- should, ought (to)
- ingi
- enter, put in, insert
- ingida
- introduction
- introduce
- inhare
- content
- contain
- inhareabilya
- capacity
- inhatari
- endangerment
- put in danger, endanger
- inidi
- entry
- enter, access, go in
- inididom
- entrance
- inidiible
- accessible
- accessibly
- inizin
- admission, admittance, access
- let in, allow in, admit
- injeksi
- injection, shot, jab
- inject
- injeneri
- engineering
- engineer
- injeneriya
- engineering
- injeneriyen
- engineer
- injir
- fig
- inkilabu
- revolution
- revolutionize, overturn
- inkilabuli
- revolutionary
- inkilabuyen
- revolutionary
- inkludi
- inclusion
- include, involve, entail
- inkopi
- copy in, download
- inku
- ink
- inli
- interior, internal
- internally
- inlide
- induction
- induce
- inmemori
- memorization
- memorize
- innafasu
- inhalation
- inhale
- innetoli
- online
- inoko
- introspection, insight
- look in, look into
- inpesa
- income, revenue
- inplasi
- input, deposit
- put in, put inside, deposit, introduce
- inplasidom
- depository, depositary
- inporta
- import
- inpresen
- attendance
- attend
- insan
- human (being), people
- insanduku
- box (put into box)
- insanlari
- humanity
- insanli
- human
- insanlogi
- anthropology
- insanlogiyen
- anthropologist
- insulin
- insulin
- interes
- interest, be interested (in), have an interest (in)
- interesdo
- interested
- interesne
- interesting
- interestingly
- interviu
- interview
- interview
- interviuyen
- interviewer
- intihal
- plagiarism
- plagiarize
- intihaldo
- plagiarized
- intikam
- revenge, vengeance
- take revenge (on)
- intikamfil
- vengeful, vindictive
- intizar
- wait
- await, wait (for)
- intre
- between, among
- intre-
- inter-, between
- intre aloto
- among other things
- intreaksyon
- interaction
- interact
- intrediskusi
- dialogue, dialog
- intregalaksili
- intergalactic
- intrekrasitimli
- intergovernmental
- intergovernmentally
- intrelala
- interlude
- intreli
- in-between, inbetween
- intreloga
- interjection
- interject
- intrelogalexi
- interjection
- intrenasyonli
- international
- internationally
- intrepala
- conversation
- converse
- intreya
- in-betweenness
- be between
- inturan
- burial
- bury
- inturandom
- burial grounds
- intyazu
- privilege
- intyazukal
- underprivileged
- intyazupul
- privileged
- invasi
- invasion
- invade
- invasiyen
- invader
- invita
- invitation
- invite
- inxo
- impression
- impress, feel impressed
- inxodo
- impressed
- inxone
- impressive
- inya
- inside
- be in, be inside, be inside of
- inyo
- quote, quotation, citation
- quote, cite
- inyosimbolo
- quotation mark
- ipe
- letter p
- Iraki
- Iraq
- Irakili
- Iraqi
- Irakiyen
- Iraqi
- Iran
- Iran
- Iranli
- Iranian
- Iranyen
- Iranian
- ire
- letter r
- iridyum
- iridium, Ir
- Iris
- Iris (mythology)
- irisplanta
- iris (plant)
- Irminger
- Irminger
- ironi
- irony
- ironipul
- ironic
- irsal
- sending
- send
- irsalyen
- sender
- Isak
- Isaac
- ise
- letter s
- ishal
- diarrhea
- have diarrhea, suffer from diarrhea
- Islami
- Islamic, Muslim
- Islamiya
- Islam
- Islamiyen
- Muslim
- Islandi
- Iceland
- Islandisa
- Icelandic (language)
- Islandiyen
- Icelander
- Ismael
- Ishmael
- Israel
- Israel
- istala
- installation
- install
- istalado
- installed
- istismar
- exploitation
- exploit, take advantage (of)
- istruksi
- instructions
- give instructions, instruct
- istruksili
- instructional
- instructionally
- istyare
- metaphor, trope, figure of speech
- istyareli
- metaphoric, metaphorical
- isula
- island
- Isula Kuki
- Cook Islands
- Itali
- Italy
- Italili
- Italian
- Italisa
- Italian (language)
- Italiyen
- Italian
- ite
- letter t
- iteham
- accusation, charge
- accuse, charge
- itehamdo
- charged, accused
- iterbyum
- ytterbium, Yb
- itis
- inflammation
- inflame, be or feel inflamed
- itisli
- inflammatory
- itru
- perfume
- perfume
- itryum
- yttrium, Y
- ituka
- brick
- Ityopi
- Ethiopia
- Ityopili
- Ethiopian
- Ityopiyen
- Ethiopian
- ive
- letter v
- Ivri
- Hebrew
- Ivrisa
- Hebrew (language)
- Ivriyen
- Hebrew (people)
- iwe
- letter w
- ixara
- sign, signal, indication
- signal, indicate, point (to), sign (language)
- ixarabasa
- sign language
- ixarado
- signaled, indicated, signed
- ixe
- letter x
- ixgalu
- occupation
- occupy
- ixgaludo
- busy, occupied, taken
- ixgalukal
- available, vacant, unoccupied
- ixgalupul
- busy
- busily
- ixgaluyen
- occupant
- ixi
- consciousness, awareness
- be aware of, be conscious of
- ixikal
- unconscious
- unconsciously
- ixikalcu
- fainting
- faint, black out
- ixipul
- conscious, aware
- consciously
- ixu
- adult, man, woman
- iya
- letter i
- iye
- letter y
- ize
- letter z
- izin
- permission
- allow, let, permit
- izindo
- allowed, permitted
- izindoku
- permit, license
- ja-
- immediately adjacent
- jabal
- mountain
- jaballari
- mountain range
- jabare
- jaw
- jaci
- value, worth
- be worth, have value
- jacigi
- appreciation, validation
- value, appreciate, validate
- jacipul
- valuable
- valuably
- jacipulxey
- valuables
- jadala
- braid, plait
- braid, plait, weave, knit
- jadin
- assumption, supposition
- assume, suppose
- jadindo
- supposed, assumed
- supposedly
- jage
- awake
- jagecu
- awakening
- awaken, wake up
- jagegi
- awaken, wake, wake up
- jageya
- wakefulness
- jagwar
- jaguar, Panthera onca
- jahanom
- hell
- jahanomsim
- hellish
- jaka
- jackfruit, Artocarpus heterophyllus
- jaketa
- jacket
- jaku
- knave, jack (playing cards)
- jakulyeli
- adrenal, suprarenal
- jaldi
- early
- jale
- (have) just
- jaledin
- yesterday
- jalefe
- right before (+ noun)
- jalefe na
- right before (+ -ing)
- jaleki
- right before (+ sentence)
- jaleli
- last, (the) most recent
- most recently
- jali
- adjacent
- adjacently
- jali fe
- next to
- jalo
- yellow
- jaloya
- yellowness, color yellow
- jaluka
- leech, Hirudinea
- jame
- frozen
- jamecu
- freeze (become frozen)
- jamegi
- freeze
- jamegitora
- freezer
- Jameyka
- Jamaica
- jameyogurtu
- frozen yogurt
- janatu
- heaven
- janatusim
- heavenly
- jandan
- simple
- simply
- jandangi
- simplify
- jandanya
- simplicity
- janela
- window
- jange
- war
- jangefil
- warlike
- jangemon
- battle
- jangetim
- military, armed forces
- jangeyen
- warrior
- janin
- fetus, embryo
- janinli
- embryonic, fetal
- janu
- knee
- be kneeling
- jao
- wren, Troglodytidae
- jara
- neighbor
- jaradom
- neighborhood
- jarden
- garden
- jardenya
- gardening
- jaribi
- experiment, trial
- experiment, test, sample, try (on), try (out)
- jaribili
- experimental
- jaror
- drawer
- jaru
- broom
- sweep
- jarudo
- swept
- jasumin
- jasmine, Jasminum
- jasusi
- espionage
- spy (on)
- jasusiyen
- spy
- javel
- bleach
- bleach
- jawabu
- answer, reply, response
- answer, reply, respond
- jawgu
- care
- care (for), take care (of)
- jawgudom
- daycare, daycare center, daycare facility
- jawguyen
- caregiver, caretaker
- jawheri
- jewel, gem
- jawheridukan
- jewelry store, jewellery store, jewelry shop, jewellery shop
- jawherilari
- jewelry, jewellery
- jaxa
- (be) about (to)
- jaxadin
- tomorrow
- jaxafe
- right after (+ noun)
- jaxafe na
- right after (+ -ing)
- jaxaki
- right after (+ sentence), as soon as
- jaxali
- next, (the) following, (and) then
- jaxne
- celebration, observance
- celebrate, observe
- jaxnedin
- holiday
- jayeza
- prize, award, reward
- award, reward
- jaymu
- debt
- owe
- jaymudo
- owed, due
- Jazair
- Algeria
- Jazairli
- Algerian
- Jazairyen
- Algerian
- jazu
- jazz
- jebu
- pocket
- jebulampu
- flashlight, torch, pocket lamp
- jedwal
- schedule
- schedule
- jedwaldo
- scheduled
- jegami
- straw
- jeksi
- injection, drawing
- inject, draw
- jeksitul
- syringe
- jelatin
- gelatine
- jenfuku
- conquest
- conquer
- jenfukuyen
- conqueror, conquistador
- jeni
- suggestion, proposal, proposition
- suggest, propose
- jenido
- suggested, proposed
- jenmin
- proof
- prove
- jenmindo
- proven
- jenminmon
- evidence
- jensi
- gender, sex
- jensikal
- agender, genderless
- jensikwir
- genderqueer
- jento
- battle, combat
- fight, combat
- jentotul
- weapon, arms
- weaponize, arm
- jentoyen
- fighter
- jeruhi
- surgery, operation
- operate (on)
- jeruhikamer
- operating room, operating theater
- jeruhili
- surgical
- surgically
- jeruhiyen
- surgeon
- jestu
- gesture
- gesticulate
- jeti
- throw
- throw
- jetido
- thrown
- ji
- and
- ji max ete
- et cetera, etc., and so on, and so forth
- ji max oto
- et cetera, etc., and so on, and so forth
- ji max te
- et cetera, etc., and so on, and so forth
- ji max to
- et cetera, etc., and so on, and so forth
- ji pia
- and also, as well as
- Jibuti
- Djibouti
- jidi
- serious, earnest
- seriously, earnestly
- jidiya
- seriousness, earnestness
- jigam
- intuition, (gut) feeling, hunch
- intuit, intuitively know, feel
- jijon
- hit
- hit (target, etc.)
- jileko
- waistcoat, vest, gilet
- jinam
- saddle
- jine
- gin, genever, jenever
- jingen
- proverb, adage, byword, aphorism, saying
- jingo
- warning
- warn, caution
- jingodo
- warned, cautioned
- jinji
- straight, direct
- directly
- jinjiya
- straightness, directness
- jinmaku
- vein
- jinsen
- ginseng
- jinsu
- (pair of) jeans
- jipu
- jeep
- jirafa
- giraffe, Giraffa
- jirin
- jingle, clink, tinkle
- jingle, clink, tinkle
- jismu
- body
- jismukanu
- torso
- jismuli
- bodily, physical
- bodily, physically
- jismulogi
- anatomy
- jivaki
- mercury (element), Hg
- jiwa
- life
- live
- jiwagrafi
- biography
- jiwajotay
- standard of life, standard of living
- jiwane
- alive, living, live
- jiwapul
- live
- jixi
- knowledge
- know, know how (to)
- jixido
- known
- jixifil
- curious
- curiously
- jixigi
- notification, notice
- let know, notify
- jixilogi
- epistemology
- jixipel
- make wonder
- jixipeldo
- curious
- curiously
- jixivole
- curiosity
- wonder
- jogay
- handicap, disability, impediment, impairment, disorder
- jogaydo
- handicapped, disabled, impaired
- jogule
- juggling
- juggle
- jogulene
- juggling
- joguleyen
- juggler
- jojiha
- hedgehog, Erinaceinae
- jojiki
- tissue (biology), histo-
- joker
- joker (card)
- jongere
- cicada, Cicadoidea
- jongu
- species
- jonlyoku
- tension
- tension, tense, stretch
- jotay
- condition, state
- jovari
- sorghum
- jowey
- surroundings, environment, vicinity
- jowey-
- around, about, within the vicinity, aimlessly
- joxu
- enthusiasm, excitement, zeal
- enthuse, excite, feel enthused, feel excited
- joxudo
- excited, enthusiastic
- excitedly, enthusiastically
- joxufil
- enthusiastic, cheerful
- enthusiasticly, cheerfully
- joxupul
- enthusiastic, eager
- enthusiastically, eagerly
- jozi
- nut (food)
- jubin
- cheese
- jubinhamburger
- cheeseburger
- judan
- bullet
- juhudi
- effort
- put forth effort (to, towards)
- jui
- attention
- pay attention (to), acknowledge
- juigi
- point out
- juikal tem
- regardless (of), irrespective (of), no matter
- juilaye
- remarkable, notable (worthy of attention)
- remarkably, notably
- juimoni
- examine, inspect
- juine
- attentive
- attentively
- juioko
- observe, look, watch
- juiore
- listen (attentively)
- juipul
- careful, cautious
- carefully, cautiously
- juitim
- audience, spectators
- juitimdom
- auditorium
- jujwe
- chewing, mastication
- chew
- jujwedo
- chewed
- jujwegomi
- chewing gum
- jul
- joule, J
- jula
- apart, separate
- separately
- julacu
- separate (get separated)
- julagi
- separation
- separate
- jularesta
- avoid (stay apart from)
- julaya
- separation
- jumbi
- ready, prepared, set
- jumbicu
- get ready, prepare
- jumbigi
- preparation
- ready, prepare
- jumbiya
- readiness, preparedness
- jumhuri
- republic
- jumle
- sentence (language)
- jumlemon
- phrase
- jumun
- spell, incantation
- bewitch, cast a spell (on)
- jumundo
- bewitched
- jumunya
- sorcery, witchcraft, wizardry
- jumunyen
- sorcerer, witch, wizard
- jundwan
- interruption, disruption
- interrupt, disrupt
- jundwando
- interrupted, disrupted
- jungla
- jungle
- jungwi
- lieutenant
- juni
- young
- juni-
- offspring, young
- junibabur
- (tiger) cub
- junibaru
- (bear) cub
- junibozi
- kid, young goat
- junibwaw
- puppy
- junidrevo
- sapling
- junihaul
- pup
- junihirxa
- fawn
- junihuhu
- owlet, owling
- junikargux
- bunny
- junikrabe
- crablet
- junikroa
- tadpole, pollywog
- junimeme
- lamb
- junimememaso
- lamb (meat)
- junimumu
- calf
- junimyaw
- kitten
- juninini
- infant, toddler
- junipiu
- hatchling
- junisinga
- (lion) cub
- juniswini
- piglet
- juniuma
- foal
- juniyen
- young man, young woman, gal, guy, teen to early 20s
- junluku
- gravity
- gravitate
- jurisdiksi
- jurisdiction
- jurisdiksili
- jurisdictional
- juruha
- wound, injury
- wound, injure, get wounded, get injured
- juruhado
- wounded, injured
- jusu
- juice
- juyuen
- rescue, salvation
- rescue, save
- juyuenyen
- savior, rescuer
- juzam
- leprosy
- jwan
- turn
- turn
- jwando
- turned
- jyen
- frying
- fry
- jyendo
- fried
- kabaca
- squash, gourd, pumpkin, Cucurbitaceae
- kabel
- cable
- kabiji
- cabbage
- kabila
- tribe
- kabilali
- tribal
- kabju
- partridge
- kaburi
- grave, tomb
- kaburidom
- cemetery, graveyard
- kabutar
- dove, pigeon, Columbidae
- Kabuverdi
- Cabo Verde
- kacaku
- smuggling, trafficking, contraband
- smuggle, traffic
- kacakudo
- smuggled, trafficked
- kacakuyen
- smuggler, trafficker
- kacupa
- turtle, Testudines
- kadam
- step
- (take a) step, take steps
- kadiba
- lie
- lie, tell lies
- kadibayen
- liar
- kadmyum
- cadmium, Cd
- kadro
- frame (picture, bike, building), framework, cadre
- kafare
- atonement, redemption, expiation
- atone, redeem, expiate
- kafareabil
- redemptive, redeeming
- kafaredo
- redeemed, atoned, expiated
- kafareible
- redeemable
- kafarene
- redemptive, redeeming
- kafas
- cage
- kafe
- coffee
- kafedom
- café, coffeehouse, coffee shop
- kafeina
- caffeine
- kafetora
- coffee machine, coffee maker
- kafur
- camphor
- kafya
- rhyme
- rhyme
- kafyane
- rhyming
- kahabu
- prostitute
- kahabuergo
- prostitution
- work as a prostitute, prostitute oneself
- kahabugi
- prostitute (somebody)
- kahabuya
- prostitution
- kahruba
- amber
- Kain
- Cain
- kaka
- poop, crap (non-vulgar)
- poop, crap
- kakagi
- cause (somebody) to poop, make (somebody) poop
- kakao
- cocoa
- kakapo
- kakapo, Strigops
- kaki
- persimmon
- kakoku
- cuckoo (bird), Cuculiformes
- kaku
- vomit, puke, regurgitation
- vomit, puke, regurgitate
- kakugi
- cause to vomit, induce vomit
- kakutus
- cactus
- kal
- empty
- kalaci
- magpie
- Kalali
- Greenland
- kalamar
- squid, Decapodiformes
- kalamu
- pen
- kalcita
- calcite
- kalcu
- become empty
- kalcyum
- calcium, Ca
- Kaleb
- Caleb
- kalebu
- mold (cast)
- mold
- kalebudo
- molded
- kalendar
- calendar
- kalgi
- emptying
- empty
- kalibra
- calibration
- calibrate
- kalibrado
- calibrated
- kalifornyum
- californium, Cf
- kalkulus
- calculus
- kalori
- calorie
- kalorili
- caloric
- kalya
- emptiness
- kam
- yes/no question particle, or, or whether
- kama
- whether
- kameleon
- chameleon
- kamer
- room, chamber
- Kamerun
- Cameroon
- Kamerunli
- Cameroonian
- Kamerunyen
- Cameroonian
- kamisa
- shirt
- kamomil
- chamomile, camomile, Asteraceae
- kampani
- campaign, movement
- kampaniismo
- activism
- kampaniista
- activist
- kampi
- camping
- camp
- kampiatex
- campfire
- kampidom
- camp
- Kampuci
- Cambodia
- Kampucili
- Cambodian
- Kampucisa
- Khmer, Cambodian (language)
- Kampuciyen
- Khmer, Cambodian
- kanabis
- cannabis, marijuana
- Kanada
- Canada
- Kanadali
- Canadian
- Kanadayen
- Canadian
- kanan
- right
- kananhantafil
- right-handed
- kananhantali
- right-hand
- kananhantaya
- right-handedness
- Kanari
- Canary (Islands)
- kanaripiu
- canary
- kanca
- glass (material)
- kancali
- glass, (made) of glass
- kancer
- cancer
- kancerdo
- cancerous
- kancerente
- carcinogen
- kancerne
- carcinogenic
- carcinogenically
- kandela
- candela, cd
- kandidato
- candidate
- kanguru
- kangaroo
- kanho
- nursing
- nurse
- kanhodo
- nursed
- kanhoyen
- nurse
- kanmun
- anus
- kanmunli
- anal
- anally
- kanoe
- canoe
- kanon
- canon (literature, religion)
- kantaka
- thorn, barb, prickle
- kantalupu
- cantaloupe
- kanu
- stem, stalk, trunk (tree)
- kanyon
- canyon, gorge
- kaos
- chaos
- kaospul
- chaotic
- chaotically
- kaossim
- chaotic
- chaotically
- kapa
- cape, cloak
- kapala
- skull, cranium
- kapi
- head, top
- kapibara
- capybara, Hydrochoerus
- kapiexfon
- headphones
- kapikusen
- pillow
- kapital
- capital (wealth)
- kapitalismo
- capitalism
- kapitalista
- capitalist
- kapo
- cape (geography)
- kapuco
- hood
- Kara
- Kara
- karakal
- caracal
- karamel
- caramel
- karanfu
- clove, Syzygium aromaticum
- karaoke
- karaoke
- karar
- decision
- decide
- kararfil
- decisive
- decisively
- kararpul
- determined (with determination)
- karate
- karate
- karavan
- caravan
- karawi
- caraway, Carum carvi
- karay
- spicy, hot
- karayje
- spiciness, pungency
- karayya
- spiciness
- karbon
- carbon, C
- kardu
- loan
- loan, lend, borrow
- karducudu
- borrow
- karducududo
- borrowed
- kardugibe
- loan
- lend
- kardugibedo
- loaned
- kardulexi
- loan word
- karduli basatayti
- calque, loan translation
- kareto
- cart, wheelbarrow
- kargux
- rabbit, hare, Leporidae
- kargux ci
- bunny
- kari
- purchase
- buy, purchase, shop
- Karibe
- Caribbean
- karido
- purchased, bought
- kariible
- for sale, buyable
- karisma
- charisma
- karismapul
- charismatic
- kariyen
- buyer
- karkumbu
- tit, chickadee, titmouse, Paridae
- Karlo
- Carl
- karma
- karma
- karmali
- karmic
- Karmel
- Carmel, Carmen
- Karnataka
- Karnataka (state in India)
- Karnatakali
- (of) Karnataka
- Karnatakasa
- Kannada (language)
- Karnatakayen
- Kannadiga, Kannadati (person)
- karneval
- carnival
- karnexon
- carnation, clove pink, Dianthus caryophyllus
- karoca
- roach, cockroach, Blattodea
- karote
- carrot
- karpe
- carp
- Karpentari
- Carpentaria
- karta
- card
- karta aya
- ace (card)
- kartel
- cartel
- karton
- cardboard, carton
- karusel
- merry-go-round, carousel, roundabout
- kasava
- cassava, manioc, yuca, Manihot esculenta
- kasete
- cassette
- kasino
- casino
- kasiru
- break
- break
- kasirudo
- broken
- kaso
- case
- Kaspi
- Caspian
- kasta
- caste
- kastani
- chestnut
- kastilo
- castle
- kaswari
- cassowary, Casuarius
- kata
- cut
- cut
- katado
- cut
- katalisi
- catalysis
- catalyze, catalyse
- katalu
- katal
- Katar
- Qatar
- Katarli
- Qatari
- Kataryen
- Qatari (person)
- katatul
- knife
- Katerin
- Catherine, Katherine, Kathleen
- katina
- difficult, hard, tough
- difficultly
- katinagi
- hinderance
- make difficult, hinder
- katinaxey
- difficulty, difficulties, trouble
- katinaya
- difficulty
- Katoliki
- Catholic
- katru
- drop
- drip
- kavuke
- hollow
- hollowly
- kaway
- cute
- cutely
- kawaywao
- endearment
- endear, feel endeared
- kawaywaodo
- endeared
- kawaywaone
- endearing
- kawayya
- cuteness
- kawcu
- rubber
- kawculi
- rubber, (made) of rubber
- Kawkasi
- Caucasus, Caucasia
- kawri
- cowrie, cowry, Cypraeidae
- kaxa
- case, container
- Kaxmir
- Kashmir (region in the Indian subcontinent)
- Kaxmirli
- Kashmiri
- Kaxmirsa
- Kashmiri (language), Koshur
- Kaxmiryen
- Kashmiri (person)
- kaxoke
- spoon
- kaxu
- cashew
- kayaki
- kayak
- kayak
- kaydan
- stairs, stairway, staircase
- kayena
- cayenne (pepper)
- Kayman
- Cayman (Islands)
- kayvutu
- monster
- kayvutusim
- monstrous
- Kazaki
- Kazakhstan
- Kazakili
- Kazakh
- Kazakisa
- Kazakh (language)
- Kazakiyen
- Kazakh (person)
- ke
- which, what
- kebabu
- kebab, kabob
- kecapu
- ketchup, catsup
- keete
- who? which ones?
- kef
- boss, chief, head, master
- keji
- pheasant
- keke
- cake
- kekwanti
- how much
- kelne
- tick (arachnid), Ixodida
- keloka
- where
- Kelti
- Celtic
- Keltiko
- Celtic Sea
- kelvin
- kelvin, K
- kemaner
- how, done by what manner, done in
what manner
- kemer
- waist
- kemo
- how, to what degree
- kendi
- candy, sweet
- kentan
- exploration
- explore
- kentando
- explored
- kentanyen
- explorer
- kentawro
- centaur
- kenumer
- how many
- Kenya
- Kenya
- keoto
- what (things)?, which (ones)?
- kepul
- like what, how, in what way
- Kerala
- Kerala (state in India)
- Keralali
- (of) Kerala
- Keralasa
- Malayalam (language)
- Keralayen
- Malayali, Malayalee, Keralite (person)
- keran
- faucet, tap, spigot
- kerati
- carat, karat, ct
- kergedan
- rhinoceros, rhino
- kermes
- kermes (insect)
- kermeskolordo
- crimson
- kerosin
- kerosene
- kesadiya
- quesadilla
- keseba
- why, how come
- kesu
- whose
- ketani
- flax
- ketanibija
- flaxseed
- kete
- who, which (one)
- ketif
- shoulder
- keto
- what, which (one)
- kewatu
- when
- kexru
- shell (of a nut), crust, bark, peel, rind, hull, husk, cortex
- ki
- that
- kibiriti
- match (fire)
- kido
- prayer
- pray
- kigan
- trachea, windpipe
- kihoy
- opportunity, chance, occasion
- kijawi
- green
- kijawiya
- greeness, color green
- kikil
- file (tool)
- file, rasp
- kila
- keel
- kilo
- thousand, one thousand
- kilogon
- chiliagon, 1000-gon
- kilogramo
- kilogram
- kilometroje
- mileage (measure in kilometers)
- kilonyan
- millennium
- kilople
- milluple, thousandfold
- kiloyum
- thousandth
- kima
- price, fee, cost, rate
- cost
- kimakal
- free (of charge)
- kimamingi
- discount
- kimapul
- costly, pricey, expensive
- kimika
- chemistry
- kimikali
- chemical
- kimikaxey
- chemical
- kingem
- experience
- experience
- kinoa
- quinoa
- Kinsasakongo
- Democratic Republic of the Congo
- kipa
- heap, pile
- Kipros
- Cyprus
- Kiprosli
- Cypriot
- Kiprosyen
- Cypriot (person)
- kiray
- rent
- rent
- kiraycudu
- rent (pay)
- kiraygibe
- rent (out)
- Kirgizi
- Kyrgyzstan
- Kirgizisa
- Kyrgyz (language)
- Kirgiziyen
- Kyrgyz (person)
- Kiribati
- Kiribati
- Kiribatisa
- Gilbertese (language)
- kisencun
- parasite
- kisencunli
- parasitic
- kismetu
- fate, destiny
- kitabu
- book
- kitabubao
- bookbag
- kitabudom
- library
- kitabudomyen
- librarian
- kitabudukan
- bookstore
- kitabufilya
- bibliophilia
- kitabufilyen
- bibliophile
- kitabukaxa
- bookcase
- kitaburafu
- bookshelf
- kiwi
- kiwi, Apterygidae (bird)
- kiwifruta
- kiwifruit, kiwi
- klarinete
- clarinet
- klase
- class, category
- classify, categorize
- klaselogi
- taxonomy
- klasiko
- classic, classical
- clasically
- klavi
- key (computer, piano)
- klavilari
- keyboard
- kliente
- client, customer
- klientelari
- clientele
- kliku
- click
- click (on)
- klima
- weather, climate
- Kliperton
- Clipperton
- klitoris
- clitoris
- klixe
- cliché, hackney, stereotype
- kloaka
- cloaca
- klorin
- chlorine, Cl
- klosi
- closure
- close, shut
- klosido
- closed, shut
- klosine
- closing
- klover
- clover
- klubu
- club
- koala
- koala, Phascolarctidae
- kobalto
- cobalt, Co
- koberi
- covering, coverage
- cover
- koberido
- covered
- kobra
- cobra
- koda
- tail
- kodakal
- tailless, acaudate, acaudal
- kodatenmun
- comet
- kodi
- code
- codify, encode
- kodido
- encoded, codified
- kof
- cough
- cough
- kofgi
- cause to cough
- koge
- palate (anatomy)
- kogebadam
- (palatine) tonsil
- kogeli
- palatal
- koka
- coca, Erythroxylum
- kokaina
- cocaine
- kokatu
- cockatoo, Cacatuidae
- koki
- cooking
- cook
- kokiarte
- cuisine
- kokido
- cooked
- kokikamer
- kitchen
- kokikef
- chef
- kokiyen
- cook
- koko
- coconut, Cocos
- Kokokilin
- Cocos(-Keeling) Islands
- kokomilko
- coconut milk
- kokoyow
- coconut oil
- koktel
- cocktail
- kola
- cola (drink, tree, nut)
- kolera
- cholera
- kolesterol
- cholesterol
- kolibri
- hummingbird, Trochilidae
- Kolombi
- Colombia
- Kolombili
- Colombian
- Kolombiyen
- Colombian (person)
- koloni
- colony
- kolonigi
- colonization
- colonize
- kolor
- color
- kolorarko
- rainbow
- kolorokobimar
- color-blind
- kolorokobimarya
- color blindness
- kolorokoosis
- color blindness
- kolorpul
- colorful
- colorfully
- kolube
- cabin, hut
- kolyo
- consideration
- consider, take into consideration, take into account
- kom
- as (comparable to), than (as compared with)
- koma
- coma
- kombina
- combination
- combine
- kombinado
- combined
- komedi
- comedy
- komenta
- comment
- comment
- komiki
- comics, manga
- Komori
- Comoros
- Komorili
- Comorian
- Komorisa
- Comorian (language)
- Komoriyen
- Comorian (person)
- kompara
- comparison
- compare
- kompasu
- compass, pair of compasses
- kompeten
- competent
- competently
- kompetenya
- competence
- komplekso
- complex (psychology)
- kompleto
- complete, absolute, whole
- completely, absolutely, wholly
- kompletogi
- complete, fulfill, carry out
- komploto
- conspiracy, plot, scheme
- conspire (to), plot
- kompostu
- compost
- compost
- komputa
- computation, calculation
- compute, calculate
- komputatora
- computer
- komputatul
- calculator
- komun
- communal
- in common, communally
- komunika
- communication
- communicate
- komunikado
- communicated
- komunikafil
- communicative
- komunikali
- communicative
- komunikayen
- communicator
- komunismo
- communism
- komunista
- communist
- komuntim
- community
- konceto
- concept, notion
- koncun
- insect, bug
- koncunlogi
- entomology
- koncunlogiyen
- entomologist
- koncunmorgiente
- insecticide
- kondom
- condom
- konduta
- behavior, conduct
- behave, act
- kone
- knowledge, acquaintance, familiarity
- know, be acquainted with, be familiar with
- konedo
- known
- konestable
- constable
- konferensi
- conference, convention
- konflito
- conflict
- conflict (with), clash (with)
- konflitone
- conflicting
- konforta
- comfort
- make comfortable, feel comfortable
- konfortane
- comfortable (which comforts)
- comfortably
- konfortapul
- comfortable (in comfort, full of comfort)
- comfortably
- konhwoku
- confusion, perplexity, bafflement
- be confused, be perplexed, be baffled, be bewildered, confuse, perplex, baffle, bewilder
- konhwokudo
- confused, perplexed, baffled, bewildered
- confusedly, perplexed, baffled, bewilderedly
- konhwokune
- confusing, perplexing, baffling, bewildering
- confusingly, perplexingly, bafflingly, bewilderingly
- Konkan
- Konkan (western coastal region in India)
- Konkanli
- Konkani
- Konkansa
- Konkani (language)
- Konkanyen
- Konkani (person)
- konkreto
- concrete
- concretely
- konkure
- competition
- compete (against)
- konkurexey
- contest, competition, match
- konkureyen
- competitor, contestant, contender
- konsan
- mine (excavation)
- konsol
- console
- konsonan
- consonant
- kontamina
- contamination, pollution
- contaminate, pollute
- kontaminado
- contaminated, polluted
- kontaminaente
- contaminant
- kontato
- contact
- contact
- kontatodo
- contacted
- konte
- count, countess, earl
- kontraste
- contrast
- contrast
- kontrastedo
- contrasted
- kontrastene
- contrastive
- kontrata
- contract (legally binding)
- konus
- cone
- kopa
- glass, tumbler, cup, mug (any drinking vessel other than bottles)
- kopakeke
- cupcake
- kopernikyum
- copernicium, Cn
- kopi
- copy, duplicate
- copy, duplicate
- kopido
- copied, duplicated
- kopihaki
- copyright
- korbani
- victim
- kordo
- cord, rope
- koridor
- corridor, hallway, aisle
- korku
- cork (material), phellem
- koronel
- colonel
- korsaro
- pirate, corsair
- korseto
- corset
- koryandro
- coriander, cilantro
- kos
- because of, due to, for
- kosa
- cause
- cause
- kosamon
- factor
- kosino
- cosine
- koski
- because, since
- kosmo
- universe
- kosmoli
- cosmic
- kosmologi
- cosmology
- kosmonaviyen
- astronaut, cosmonaut
- kosta
- coast, shore
- kostante
- constant
- constantly
- Kostarika
- Costa Rica
- Kostarikali
- Costa Rican
- Kostarikayen
- Costa Rican (person)
- kostrui
- construction, building
- construct, build
- kostruido
- constructed, built
- kostruixey
- building
- kostruiyen
- builder
- kostum
- costume, suit
- kosya
- is because of, is due to
- kosya ki
- is because
- Kotivwar
- Côte d'Ivoire, Ivory Coast
- koton
- cotton
- kotonli
- (made of) cotton
- kotor
- dirty
- dirtily
- kotorya
- dirtiness, uncleanliness
- kotu
- coat, overcoat
- kowa
- power, force
- kowakal
- powerless
- powerlessly
- kowapul
- powerful, mighty
- powerfully, mightily
- koyote
- coyote
- krabe
- crab, Brachyura
- krabemaso
- crab (meat), crabmeat
- krampe
- contraction, convulsion, seizure, spasm, cramp, twitch
- contract, convulse, spasm, twitch, cramp
- krasi
- government, rule, control
- govern, rule, control
- krasidoku
- constitution
- krasine
- governing, ruling
- krasisistema
- regime
- krasitim
- government
- krasiyen
- ruler
- krater
- crater
- kravata
- tie, necktie
- kraw
- crow, raven, Corvus
- krawsa
- caw
- krea
- creation
- create, make, generate
- kreaabil
- creative
- creatively
- kreaabilya
- creativity
- kreado
- created, made, generated
- kreaxey
- (a) creation
- kreayen
- creator, author
- kredito
- credit
- credit
- kreditokarta
- credit card
- krema
- cream, paste
- kren
- crane
- krenberi
- cranberry, Oxycoccus
- kreol
- creole (language)
- kreyon
- crayon
- kriban
- almost, nearly
- krigiri
- cricket, Ensifera
- kriketo
- cricket (sport)
- krimen
- crime
- krimencipen
- fraud
- defraud
- krimenli
- criminal
- criminally
- krimenyen
- criminal
- krimu
- cream (dairy)
- kriputon
- krypton, Kr
- krisis
- crisis
- krisispul
- critical
- critically
- kristal
- crystal
- kristalli
- (made of) crystal
- Kristo
- Christ
- Kristodin
- Christmas
- Kristofe
- Christopher
- Kristoismo
- Christianity
- Kristoista
- Christian
- kroa
- frog, toad, Anura
- krokodil
- crocodile
- kromosom
- chromosome
- kromyum
- chromium, Cr
- kruasan
- croissant
- kruel
- cruel
- cruelly
- kruelya
- cruelty
- ku
- interrogative clauses in declarative sentences
- Kuba
- Cuba
- kube
- vault, dome, cupola
- kubo
- cube
- kudu
- elbow
- kufi
- enough, sufficient
- sufficiently
- kufiday
- significant, substantial, sufficiently large
- kufimo
- sufficiently, enough
- kuflu
- lock
- lock
- kufludo
- locked
- kuhan
- hump
- kukabura
- kookaburra, Dacelo
- kuki
- HTTP cookie, browser cookie, web cookie, Internet cookie, cookie (computer)
- kuku
- chicken, hen, rooster, Gallus
- kukuhwa
- chrysanthemum
- kukumaso
- chicken (meat)
- kulabu
- hook
- hook
- kulom
- coulomb, C
- kultu
- cult
- kultura
- culture
- kulturali
- cultural
- culturally
- kulunge
- pickaxe, pick, mattock
- kulye
- kidney
- kumari
- gambling, bet, wager
- gamble, bet, wager
- kumax
- piece of cloth
- kumi
- spider, Araneae
- kumifobi
- arachnophobia
- kumineto
- spider web, spider's web, cobweb
- kunde
- dull, blunt
- dully, bluntly
- kundeya
- dullness, bluntness
- kungan
- space, room
- kunganje
- volume (of space)
- kunganli
- spatial
- kunkwatu
- kumquat, Citrus japonica
- kuo
- hoe
- hoe
- kupon
- coupon
- Kuran
- (the) Quran, Koran
- Kurasao
- Curaçao
- kuri
- curry
- kurkuma
- turmeric, kumkuma
- kursi
- chair
- kurtina
- curtain
- kurto
- short, brief
- briefly
- kurtocu
- shorten (become short)
- kurtogi
- shorten (make short)
- kurtowatuli
- short-term
- kurtoya
- shortness
- kuruca
- warbler
- kuryum
- curium, Cm
- kusen
- cushion
- kustardi
- custard
- kutle
- clump, mass, lump, clod, glob, blob, nugget
- kutubu
- pole (geography)
- kutububaru
- polar bear, Ursus maritimus
- kutubuli
- polar
- kuvu
- mold, mould, mildew
- kuvupul
- moldy, mouldy, mildewy
- Kuweyti
- Kuwait
- kuxti
- wrestling
- wrestle
- kuxtiyen
- wrestler
- kuzin
- cousin
- kwake
- duck
- kwalita
- quality, calibre
- kwalitapul
- high-quality, fine
- kwangu
- ore
- kwanli
- administration, management
- administer, manage
- kwanlido
- administered, managed
- kwanlitim
- administration, management
- kwanliyen
- administrator, manager
- kwanti
- quantity, amount
- kwantilexi
- quantifier
- kwantum
- quantum
- kwarentin
- quarantine
- quarantine
- kwarentindo
- quarantined
- kwarku
- quark
- kwarzo
- quartz
- kwas
- as if
- kwasi
- seeming, apparent
- seemingly, apparently
- kwasiatre
- step-parent, stepparent
- kwasibete
- step-child, stepchild, step-daughter, stepdaugher, step-son, stepson
- kwasilexi
- onomatopoeia
- kwasipatre
- stepfather
- kwasisen
- seem
- kwasisodar
- step-brother, step-sister, stepbrother, stepsister
- kweho
- merry, cheerful
- merrilly, cheerfully
- kweten
- defect, flaw, shortcoming
- break (make or become defective)
- kwetendo
- broken, flawed
- kwir
- queer
- queerly
- kwota
- quota
- kyamatu
- apocalypse, armageddon, doomsday, eschaton
- kyamatuli
- apocalyptic
- kyamatusim
- apocalyptic
- kyosko
- kiosk
- kyota
- nest
- kyu
- letter q
- labas
- clothing, clothes, garment
- wear
- labasalkoba
- closet
- labasalmari
- wardrobe
- labasgebo
- sleeve
- labasgi
- dress
- labaskaxa
- chest of drawers, dresser
- label
- label, tag, tab
- label, tag, tab
- labirin
- labyrinth, maze
- lablabu
- ivy, Hedera
- Labrador
- Labrador
- labya
- lip
- labyali
- labial
- labially
- lafuzu
- pronunciation
- pronounce
- lafuzudo
- pronounced (speech)
- lagun
- lagoon
- laklake
- stork, Ciconiiformes
- Lakxadwipa
- Lakshadweep, Laccadive
- lala
- song
- sing
- lalado
- sung
- lalagi
- cause (somebody) to sing, make (somebody) sing
- lalane
- singing
- lalatim
- boy band, girlgroup
- lalayen
- singer
- lama
- old, longtime
- lama-
- ancient, old
- lamabiologi
- paleontology
- lamaje
- age
- have age of
- lamalogi
- archaeology
- lamameter
- date, measure age of
- lamaya
- oldness
- lamese
- touch
- touch
- lamperey
- lamprey, Petromyzontiformes
- lampu
- lamp
- lanca
- launch
- launch
- lancado
- launched
- lanetu
- condemnation, damnation
- condemn, sentence, damn, doom
- lanetudo
- condemned, sentenced, damned, doomed
- lankan
- handrail, banister, railing
- lantanum
- lanthanum, La
- lao
- old
- lao-
- old
- laoatre
- ancestor, forefather, foremother
- laoatrelogi
- genealogy
- laocu
- age, become old, grow old
- laoje
- age
- have age of
- laonini
- tween, pre-teen, pre-adolescent
- laoya
- old age
- laoyen
- senior, elderly person
- Laptev
- Laptev
- lari
- collective group, collection, set, lot
- collect
- laringe
- larynx
- larva
- larva
- laser
- laser
- latex
- latex
- latexli
- (made of) latex
- Latin
- Latin
- Latinika
- (Spanish and Portuguese speaking) Latin America
- Latinikayen
- Latina, Latino, Latin person
- Latinsa
- Latin (language)
- Latvi
- Latvia
- Latvisa
- Latvian (language)
- Latviyen
- Latvian (person)
- lava
- lava
- lavenda
- lavender (flower), Lavandula
- lavraki
- perch, bass, Perciformes
- lawfen
- bother, annoyance, vexation
- bother, annoy, vex, bug, be bothered, be annoyed, be vexed, be bugged
- lawfendo
- annoyed, bothered, bugged, vexed
- lawfenne
- annoying
- annoyingly
- Lawi
- Laos
- Lawisa
- Lao (language)
- lawrel
- laurel, bay leaf
- lawrensyum
- lawrencium, Lr
- laxo
- loose, flaccid, limp
- loosely, flaccidly, limply
- laxocu
- loosen (become loose), become flaccid, become limp
- laxogi
- loosen (cause to be loose), make (something) flaccid, make (something) limp
- laxoya
- looseness, flaccidity, limpness
- laye
- worthy
- layeya
- worth, worthiness, merit
- deserve
- Lazarev
- Lazarev
- lazurdi
- lapis lazuli, azure
- le
- past tense marker
- le-
- former, ex-
- le abil
- could, was able, were able
- le du-
- used (to)
- le no
- did not, didn't
- leaxam
- eve
- ledin
- yesterday (in the past), days gone by
- lefe
- before (+ noun, -ing), ago
- lefe-
- pre-, fore-
- lefe dento
- beforehand, previously
- lefe na
- before (+ -ing)
- lefe or fe
- by, on or before
- lefe to
- previously, formerly, earlier, before then, before that
- lefeeksame
- pretest
- lefeeskol
- preschool
- lefefikso
- prefix
- lefegaminame
- maiden name
- lefeixara
- omen, sign, portent, presage
- foreshadow, portend, be a sign of
- lefeixarado
- foreshadowed, portended
- lefejadin
- presupposition, presumption
- presuppose, presume
- lefelexi
- foreword, preamble, prolog(ue)
- lefeloga
- prediction
- predict
- lefeoko
- foresight
- foresee
- lefeplasilexi
- preposition
- leferesmi
- pre-official, tentative
- pre-officially, tentatively
- lefeyam
- appetizer
- have an appetizer, eat as an appetizer
- lega
- law
- legajeni
- bill (law)
- legakal
- illegal, lawless
- illegally, lawlessly
- legali
- legal (of or relating to the law)
- legalogi
- jurisprudence, science of law, philosophy of law, theory of law, law specialty
- legami
- ex-spouse
- legapul
- lawful, legal
- lawfully, legally
- legayen
- lawyer, attorney
- leim
- glue
- glue
- leimdo
- glued
- leki
- before (+ sentence)
- leli
- past, previous, former
- previously, formerly, beforehand
- lemur
- lemur, Lemuroidea
- lense
- lens
- lenterna
- lantern
- leopar
- leopard, Panthera pardus
- lepresidiyen
- ex-president
- Lesbo
- Lesbos
- lesboyen
- lesbian
- Lesboyen
- Lesbian, inhabitant of Lesbos
- Lesutu
- Lesotho
- leta
- lying
- lie, be lying
- letagi
- laying
- lay
- letali
- horizontal
- horizontally
- letane
- lying
- letuka
- lettuce
- Levante
- Levant
- levita
- levitation
- levitate, hover, float (in air)
- levura
- (brewer's) yeast, leaven, leavening
- leaven
- levyatan
- leviathan
- lexi
- word, term
- word
- lexiasel
- etymology
- lexilari
- vocabulary, lexicon
- lexilogi
- lexicology
- leximon
- syllable
- lexiyuxi
- word-play, wordplay
- leya
- (the) past
- be before
- Liberi
- Liberia
- Libi
- Libya
- Libili
- Libyan
- Libiyen
- Libyan (person)
- lici
- lychee, litchi (fruit)
- lide
- lead, leadership, direction, conduction
- lead, direct, conduct
- lidedo
- led, directed, conducted
- lidetim
- leadership
- lideyen
- leader, director, conductor
- lideyenya
- leadership
- Lidya
- Lydia
- lifafa
- envelope, wrapping
- envelop, wrap
- lifafado
- wrapped
- lifti
- lift, raising
- lift, raise
- liftido
- lifted, raised
- liftitora
- elevator
- liftitul
- lever
- lihemu
- welding, soldering
- weld, solder
- lihemudo
- welded, soldered
- lihemuyen
- welder, solderer
- Lihtenstayn
- Liechtenstein
- Lihtenstaynli
- Liechtensteinian
- Lihtenstaynyen
- Liechtensteiner
- lijun
- profit (economics)
- profit
- lika
- lick
- lick
- likado
- licked
- likakendi
- lollipop
- likwido
- liquid, fluid
- liquify, liquefy (turn or become liquid)
- likwidocu
- liquefaction
- liquify, liquefy (become a liquid)
- likwidodo
- liquified, liquefied
- likwidogi
- liquefaction
- liquify, liquefy (turn into a liquid)
- likwidopul
- liquid
- lil
- little, small, minor, slight
- minorly, slightly
- lil-
- small, little, few, soft
- lilaku
- lilac, Syringa
- lilalogi
- modification, adjustment
- modify, adjust
- lilatex
- spark
- lilbage
- speck
- lilbardipul
- cool
- lilbarix
- drizzle
- lilbaytu
- hut, cottage
- lilbete
- grandson, granddaughter, grandchild, grandchildren
- lilcu
- become or get small or little
- lildahun
- leaflet, slip (of paper)
- lildexa
- micronation
- lildolo
- alley
- lileksame
- quiz
- quiz
- lileskirti
- miniskirt
- lilgi
- cause (something) to be small or little, make (something) small or little
- lilgile
- damp, moist
- lilhaha
- giggle
- liljabal
- hill
- lilkitabu
- booklet
- lilloga
- whisper
- lilmegu
- cloudlet, cloudling
- lilmo
- (a) little (of degree, rather than quantity), (a) little bit, slightly
- lilmwa
- peck
- lilnahir
- stream, brook
- lilnavi
- boat
- lilpala
- whisper
- lilpanda
- lesser panda, red panda, panda, Ailuridae
- lilpetra
- pebbles
- lilplaneta
- minor planet
- lilsigaro
- cigarette
- lilsoksu
- ankle sock
- lilsomno
- nap
- take a nap, doze
- liltermopul
- lukewarm
- liltunge
- keg
- lilvento
- breeze
- lilxaher
- borough, town
- lilya
- smallness
- lilyao
- nibble
- lima
- five
- limacen
- five hundred
- limades
- fifty
- limadesyum
- (the) fiftieth
- limagon
- pentagon
- limaple
- quintuple, fivefold
- limayum
- (the) fifth
- limite
- limit
- limit
- limitedo
- limited
- limitene
- limiting
- limitexey
- limitation
- limon
- lemon
- limonsui
- lemonade
- limu
- lime
- limusui
- limeade
- linea
- line
- lineali
- linear
- linfa
- lymph
- linfali
- lymphatic
- linku
- connection, link, bond
- connect, link
- linkudo
- linked, connected
- linkulexi
- conjunction
- linkuli falelexi
- copula
- linkutul
- (hyper)link
- linxam
- fir, Abies
- linxe
- lynx
- lista
- list
- literatur
- literature
- literaturli
- literary
- litro
- liter, litre, L
- lityum
- lithium, Li
- liu
- willow, sallow, osier, withy, Salix (tree)
- livermoryum
- livermorium, Lv
- lixiku
- interest (finance)
- lizarde
- lizard
- lobo
- lobe, lobo-
- lobuster
- lobster, Nephropidae
- loga
- statement, utterance
- say, tell, state, utter
- logado
- said, told, uttered, stated
- logalari
- dialog, dialogue (script)
- logaritma
- logarithm
- logaritmali
- logarithmic
- logi
- specialty, science (of), philosophy (of), study (of), art (of)
- logika
- logic
- logikakal
- illogical
- logikali
- logical (of or related to logic)
- logikapul
- logical
- logically
- loka
- location, place, site, position
- be located, be found, be situated
- lokado
- located, found, situated
- lokagi
- situate
- lokali
- local
- locally
- lokamon
- spot
- lokayen
- local
- Lorenso
- Laurence, Lawrence, Lorenzo
- lori
- truck, lorry, camion
- losyon
- lotion
- loteri
- lottery
- lotus
- lotus, sacred lotus, Indian lotus, Nelumbo
- Lubanon
- Lebanon
- Lubanonyen
- Lebanese (person)
- lubi
- love
- love
- lubido
- loved
- lubidoste
- partner, boyfriend, girlfriend
- lubilaye
- lovable
- lovably
- lubine
- loving, caring
- lovingly, caringly
- lubiyen
- lover
- lubrika
- lubrication
- lubricate
- lubrikado
- lubricated
- ludan
- brigade
- ludu
- funnel
- Luis
- Lewis, Louis, Louise
- Luka
- Luke, Lucas
- lukso
- luxury
- luksopul
- luxurious
- luxuriously
- lula
- lulling
- lull
- lumen
- lumen (unit), lm
- lumin
- light
- illuminate, light, emit light (on)
- lumindo
- illuminated, lit
- luminkal
- dark
- darkly
- luminnyan
- light year, ly
- luminpul
- bright, light
- lumintowa
- lighthouse
- Luna
- Earth's moon
- lunadin
- Monday
- lunalumin
- moonlight
- lungo
- long
- longly
- lungocu
- lengthen (become long)
- lungogi
- lengthen (cause to be long)
- lungoje
- length
- measure the length of
- lungowatuli
- long-term, long-time
- lungoya
- longness
- lutesyum
- lutetium, Lu
- lutra
- otter, Lutrinae
- Lutsemburgi
- Luxembourg
- Lutsemburgili
- Luxembourgish, Luxembourgian
- Lutsemburgisa
- Luxembourgish (language)
- Lutsemburgiyen
- Luxembourger
- lutuf
- kindness
- lutuffil
- kind, nice
- kindly, nicely
- lutufkal
- unkind, mean
- unkindly
- lutufpul
- kind, nice
- kindly, nicely
- lutufxey
- favor
- lux
- lux (unit)
- lyama
- llama, Lama glama
- Lyetuva
- Lithuania
- Lyetuvali
- Lithuanian
- Lyetuvasa
- Lithuanian (language)
- Lyetuvayen
- Lithuanian (person)
- lyudon
- flow
- flow
- lyutu
- lute
- macete
- machete
- macwi
- anesthesia
- anesthetize
- macwiente
- anesthetic, anaesthetic
- Madagaskar
- Madagascar
- maderi
- matter
- maderiismo
- materialism
- maderiista
- materialist
- maderili
- material (of matter)
- maderixey
- substance, stuff
- mafu
- forgiveness
- forgive, excuse
- mafudo
- forgiven
- mafufil
- forgiving
- mafupeti
- apology
- apologize, ask for forgiveness
- Magdalen
- Magdalene, Madeline, Madeleine
- magenta
- magenta
- magika
- magic
- magikali
- magic, magical (of or related to)
- magikapul
- magical
- magikayen
- magician
- magma
- magma
- magnesyum
- magnesium, Mg
- magneto
- magnet, (magnetic) pull
- attract
- magnetoli
- magnetic (of or relating to)
- magnetosim
- magnetic, attractive
- magnetoya
- magnetism
- Magribi
- Morocco
- Magribili
- Moroccan
- Magribiyen
- Moroccan
- Magyar
- Hungary
- Magyarli
- Hungarian
- Magyarsa
- Hungarian (language)
- Magyaryen
- Hungarian (person)
- mahamel
- velvet
- mahamelsim
- velvety
- mahara
- skill
- maharakal
- clumsy, inept, awkward
- maharapul
- skilled, skillful
- skillfully
- Maharaxtra
- Maharashtra (state in India)
- Maharaxtrali
- Marathi
- Maharaxtrasa
- Marathi (language)
- Maharaxtrayen
- Marathi (person)
- mahi
- fish
- fish
- mahibujo
- fishing
- fish
- mahibujoyen
- fisherman, fisher
- mahilogi
- ichthyology
- mahimaso
- fish (meat)
- mahiyen
- fisherman, fisher
- mahiyow
- fish oil
- mais
- corn
- majam
- marrow, medulla, pith
- majangu
- majong
- Majeli
- Marshall Islands
- Majelisa
- Marshallese (language)
- majin
- measles
- majnuni
- crazy, mad, nuts, insane
- crazily, madly, insanely
- majnuniya
- craziness, insanity
- majnuniyen
- madman, madwoman, crazy person, insane person
- majoram
- marjoram, Origanum majorana
- makale
- article (publication)
- Makedoni
- Macedonia
- Makedonili
- Macedonian
- Makedonisa
- Macedonian (language)
- Makedoniyen
- Macedonian (person)
- maku
- (blood) vessel
- mal
- wrong, incorrect, mistaken
- wrongly
- incorrectly, mistakenly
- mal-
- wrong, mis-
- maladresu
- misaddress
- malaham
- misunderstanding
- misunderstand
- malarya
- malaria
- Malawi
- Malawi
- Malawiyen
- Malawian (person)
- Malaysi
- Malaysia
- Malaysili
- Malaysian
- Malaysisa
- Malaysian (language)
- Malaysiyen
- Malaysian (person)
- maldoxo
- misreading
- misread
- maldoyday
- mistreat, abuse
- malfahuri
- arrogant
- arrogantly
- malfahuriya
- arrogance
- malfale
- misdeed
- malforma
- misformation
- misform
- malgida
- misguidance
- misguide
- malharufi
- misspelling
- misspell
- malhesabu
- miscount
- Mali
- Mali
- malinforme
- misinformation
- misinform
- Maliyen
- Malian (person)
- mallide
- mislead
- malloga
- wrongness
- be mistaken, be in the wrong
- malpala
- misspeak
- Malta
- Malta
- Maltasa
- Maltese (language)
- Maltayen
- Maltese (person)
- Maluku
- Molucca, Maluku
- malwatuxey
- anachronism
- malwatuyen
- anachronist, anachronism
- malxanse
- misfortune
- malxengi
- miscarriage, abortion
- miscarry, abort
- malxey
- error, mistake
- err, make a mistake, be mistaken
- malxinen
- heresy, heterodoxy
- malya
- wrongness, incorrectness
- malyongu
- misuse, waste (money, etc.), abuse (drugs, etc.)
- mama
- mom
- mama ci
- mommy
- mamba
- source, spring
- mamo
- breast
- mamoyen
- mammal
- mamutu
- mammoth, Mammuthus
- man
- male, masculine
- man-
- male
- manati
- manatee, Trichechidae
- manbete
- son
- manbwaw
- (male) dog
- mandarin
- mandarin (orange), Citrus reticulata
- mandoste
- guy friend, male friend
- manduke
- duke
- maneken
- mannequin
- maner
- manner, way, fashion, means
- manerlexi
- adverb
- manete
- they (males)
- mangami
- husband
- manganis
- manganese, Mn
- mango
- mango
- mangwafu
- widower
- manhirxa
- stag, buck
- manika
- mania
- manikali
- manic, maniacal
- Manipur
- Manipur (state in India)
- Manipurli
- Manipuri
- Manipursa
- Meitei, Manipuri, Meitheilon, Kathe (language)
- Manipuryen
- Meitei, Manipuri (person)
- manixu
- man
- manjaniku
- catapult
- catapult
- manjanikudo
- catapulted
- mankala
- mancala
- mankonte
- count
- mankuku
- rooster
- mankuzin
- (male) cousin
- manlilbete
- grandson
- manmeme
- ram
- manmumu
- bull
- mannepoti
- nephew
- mannini
- boy
- manprince
- prince
- mansenyor
- gentleman, sir, Mr.
- mansodar
- brother
- mante
- he
- manteo
- god
- mantie
- uncle
- mantol
- mantle
- manuma
- stallion, male horse
- manwangu
- king
- manya
- masculinity
- manyen
- male, man, young man, guy, boy
- mapa
- mom, dad, folks (parents)
- mapa ci
- mommy, daddy
- maple
- maple
- mara
- time, occasion
- maraton
- marathon
- mardiben
- ladder
- mare
- (female) pastor, priestess
- Mother
- Margaret
- Margaret
- margarin
- margarine
- Maria
- Mary, Maria
- Marihi
- Mars (planet)
- marihidin
- Tuesday
- Marihiyen
- Martian
- marine
- marinade
- marinate
- marixal
- marshall
- marka
- mark, grade (schooling)
- mark
- markado
- marked
- Marko
- Mark, Marcus
- marmelada
- jelly, jam, marmelade, confiture
- marmor
- marble (material)
- marmorli
- (made of) marble
- marsupi
- marsupium, pouch
- marsupiyen
- marsupial
- Marta
- Martha
- marximalo
- marshmallow
- maryami
- sage, Salvia
- mas
- but
- mas fe hataya
- and yet, but nevertheless
- masaji
- massage
- massage
- masajiyen
- massage therapist, masseur, masseuse
- mase
- mass (physics)
- masele
- issue, matter, affair
- masku
- mask
- mask
- maskudo
- masked
- maskuyen
- masked person
- maso
- meat, flesh
- masodukan
- butcher shop, butcher's, butchery
- masonenyamyen
- vegetarian
- masoyen
- butcher
- Masri
- Egypt
- Masrili
- Egyptian
- Masrisa
- Egyptian (language)
- Masriyen
- Egyptian
- masul
- responsible, in charge, accountable
- responsibly
- accountably
- masulcu
- become responsible (for)
- masulcudu
- take on (responsibilities)
- masulgi
- make (somebody) responsible (for), put (somebody) in charge (of)
- masulwoju
- handle, deal with, take care of
- masulya
- responsibility
- have the responsibility (to), be responsible (for)
- matemati
- mathematics, math, maths
- matematili
- mathematical
- mathematically
- matematiyen
- mathematician
- Mateo
- Matthew
- materyal
- material
- materyalli
- material (of material)
- matrasu
- mattress
- matre
- mother
- matreli
- maternal
- matresim
- motherly
- matreya
- motherhood
- matris
- matrix
- matu
- mate (chess), checkmate
- maux
- mouse
- Mawris
- Mauritius
- Mawrisli
- Mauritian
- Mawrisyen
- Mauritian (person)
- Mawson
- Mawson
- max
- more
- max-
- more
- max kom
- more than, greater than
- max nilte maxus
- nobody else other than
- max or min
- more or less
- maxamikucu
- deepen, become deeper
- maxamikugi
- deepen, make deeper
- maxbalacu
- strengthen, become stronger
- maxbalagi
- strengthen, make stronger
- maxboncu
- improve, get better
- maxbongi
- improvement, betterment
- improve, (make) better
- maxburcu
- worsen, get worse, become worse
- maxburgi
- worsen, make worse
- maxcotecu
- become shorter, get shorter
- maxcotegi
- shorten, make shorter
- maxcu
- increase, rise
- maxdaifcu
- weaken, become weaker, get weaker
- maxdaifgi
- weaken, make weaker
- maxdambocu
- become thinner, get thinner, become slimmer, get slimmer, become slenderer, get slenderer, become leaner, get leaner
- maxdambogi
- make thinner, make slimmer, make slenderer, make leaner
- maxdaycu
- enlarge, become bigger, get bigger, become larger, get larger
- maxdaygi
- enlarge, make bigger, make larger
- maxgi
- increase
- maxhanmancu
- become slower, reduce speed
- maxhanmangi
- make slower
- maxim
- (the) most
- maxim bon
- (the) best
- maxim nerleli
- latest, most recent, most recently
- maximum
- maximum, maximal
- at most
- maximummo
- as... as possible, maximally
- maximumya
- (the) maximum
- maxina
- machine
- maxkurtocu
- shorten (become shorter)
- maxkurtogi
- shorten (make shorter)
- maxlilcu
- become or get smaller
- maxlilgi
- cause (something) to be smaller, make (something) smaller
- maxlungocu
- lengthen (become longer)
- maxlungogi
- extension, lengthening
- lengthen, extend
- maxmelicu
- beautify (become more beautiful)
- maxmeligi
- beautify (make more beautiful)
- maxmin
- more or less
- maxmo
- more (to a greater degree)
- maxmo bon
- better
- maxmo jaldi
- earlier, in advance
- maxmo kom
- more than
- maxmo or minmo
- more or less
- maxmo sahi
- rather (more accurately)
- maxori
- most, mostly, the majority of, largely, for the most part
- maxoriya
- majority
- maxpul
- further, another, extra, additional, additionally, in addition, furthermore, moreover
- maxus
- plus, in addition to, with addition of, besides, aside from, including, other than
- maxusgi
- addition
- add
- maxusli
- positive (+1, +2, etc)
- maxusxey
- addition, attachment, appendix
- maxvelosicu
- acceleration
- accelerate, speed up
- maxya
- more
- maydo
- sale
- sell
- maydodo
- sold
- maydotora
- vending machine
- maydoyen
- seller
- maymun
- monkey, ape
- mayones
- mayonnaise, mayo
- mazbahu
- altar
- medala
- medal
- medan
- field, range, court, courtyard, yard, patio
- medis
- medicine (science, practice)
- treat (practice medicine on)
- medisdo
- treated (medically), medicated
- medisdoku
- prescription
- medisdom
- clinic
- medisente
- medication, medicine
- medicate (treat with medication)
- medisli
- medical
- medically
- medisya
- (medical) treatment
- medisyen
- physician, doctor
- medita
- meditation
- meditate
- meditali
- meditative (of or relating to)
- meditayen
- meditator
- medya
- medium, media
- mega
- million, one million
- megagon
- megagon, 1000000-gon
- meganyan
- megayear, millionennium
- megayum
- millionth, one millionth
- megu
- cloud
- megupul
- cloudy, overcast
- mehman
- guest
- mehmandom
- hostel
- mehmangi
- hosting
- host
- mehmangido
- hosted
- mehmangiyen
- host
- mekani
- mechanism
- mekanili
- mechanic, mechanical
- mechanically
- mekanilogi
- mechanics
- mekaniyen
- mechanic
- mekuku
- shuttle (sewing tool or vehicle)
- melase
- molasses, treacle
- meli
- beautiful, pretty
- beautifully, prettily
- meli-
- beautiful, pretty
- melibon
- nice, sweet
- nicely, sweetly
- melicu
- beautify (become beautiful)
- melieskri
- calligraphy
- meligi
- beautify (make beautiful)
- meliya
- beauty
- meliyen
- beauty, beautiful one
- melodi
- melody
- melodipul
- melodic
- melon
- melon, tit (breast, vulgar)
- membrana
- membrane
- membro
- member
- membrocu
- become a member, join
- meme
- sheep, Ovis aries
- memelari
- flock, flock of sheep
- mememaso
- mutton
- memesa
- meh, bah
- memesim
- sheepish
- sheepishly
- memeyen
- shepherd
- memori
- memory, recollection
- remember, recall
- memorigi
- reminder
- remind
- memorikalya
- amnesia
- memorikarta
- flashcard
- memorilaye
- memorable
- memorably
- memoriosis
- amnesia
- mena
- meaning, sense
- mean
- menagi
- definition
- define
- menalari
- dictionary
- menapul
- meaningful, significant
- meaningfully, significantly
- menasama
- synonynous
- mendelevyum
- mendelevium, Md
- meniki
- immunity
- immunize
- menikido
- immunized
- menikipul
- immune
- menikiya
- immunization
- menu
- menu
- menumon
- menu item
- menxar
- saw (tool)
- saw
- merasem
- ceremony
- merasemli
- ceremonial
- ceremonially
- mesa
- table
- mesaje
- message, text (message)
- (send) message, (send) text
- mesajeyen
- messenger
- mesakumax
- tablecloth
- mesatenis
- table tennis, pingpong
- mesi
- month
- mesi care
- April
- mesi des
- October
- mesi des dua
- December
- mesi des un
- November
- mesi dua
- February
- mesi lima
- May
- mesi nue
- September
- mesi oco
- August
- mesi sabe
- July
- mesi sisa
- June
- mesi tiga
- March
- mesi un
- January
- mesi un dua
- December
- mesi un un
- November
- mesiridin
- monthiversary, monthly anniversary, mensiversary
- meta
- meta, meta-
- metabolis
- metabolism
- metabolize
- metabolisli
- metabolic
- metal
- metal
- metalli
- metallic (of or relating to)
- metallogi
- metallurgy
- metalpesa
- metal currency, coinage
- metalsim
- metallic (resembling)
- meteor
- meteor, shooting star
- meteorpetra
- meteorite
- meteortenmun
- meteoroid
- meter
- measuring device
- measure
- meterje
- dimension
- meterya
- measurement
- metneryum
- meitnerium, Mt
- metode
- method, approach, means
- metodeli
- methodical (of or relating to; done in accordance with)
- metodepul
- methodical (behaving in accordance with)
- metro
- meter, metre, m
- mexale
- torch
- Mexiko
- Mexico
- Mexikoli
- Mexican
- Mexikoyen
- Mexican (person)
- meyar
- criterion, criteria
- meydey
- emergency
- meykapu
- makeup
- apply makeup
- meylu
- slope, inclination, incline, slant, bank, lean, oblique, tilt
- incline, tilt
- meyludo
- tilted, inclined
- meyu
- brow
- meyubelo
- eyebrow
- mezadu
- auction
- auction (off)
- mezadudo
- auctioned
- mezaduyen
- auctioneer
- mi
- I, me
- mida
- stomach
- midaitis
- gastritis
- midi
- middle, mid-
- mididay
- medium, medium-sized
- midieskol
- middle school, junior high school
- midinoce
- midnight
- midinuru
- noon
- midiyam
- lunch
- miju
- dense, concentrated
- densely
- mijuje
- density, concentration
- Mikael
- Michael, Mike
- mikasi
- (pair of) scissors
- mikro
- 10^-6, one millionth of, micro-
- mikrobiologi
- microbiology
- mikrometro
- micrometer, micrometre
- Mikronesi
- Micronesia
- mikrookotul
- microscope
- mila
- mile
- milaje
- mileage
- milatu
- mortar, plaster
- mili
- 10^-3, one thousandth of
- milimetro
- millimeter, millimetre
- milki
- (landed) property, (real) estate
- milko
- milk
- milkoproduti
- dairy
- mimbay
- obvious, evident, of course
- obviously, evidently
- mimu
- meme
- min
- fewer, less
- min-
- less
- min kom
- fewer than, less than
- mina
- mine (explosive)
- mincu
- decrease, reduction
- decrease, reduce
- mineral
- mineral
- mingal
- sickle, scythe
- mingi
- decrease, reduction
- decrease, reduce
- mingu
- clear, evident
- clearly, evidently
- mingucu
- become clear, become evident
- mingugi
- clarification
- clarify
- minguya
- clarity
- Mingwan
- Pluto (dwarf planet)
- minim
- (the) least
- minimum
- minimum, minimal
- at least
- minimumismo
- minimalism
- minimumya
- (the) minimum
- minmo
- less (to a lesser degree)
- minmo kom
- less than
- minori
- the minority of
- minoriya
- minority
- minta
- mint
- minus
- minus, except (for), excluding, other than, besides, but, save (for)
- minus eger
- unless
- minusgi
- subtraction, deletion
- subtract, delete
- minusli
- negative (-1, -2, etc.)
- minusxey
- exception
- minuto
- minute, min
- minxi
- civic, civil
- minxihaki
- civil rights
- minxilogi
- civics
- minxiyen
- citizen
- minya
- less
- mirkato
- meerkat, Suricata
- misal
- example
- mismari
- nail (construction)
- misu
- my
- misu ete
- mine (those beings belonging to me)
- misu oto
- mine (those things belonging to me)
- misu te
- mine (that being belonging to me)
- misu to
- mine (that thing belonging to me)
- misyon
- mission
- Mitila
- Mithila, Tirhut, Tirabhukti (geographical and cultural region of the Indian subcontinent)
- Mitilali
- (of) Mithila
- Mitilasa
- Maithili (language)
- Mitilayen
- Maithil, Tirhutiya, Videha, Mithilawasi (person)
- mitin
- meeting (for discussion)
- mito
- myth
- mitoli
- mythical, mythic, mythological
- mitologi
- mythology
- mitologili
- mythological
- mixin
- superstition
- mixinpul
- superstitious
- mixtura
- mixture, blend
- mix, blend
- mixturado
- mixed, blended
- mixturamon
- ingredient
- mixturatora
- blender
- miya
- ego, self
- miza
- mass (religion)
- mizani
- scales, balance
- moama
- enigma, riddle, puzzle
- mobe
- gull, seagull, mew, Laridae
- mobil
- car, auto, automobile
- mobilkamer
- garage
- moda
- fashion, trend, fad, mode
- modapul
- fashionable
- modelo
- model
- moderno
- modern
- modernly
- modernoya
- modernity
- moge
- brain
- mogebadam
- amygdala
- mogeitis
- encephalitis
- mogekal
- brainless, stupid
- brainlessly, stupidly
- mogepul
- intelligent, smart, brainy
- intelligently, smartly
- mogoki
- witnessing
- witness (be witness to)
- mogokido
- witnessed
- mogokiyen
- witness (one who witnesses)
- mogun
- carpentry
- mogunyen
- carpenter
- Mohamad
- Mohammed, Muhammad, Mohamed, Mohammad, Muhamad
- moja
- wave
- undulate
- moksay
- wood
- moksayli
- wooden
- mol
- mole (unit)
- Moldova
- Moldova
- Moldovali
- Moldovan
- Moldovayen
- Moldovan (person)
- molekul
- molecule
- molekulli
- molecular
- molidenum
- molibdenum, Mo
- moluska
- mollusc, Mollusca
- momento
- moment, while
- one moment, hold on
- momo
- breast (non-clinical), boob
- mon
- (stand alone) item, article, element, part, piece, unit, component (of a whole)
- Monako
- Monaco
- Monakoyen
- Monégasque, Monacan (people)
- Mongoli
- Mongolia
- Mongolisa
- Mongolian (language)
- Mongoliyen
- Mongolian (person)
- mongusta
- mongoose, Herpestidae
- monhare
- comprise, consist (of)
- moni
- checking, monitoring, examination, inspection
- check, monitor, examine, inspect
- monido
- checked, monitored, examined, inspected
- Monika
- Monica
- monitul
- monitor
- monkrea
- constitution, composition, formation, makeup
- constitute, compose, form, make up
- monmaku
- retina
- mopu
- mop
- mop
- mopudo
- mopped
- mor
- dead
- morcu
- death
- die
- morcuabil
- mortal
- mortally
- morcuabilya
- mortality
- morcugongaw
- obituary
- morela
- morel, Morchella
- morfin
- morphine
- morfo
- morphology (linguistic form and structure), inflection, conjugation, declension
- inflect, conjugate, decline
- morfomon
- morpheme
- morgi
- kill, murder
- morgine
- deadly, lethal, fatal, mortal, killing
- lethally, mortally
- morgiseza
- death penalty
- punish by death
- morgiyen
- killer, murderer
- morjismu
- corpse, cadaver
- Mormon
- Mormon
- morya
- death
- moryen
- (the) dead, a dead person
- mosaiko
- mosaic
- Mose
- Moses
- mosem
- season
- moskovyum
- moscovium, Mc
- mote
- thick
- motecu
- thicken (become thick)
- motegi
- thicken (cause to be thick)
- moteje
- (degree of) thickness
- moteya
- thickness (quality of)
- motif
- motif, leitmotif, pattern
- motor
- engine, motor
- motormenxar
- chainsaw
- motsu
- friction
- rub
- motsufono
- fricative
- motsukal
- frictionless, smooth
- frictionlessly, smoothly
- motsukawcu
- eraser, rubber
- motsupul
- rough (not smooth)
- roughly
- moxwere
- consultation
- consult (with)
- moy
- every, each, all
- moy-
- every, each, all
- moyabil
- almighty, omnipotent
- almightily, omnipotently
- moyabilya
- omnipotence
- moydinli
- daily, everyday
- moydua
- both
- moyete
- they all, all of them
- moyjensifil
- pansexual
- pansexually
- moyjensifilya
- pansexuality
- moyjixi
- omniscience
- moykwanti
- the entire quantity of, the entire amount of
- moyli
- universal
- universally
- moyloka
- everywhere, throughout
- moymaner
- by every manner, in every manner
- moymo
- in every way
- moynumer
- all of the
- moynyanli
- yearly, annual
- annually
- moyoto
- all things
- moypul
- every kind of, in every way
- moyseba
- for every reason
- moysu
- everybody's, everyone's
- moyte
- everybody, everyone
- moyto
- everything
- moyun
- each (one)
- moywatu
- always
- moywatuli
- eternal, permanent
- eternally, permanently
- Mozambiki
- Mozambique
- mubile
- (piece of) furniture
- mubilelari
- furniture
- mudan
- peony
- mufin
- muffin
- mugunge
- hibiscus
- muhatu
- mucus
- muhim
- important, serious, significant
- importantly, seriously, significantly
- muhimxey
- interests
- muhimya
- importance
- matter
- mujeza
- miracle
- mujezapul
- miraculous
- miraculously
- mujezasim
- miraculous
- miraculously
- muka
- face
- mukakumax
- veil
- mukali
- facial
- facially
- mule
- grinding, milling
- grind, mill
- mulin
- radish
- multi
- many, much, a lot (of), lots (of), (a) great deal
- multimaxmo
- much more
- multiminmo
- much less
- multimo maxmo
- much more
- multimo minmo
- much less
- mumu
- cattle, bull, cow, Bos
- mumulari
- herd of cattle
- mumumaso
- beef
- mumusa
- moo
- mumuyen
- cowboy, cowgirl, cowherd
- munte
- mouth
- muntekumax
- napkin
- muraba
- square
- murace
- ant, Formicoidea
- Muritani
- Mauritania
- murto
- myrtle, Myrtus
- museum
- museum
- musi
- which must, obligated, supposed (to)
- must, have (to)
- musigi
- compel
- musika
- music
- musikali
- musical
- musically
- musikatim
- (musical) band
- musikatul
- (musical) instrument
- musikaxow
- concert
- musikayen
- musician
- musiya
- must, duty, obligation
- muskada
- nutmeg
- muske
- musk
- muskete
- musket
- mustax
- moustache
- musu
- elk, moose, Alces
- muswada
- draft, sketch, outline
- draft, sketch, outline
- muswadado
- drafted, sketched, outlined
- muta
- mutation
- mutate
- mutado
- mutated
- Muxtari
- Jupiter (planet)
- muxtaridin
- Thursday
- muxti
- fist
- mwa
- kiss
- kiss
- mwado
- kissed
- mwayen
- kisser
- mwin
- vowel
- Myanma
- Myanmar
- Myanmasa
- Burmese (language)
- myaw
- cat
- myawsa
- meow
- na
- to (infinitive marker)
- nabiza
- pulse, beat
- pulsate, beat, throb
- nabxox
- gill, branchia
- nadir
- rare, seldom
- rarely
- nafasu
- breath
- breathe
- nafiku
- hypocrisy
- nafikuyen
- hypocrite
- nafil
- navel, umbilicus, belly button
- nagal
- plow, plough
- plow, plough
- nage
- gnawing
- gnaw
- nageyen
- rodent, gnawer, Rodentia
- nahir
- river
- nahirbyen
- (river)bank, riverside
- nahirsokutu
- waterfall
- naive
- naive, naïve, ingenuous, innocent, artless, simple
- naively, ingenuously, innocently, artlessly, simply
- naiveya
- naivety, naïveté
- nakun
- nail (anatomy), fingernail, toenail
- namake
- salt
- namakekaxa
- salt shaker, salt cellar
- namakepul
- salty
- saltily
- name
- name
- have as name, be named, be called
- namegi
- naming
- name (give name)
- namekal
- anonymous
- anonymously
- namekalya
- anonymity
- namelexi
- noun
- Namibi
- Namibia
- Namibili
- Namibian
- Namibiyen
- Namibian (person)
- namoka
- mosquito, Culicidae
- nanahu
- pus
- supperate, fester
- nano
- 10^-9, one billionth of
- nanometro
- nanometer, nanometre
- napi
- diaper, nappy
- Narciso
- Narcissus (name)
- narcisoismo
- narcissism
- narcisoista
- narcissist
- narcisosim
- vain, conceited
- narem
- soft
- softly
- naremkogeli
- velar
- velarly
- nasa
- nose
- smell
- nasacu
- smell, odor
- (have a particular) smell
- nasafono
- nasal
- nasakumax
- handkerchief
- nasali
- nasal
- nasally
- nasaya
- (sense of) smell
- naseri
- prose
- nasibu
- fit
- fit, be fitting (for), suit, be suitable (for)
- nasibune
- appropriate, suitable, proper, due
- appropriately, suitably, properly, duly
- nasibupul
- appropriate, suitable, proper, due
- appropriately, suitably, properly, duly
- nasiha
- advice, counsel
- advise
- nasihamon
- tip, piece of advice
- nasihatim
- council, cabinet
- nasihayen
- counselor, advisor
- nasru
- vulture
- nasyon
- nation
- nasyonkef
- head of state
- nasyonli
- national
- nationally
- nasyonya
- nationality
- Natan
- Nathan
- Natanael
- Nathanael, Nathaniel
- natura
- nature
- naturaafatu
- natural disaster
- naturali
- natural
- naturally
- Natzi
- Nazi
- Natziismo
- Nazism
- Natziista
- Nazi
- Nauru
- Nauru
- Naurusa
- Nauruan (language)
- navi
- ship, boat
- navigate
- naviharabu
- shipwreck
- navikef
- captain
- navilari
- fleet of ships
- naviya
- navigation
- naviyen
- navigator, sailor
- nawtilus
- nautilus, Nautilidae
- Nayjeri
- Nigeria
- Nayjerili
- Nigerian
- Nayjeriyen
- Nigerian
- naylon
- nylon
- naytu
- knight
- Nederi
- Netherlands
- Nederili
- Dutch
- Nederisa
- Dutch (language)
- Nederiyen
- Dutch
- nefra
- hatred, hate
- hate
- nefrayen
- hater
- nelufar
- water lily, lotus, Nymphaeaceae
- nen-
- im-, in-, un-, non-
- nenabil
- incapable, unable, disabled
- fail (to), be unable (to)
- nenabilgi
- disable
- nenabilya
- inability, disability, incapacity, failure
- nenadabu
- impoliteness, rudeness
- nenadil
- unfair, unjust
- unfairly, unjustly
- nenadilxey
- injustice, injustices
- nenadilya
- injustice
- nenandin
- unstable
- nenandinya
- instability
- nencanedo
- uncombed, unkempt
- nencinon
- stupidity
- nencipen
- honesty, sincerety
- nendodukuli
- amoral
- nendoxodo
- unread
- nenduali
- nondual, nonbinary
- nene
- nephew, niece (informal)
- neneskoldo
- uneducated, unschooled
- nenfil
- uninclined
- nengami
- bachelor, bachelorette
- nengibefil
- stingy, ungenerous
- nengitaydo
- unexpected
- unexpectedly
- nenhajado
- unnecessary
- nenhar
- without (not having)
- nenhar jui tem
- regardless (of), irrespective (of), no matter
- nenhuru
- not free, unfree
- nenible
- impossible
- impossibly
- nenikaw
- independence
- nenjenmindo
- unproven
- nenjinji
- indirect
- indirectly
- nenjixido
- unknown
- nenjundwando
- uninterrupted, undisrupted
- nenkarardo
- undecided
- nenkararfil
- undecisive
- nenkimapul
- cheap, inexpensive
- cheaply, inexpensively
- nenkokido
- un-cooked, raw
- nenkom
- unlike
- nenkompleto
- incomplete
- incompletely
- nenkonedo
- unknown
- nenkufiya
- deficiency, insufficiency
- nenmingu
- unclear, vague
- nenmuhim
- unimportant
- unimportantly
- nennasibune
- inappropriate, unsuitable, improper
- inappropriately, unsuitably, improperly
- nennasibupul
- inappropriate, unsuitable, improper
- inappropriately, unsuitably, improperly
- nennaturali
- unnatural
- unnaturally
- nennormapul
- abnormal
- abnormally
- nenojetoli
- intransitive
- intransitively
- nenojetoli falelexi
- intransitive verb
- nenperfeto
- imperfect
- imperfectly
- nenperfetoxey
- (an) imperfection
- nenpesado
- broke, penniless
- pennilessly
- nenpimpan
- infrequent, uncommon, unusual
- infrequently, uncommonly, unusually
- nenpolitili
- non-political
- non-politically
- nenpreciso
- imprecise, inexact, vague
- nenresmi
- unofficial, casual
- unofficially, casually
- nensabar
- impatient
- impatiently
- nensehagiible
- incurable
- nensekrasine
- non-self-governing
- nensomno
- insomnia
- nensuido
- dehydrated
- nensungayne
- harmless
- harmlessly
- nensyensipul
- unscientific
- unscientifically
- nentermodo
- unwarmed, unheated
- nenton
- without (apart/separate from)
- nentu
- clay
- nenwazenpul
- light
- lightly
- nenxekastedo
- undefeated
- nenyakin
- uncertain, unsure
- nenyon
- without (not using)
- nenyon na
- without (+ -ing)
- neo
- new
- newly
- neo-
- neo-
- neodimyum
- neodymium, Nd
- neoklasiko
- neoclassical
- neoclassically
- neon
- neon, Ne
- Neonyandin
- New Year's Day
- neoxey
- novelty
- Neozelandi
- New Zealand
- Nepal
- Nepal
- nepoti
- nephew, niece
- nepotiismo
- nepotism
- ner
- nearby, close
- ner-
- near
- ner fe
- near, close to, approximately
- ner lefe
- shortly before (+ noun)
- ner lefe na
- shortly before (+ -ing)
- ner leki
- shortly before (+ sentence)
- ner of
- near, close to
- ner xafe
- soon after (+ noun)
- ner xafe na
- soon after (+ -ing)
- ner xaki
- soon after (+ sentence)
- nercu
- approach, get near, get close
- nerledin
- a few days ago
- nerleli
- recent
- recently
- nerxadin
- one of these days
- nerxali
- soon
- nerya
- closeness, nearness, vicinity
- netar
- nectar
- neto
- net, network
- netodom
- website
- netoposta
- email
- netopostali adresu
- email address
- netunyum
- neptunium, Np
- newtral
- neutral
- neutrally
- newtralya
- neutrality
- newtron
- neutron
- nexaste
- starch
- nicode
- squeeze
- squeeze
- nigalu
- swallow
- swallow
- nigaluible
- swallowable
- swallowably
- nihonyum
- nihonium, Nh
- Nijer
- Niger
- Nikaragwa
- Nicaragua
- nikel
- nickel, Ni
- Nikolas
- Nicholas
- nil
- zero, no, no- (nothing, nobody, etc.)
- nil alote kom
- none other than
- nilete
- none of them
- nilkwanti
- no amount (of), no quantitiy (of), none of (the), no
- nilloka
- nowhere
- nilmaner
- by no manner, in no manner
- nilmo
- in no way, to no degree
- nilnumer
- none of (the), no
- niloto
- no things, none of them
- nilpul
- no kind of
- in no way
- nilseba
- for no reason
- nilsu
- nobody's, no one's
- nilte
- nobody, no one
- nilto
- nothing
- niltogi
- annhihilation
- annhihilate
- nilwatu
- never
- nimatu
- (religious) favor, grace
- ninfa
- nymph (mythology)
- nini
- child, kid, boy, girl
- ninijarden
- kindergarten
- ninikamer
- nursery, children's room
- ninimedis
- pediatrics
- ninimedisyen
- pediatrician
- ninisim
- childish
- niniya
- childhood
- Nipon
- Japan
- Niponsa
- Japanese (language)
- nispatu
- ratio, proportion, rate
- nispatukal
- disproportionate
- disproportionately
- nispatupul
- proportional, proportionate
- proportionally, proportionately
- nitrogen
- nitrogen, N
- no
- no, not, don't, do not, doesn't, does not
- no abil
- can't, cannot
- no haji
- no longer, not anymore
- no hata
- not even
- no hay seba
- you're welcome
- no uje
- not yet, have yet (to)
- Noa
- Noah
- nobelyum
- nobelium, No
- noce
- night
- noceli
- nocturnal, nighttime
- nocturnally
- nohudu
- chickpea, garbanzo
- nokapi
- shake (one's) head (no)
- noli
- negative
- negatively
- nomune
- sample, specimen
- nongyo
- agriculture, cultivation
- farm, grow
- nongyobaytu
- farmhouse
- nongyodom
- farm, ranch
- nongyogeo
- countryside
- nongyoyen
- farmer
- nor
- nor
- Norge
- Norway
- Norgesa
- Norwegian (language)
- Norgeyen
- Norwegian (person)
- norma
- norm
- normakal
- abnormal
- abnormally
- normapul
- normal
- normally
- noro
- neither
- noru
- roe deer, Capreolus
- nostalji
- nostalgia
- nostaljifil
- nostalgic
- nostaljipul
- nostalgic
- nota
- note
- take notes, note (down)
- novela
- novel (literature)
- noya
- negation
- say no (to), negate, deny
- nubwa
- prophecy
- prophesy
- nubwali
- prophetic
- prophetically
- nubwayen
- prophet
- nudel
- noodles
- nudi
- nude, naked
- nudihalazun
- slug
- nudiismodom
- nudist resort, naturist resort
- nudiista
- nudist
- nue
- nine
- nuecen
- nine hundred
- nuedes
- ninety
- nuedesyum
- ninetieth
- nuegon
- nonagon, enneagon
- nueple
- nonuple, ninefold
- nueyum
- ninth
- nukleus
- nucleus, kernel, core
- numer
- number
- number, enumerate
- numerlexi
- numeral
- numerli
- numerical
- numerically
- nun
- present tense marker, now
- well, so
- nun-
- present, current
- nunar
- mole, birthmark, nevus
- nundin
- today
- nunli
- present, current
- presently, currently, now
- nunligi
- update
- nunligido
- updated, up-to-date
- nunya
- (the) present, (the) now, nowness
- nuru
- daytime
- nururoya
- daydream
- daydream
- nyame
- yam
- nyan
- year
- nyanli
- yearly, annual
- yearly, annually
- nyanridin
- anniversary
- nyatu
- intention
- intend, mean
- nyobyum
- niobium, Nb
- nyuro
- nerve
- nyuton
- newton (unit)
- o
- oh
- oasis
- oasis
- obelisko
- obelisk
- obsesi
- obsession
- obsess, feel obsessed
- obsidyan
- obsidian
- ocelote
- ocelot, Leopardus pardalis
- oco
- eight
- ococen
- eight hundred
- ocodes
- eighty
- ocodesyum
- eightieth
- ocogon
- octagon
- ocopeda
- octopus, Octopoda
- ocople
- octuple, eightfold
- ocoyum
- eighth
- of
- off (of), (out) of, from, per
- of-
- forms fractions, from, off
- ofaselli
- aboriginal, indigenous, native
- ofata
- provenance
- come from
- ofcen
- one-hundredth, percent, percentage
- ofcori
- robbery
- rob
- ofcu
- get off (of)
- ofcudu
- pick up
- offol
- depending on
- offolo
- depend (on), be contingent (on)
- ofgeo
- take off
- ofgi
- take off (of)
- ofisi
- office, position, post
- ofisikamer
- office
- ofplasi
- take off, remove
- ofresulta
- consequence
- ofxerca
- search
- ofxey
- offshoot, spinoff, derivative
- ofya
- be from
- oganeson
- oganesson, Og
- ogar
- home, dwelling
- live in, inhabit
- reside (in), dwell (in), live (in)
- ogardom
- habitat, dwelling, housing
- ogarfilyen
- recluse, hermit
- ogarhewan
- pet
- ogarible
- habitable
- habitably
- ogarli
- domestic
- domestically
- ogaryen
- resident, inhabitant, dweller
- Ohom
- Assam (state in India)
- Ohomli
- Assamese
- Ohomsa
- Assamese (language)
- Ohomyen
- Assamese (person)
- Ohotski
- Okhotsk
- ojeto
- object (grammar)
- ojetoli
- transitive
- transitively
- ojetoli falelexi
- transitive verb
- okey
- okay
- oko
- eye
- eye, see, look, watch, view
- okoabil
- sighted
- okobisu
- must-see
- okocu
- look, appearance
- look (have a particular appearance)
- okoible
- visible
- visibly
- okoilusi
- optical illusion
- okokolor
- eye color
- okolense
- glasses, spectacles
- okoli
- visual
- okomedis
- ophthalmology
- okomedisyen
- ophthalmologist, oculist, eye doctor
- okonenabil
- blind
- blindly
- okonenabilya
- blindness
- okonenible
- invisible
- invisibly
- okoxey
- view
- okoya
- (sense of) sight, vision
- okoyen
- viewer, spectator, onlooker
- okre
- ocher, ochre
- oksigen
- oxygen, O
- okur
- occurrence, occasion
- happen, occur, take place
- okurgi
- commit (cause to happen, make happen)
- okurhikaye
- account
- okurxey
- event, occurrence, incident
- Olandi
- Åland
- om
- ohm (unit)
- Oman
- Oman
- Omar
- Omar
- omelete
- omelette
- onexa
- showing, demonstration, display, demo
- show, demonstrate, display
- onexalexi
- demonstrative
- onikse
- onyx
- onsa
- ounce, oz
- onxala
- hope
- hope
- onxalakal
- hopeless
- hopelessly
- onxalakalya
- hopelessness
- onxalapul
- hopeful
- hopefully
- opal
- opal
- opera
- opera
- opos
- opposite
- oppositely
- opos-
- counter-
- oposaksyon
- counteraction
- counteract
- oposatake
- counterattack
- counterattack
- oposmenalexi
- antonym
- oposum
- opossum, Didelphimorphia
- oposya
- opposite
- be the opposite of
- opsyon
- option
- opsyonli
- optional
- optionally
- or
- or
- orange
- orange (color)
- orangutan
- orangutan, Pongo
- ordenu
- arrangement, order, sequence
- arrange, order
- ordinari
- ordinary, typical
- ordinarily, typically
- ore
- ear
- hear, listen
- oreabil
- hearing
- orecu
- sound (have a particular sound)
- orefon
- earphones
- oregano
- oregano, Origanum vuglare
- oreible
- audible
- audibly
- orenenabil
- deaf
- orenenabilya
- deafness
- oretim
- audience
- orewaksu
- earwax, cerumen
- oreya
- (sense of) hearing
- organisa
- organization
- organize
- organisatim
- organization, organisation, institution
- organo
- organ (part of body or organization)
- orgen
- organ (instrument)
- Orisa
- Odisha, Orissa (state in India)
- Orisali
- (of) Odisha, (of) Orissa
- Orisasa
- Odia, Oriya
- Orisayen
- Odia, Oriya
- orkestra
- orchestra
- orkestrakef
- conductor
- orkide
- orchid
- oro
- either
- oroojetoli
- ambitransitive
- ambitransitively
- oroojetoli falelexi
- ambitransitive verb
- orto
- right, upright, erect
- ortogon
- rectangle
- ortogonali
- perpendicular, orthogonal
- perpendicularly, orthogonally
- oruga
- wrinkle, furrow
- wrinkle
- osel
- donkey, Equus (africanus) asinus
- osis
- pathology
- osmosi
- osmosis
- osmose
- osmyum
- osmium, Os
- ospuro
- sparrow
- Osteri
- Austria
- Osteriyen
- Austrian (person)
- osto
- bone
- ostomedis
- orthopedics
- otima
- optimal, optimum, best possible, awesome (informal)
- otimaismo
- optimism
- otimaismoli
- optimistic, positive
- optimistically, positively
- otimaya
- (the) best possible, one's best
- oto
- they, them (inanimate)
- otosu
- their
- otosu ete
- theirs (those beings belonging to those things)
- otosu oto
- theirs (those things belonging to those things)
- otosu te
- theirs (that being belonging to those things)
- otosu to
- theirs (that thing belonging to those things)
- ovari
- ovary
- ovo
- egg
- ovokexru
- eggshell
- oya
- letter o
- Ozbeki
- Uzbekistan
- Ozbekili
- Uzbek
- Ozbekisa
- Uzbek (language)
- Ozbekiyen
- Uzbek
- ozon
- ozone
- Pacifiko
- Pacific, Pacific Ocean
- padelu
- oar, paddle
- row, paddle
- pahna
- wide, broad
- broadly
- pahnaday
- vast
- pahnaje
- width
- pahnaya
- wideness
- paketi
- package, packet
- pack
- Paki
- Pakistan
- Pakili
- Pakistani
- Pakiyen
- Pakistani (person)
- pala
- speech
- speak, talk
- paladyum
- palladium, Pd
- palafil
- talkative
- talkatively
- palali
- verbal
- verbally
- palalogi
- rhetoric
- palasi
- palace
- palayen
- talker, speaker
- Palestin
- State of Palestine, Palestine
- palme
- palm (tree), Arecaceae
- pam
- shot, gunshot
- shoot, fire
- pamesto
- ceasefire
- pampasi
- rib
- pampudra
- gunpowder
- pamtul
- gun
- pamtulhole
- holster
- Panama
- Panama
- panda
- panda
- pandemi
- pandemic
- panden
- climb
- climb, clamber, scale
- pandenyen
- climber
- panel
- panel
- panel
- pangu
- flat, even
- pangudunyaista
- flat-earther
- pangugeo
- plain, flatland
- panguxey
- plane
- pangwan
- bladder, sac, vesica, cyst-
- paniko
- panic
- panic, feel panic
- panikokrisis
- panic attack
- Panjabi
- Punjab (region in South Asia)
- Panjabili
- Punjabi
- Panjabisa
- Punjabi (language)
- Panjabiyen
- Punjabi (person)
- pankreas
- pancreas
- panlan
- rebellion
- rebel (against)
- panlanyen
- rebel (person)
- pantalun
- trousers, pants, slacks
- pantera
- panther, Pantherinae
- papa
- dad
- papa ci
- daddy
- papaya
- papaya
- paper
- paper
- paperpesa
- paper money, paper currency
- paprika
- paprika
- papugay
- parrot, Psittacoidea
- Papwa Neogini
- Papua New Guinea
- parabol
- parabola
- paracutu
- parachute
- parachute
- parade
- parade, march
- parade, march
- paradis
- paradise
- paradoksa
- paradox
- paragraf
- paragraph
- Paragway
- Paraguay
- Paragwayyen
- Paraguayan (person)
- paralel
- parallel
- paralisi
- paralysis, palsy
- paralyze, get paralyzed
- parametre
- parameter
- paranoy
- paranoia
- paranoydo
- paranoid
- paranoidly
- paranoypul
- paranoid
- paranoidly
- pare
- priest, pastor
- Father
- parke
- park
- parki
- parking
- park
- parlamen
- parliament
- Parsi
- Persia
- Parsili
- Persian
- Parsisa
- Farsi, Persian (language)
- Parsiyen
- Persian
- parti
- party, feast
- party, feast
- partikul
- particle
- pas
- through, by way of, via
- pas-
- through
- pasa
- passage, passing
- pass, go by (time or space), spend (time)
- pasadoku
- passport
- pasalexi
- password
- pascu
- get through, go through
- pasdoxo
- read through
- pasgi
- put through, take through
- pasidi
- traversal
- traverse, go through
- pasivo
- passive
- passively
- pasivogi
- inactivate, make inactive, power off, switch off, turn off
- pasjiwa
- live through
- paskal
- pascal (unit), Pa
- pasli
- through
- paslide
- conduction
- conduct
- paspasa
- traversal
- traverse, pass through
- pasta
- pasta
- pasya
- be through
- pata
- kick
- kick
- patamu
- kite
- patato
- potato
- patre
- father
- Patrico
- Patrick
- patu
- stalemate, tie, draw
- pavilyon
- pavilion
- pawbu
- run
- run
- pawbugi
- cause to run
- pawbuyen
- runner
- Pawlo
- Paul
- pawndu
- pound (sterling)
- pay
- pie
- paya
- payment
- pay (for)
- payaco
- clown
- payagi
- charge (cause to pay)
- payeta
- sequin, glitter, spangle, paillette
- paype
- pipe (instrument), fife
- paypu
- pipe (tube), conduit
- peari
- fairy
- peda
- foot
- step (on), tread
- pedabendu
- anklet
- pedabol
- soccer, football
- pedadao
- sidewalk, pavement, footpath
- pedagenu
- ankle
- pedamarka
- footprint
- pedatul
- pedal
- pekan
- pecan
- pel
- impulse, impetus, push, drive
- push, drive
- pelake
- eyelid
- blink
- pelakebelo
- eyelash
- pelakegi
- cause (somebody) to blink, make (somebody) blink
- pelakeixara
- wink
- peldo
- driven
- pelikan
- pelican
- pelipis
- temple (anatomy)
- pena
- foam, spume
- froth
- penci
- edit
- edit
- penciyen
- editor
- pende
- hanging
- hang, be hanging
- pendedo
- hung, hanged
- pendegi
- hanging
- hang
- pendekuflu
- padlock
- pendulo
- pendulum
- pengwin
- penguin, Sphenisciformes
- penicilin
- penicillin
- penis
- penis
- penli
- convenient, handy, expedient, opportune
- conveniently
- pensil
- pencil
- pentu
- paint
- paint
- pentukumax
- canvas
- pentuxey
- painting
- pepe
- penis (non-clinical), wiener
- pepero
- butterfly, vagina (sexualized), vulva (sexualized), pussy
- peperolarva
- caterpillar
- per
- on, upon, over, aboard
- per-
- on, upon, over, aboard
- percu
- get on
- peresil
- parsley
- perfeto
- perfect
- perfectly
- perfetoya
- perfection
- perfiksa
- mount (fix in place, computing)
- perfleksi
- fold
- perfora
- perforation, orifice, hole
- perforate, puncture
- pergeo
- landing
- land
- pergeogi
- (cause to) land
- pergi
- put on (clothes, etc.)
- peridi
- mount, board
- peridotu
- peridot
- perkusi
- percussion
- percuss
- perli
- surface, superficial
- superficially
- perofil
- profile
- perplasi
- put on (clothes, etc.)
- persaluba
- crucifixion, crucifix
- crucify
- persika
- peach (Prunus persica)
- person
- person, individual, character (in fictional story)
- personli
- personal, individual
- personally, individually
- personya
- personhood, individuality, personality
- Peru
- Peru
- Peruli
- Peruvian
- Peruyen
- Peruvian
- perya
- surface
- be on, be on the surface (of)
- peryaje
- (surface) area
- pesa
- money
- fund
- pesabao
- purse
- pesadahun
- bill, banknote
- pesakal
- poor
- pesakalya
- poverty
- pesali
- monetary, financial
- monetarily, financially
- pesalogi
- finance
- pesamon
- coin, bill
- pesapul
- rich
- pesapulya
- wealth
- pesaseza
- fine (monetary penalty)
- pesatoken
- coin
- pesima
- worst possible, lame (informal)
- pesimaismo
- pessimism
- pesimaismoli
- pessimistic, negative
- pessimistically, negatively
- pesimaista
- pessimist
- petalo
- petal
- peti
- request
- request, ask (for), order
- petidoku
- petition
- petra
- rock, stone
- petra, mikasi, paper
- rock paper scissors, RPS
- Petro
- Peter
- pia
- also, too
- pifu
- skin
- touch
- pifucu
- feel (have a particular feeling through touch)
- pifuitis
- dermatitis
- pifumedis
- dermatology
- pifumedisyen
- dermatologist
- pifuya
- (sense of) touch
- pijama
- pyjamas, pajamas
- pijin
- pidgin
- pikapu
- pickup (truck)
- piklebal
- pickleball
- pikniku
- picnic
- have a picnic
- piko
- 10^-12, one trillionth of
- pikometro
- picometer, picometre
- piksel
- pixel
- Pilipina
- Philippines
- Pilipinali
- Filipino
- Pilipinasa
- Filipino (language)
- Pilipinayen
- Filipino (person)
- pilo
- fatigue
- tire, fatigue, feel tired, feel fatigued
- pilodo
- tired
- pilopul
- tired
- pilpil
- (black) pepper
- pilpilminta
- peppermint
- pilula
- pill, pellet
- pimento
- pepper (bell pepper, chili pepper)
- pimpan
- frequent, often, common, regular
- frequently, oftentimes, commonly, regularly
- pimpanje
- frequency, rate
- pinatu
- peanut
- pinca
- pinch
- pinch
- pingo
- apple, Malus
- pingun
- average, mean
- pinku
- pink
- pinta
- pint
- pipa
- (smoking) pipe, tobacco pipe
- pipi
- piss, pee, wee
- pipigi
- cause (somebody) to pee or to piss, make (somebody) pee or piss
- piramide
- pyramid (shape, construction)
- piranya
- piranha
- pistacyo
- pistachio (Pistacia vera)
- piston
- piston
- piton
- python, Pythonidae
- pitza
- pizza
- piu
- bird (Aves)
- piulogi
- ornithology
- pixi
- urine, piss
- urinate, piss
- pixigi
- cause to urinate
- plagu
- plug, stopper, bung, cork, (electrical) plug, connector
- plug, stop (up), plug (in)
- planeta
- planet
- plani
- plan
- plan
- planibasa
- planned language
- plankuton
- plankton
- planta
- plant
- plantalogi
- botany
- plasi
- placement, placing, position
- put, place, position, set
- plasilexi
- adposition, preposition, postposition
- plasma
- plasma
- plaster
- plaster, render, stucco
- plastiko
- plastic
- plastikoli
- plastic
- plastically
- platforma
- platform
- platinum
- platinum, Pt
- plax
- splash, splatter
- splash, splatter
- pley
- playback
- play (video, music, button)
- plu
- multiple, plurality marker
- plu-
- multiple
- plubasayen
- polyglot
- plucelulli
- multicellular
- plucu
- multiplication
- multiply
- plugi
- multiplication
- multiply
- plugon
- polygon
- pluhedro
- polyhedron
- plujensifil
- polysexual
- polysexually
- plujensifilya
- polysexuality
- pluteoismo
- polytheism
- pluteoista
- polytheist
- plutonyum
- plutonium, Pu
- pluya
- multiplicity, multipleness, plurality
- pluyali
- plural
- plurally
- podikasti
- podcast
- podcast
- poema
- poem
- poemaya
- poetry
- poemayen
- poet
- pohyo
- roar
- roar
- poker
- poker
- pole
- bridge
- polisi
- police
- polisidom
- police station
- polisiyen
- (police) officer, policeman
- politi
- politics
- politili
- political
- politically
- politiyen
- politician
- polixo
- polish, shine, wax, buff
- polish, shine, wax, buff, furbish, burnish
- polo
- polo (sport)
- polonyum
- polonium, Po
- Polska
- Poland
- Polskali
- Polish
- Polskasa
- Polish
- Polskayen
- Pole
- polyester
- polyester
- pom
- pop, burst
- pop, burst
- pop
- pommais
- popcorn
- pompu
- pump
- pump
- ponci
- punch (drink)
- pondu
- pound (weight)
- popi
- poppy, Papaveraceae
- popu
- pop (music, culture)
- populer
- popular
- popularly
- populergi
- popularization
- popularize
- por
- (in exchange) for
- por-
- in exchange for
- por moyun
- per, for (each)
- porcelen
- porcelain
- porgi
- exchange, trade
- poriji
- porridge, oatmeal, gruel
- porli
- which is in exchange for
- pornamelexi
- pronoun
- porno
- porn, porno, pornography
- poro
- leek
- porta
- carrying, taking
- carry, take
- portaible
- portable
- portably
- portal
- portal
- portreto
- portrait
- portray
- Portugal
- Portugal
- Portugalsa
- Portuguese (language)
- Portugalyen
- Portuguese (person)
- porya
- be in exchange for
- pos-
- opposite
- posabone
- cancel subscription (to), unsubscribe (from)
- posadil
- unfair, unjust, wrongful, evil
- unfairly, unjustly, wrongfully, evilly
- posadilxey
- injustice, injustices
- posadilya
- injustice
- posamiku
- shallow
- shallowly
- posamikuya
- shallowness
- posamusa
- boredom
- bore
- posamusado
- bored
- posamusane
- boring, unamusing
- boringly, unamusingly
- posaproba
- disapproval
- disapprove (of), censure, condemn
- posaprobane
- critical
- critically
- posarmoni
- disharmony
- posasan
- difficult
- posasanya
- difficulty
- posbinde
- untying, unfastening
- untie, unfasten
- posbuton
- unbuttoning
- unbutton
- poscane
- dishevel
- poscosan
- criticism
- criticize
- posdongwi
- disagreement
- disagree
- posdoste
- enemy
- posehtiram
- disrespect
- posehtiramfil
- disrespectful
- disrespectfully
- posenfeksi
- disinfection
- disinfect, sanitize
- posenfeksiente
- disinfectant, sanitizer
- posetatu
- disobedience
- disobey, violate
- posetatudo
- disobeyed
- posetatufil
- disobedient
- disobediently
- posfil
- averse
- posfilya
- aversion
- posfobi
- fearlessness
- posfol
- against (in the opposite direction of)
- posfol satumeter
- counterclockwise, anticlockwise, withershins
- posfolloga
- contradiction
- contradict
- posfolya
- be against, be in the opposite direction (of)
- posfuha
- unloading, unburdening, relief
- unload, unburden, relieve
- posgami
- ex-spouse, ex-husband, ex-wife
- divorce
- posgamicu
- divorce
- get divorced
- poshay
- be missing
- poshifazi
- get rid of
- poshuru
- captive, captively, bound, not free, imprisoned
- poshurudom
- prison, jail
- poshurugi
- detention
- detain, hold captive
- poshuruyen
- prisoner
- posizin
- prohibition, ban
- prohibit, forbid, ban, deny
- posizindo
- prohibited, forbidden, banned
- posjijon
- miss (target, etc.)
- posjixi
- ignorance
- be ignorant of
- posjui
- disregard
- ignore, disregard
- never mind
- poskoberi
- uncover, reveal
- poskolonigi
- decolonization
- decolonize
- poskom
- unlike
- poslifti
- lowering
- lower
- posmasku
- unmasking
- unmask
- posnaturali
- artificial
- artificially
- pospel
- pull
- possahay
- hinderance
- hinder
- possangu
- reveal
- possim
- dissimilar, different
- dissimilarly, differently
- possukses
- failure
- fail
- posswikara
- refusal, rejection
- decline, refuse, reject
- posta
- mail
- mail
- postadom
- post office
- postakaxa
- mailbox
- postakima
- postage
- postamarka
- (postage) stamp
- posti
- post
- post, display
- postriunfa
- defeat, loss
- lose
- postura
- posture, position, pose
- posxuli
- break (cause to not function)
- posxwexi
- unlearn
- posyesen
- tame
- tamely
- posyesengi
- tame
- posyukwe
- unpleasant, displeasing
- unpleasantly, displeasingly
- potasyum
- potasium, K
- praseodimyum
- praseodymium, Pr
- pratika
- practice
- (put into) practice
- pratikali
- practical
- practically
- pre-
- here, there
- preata
- arrival
- arrive
- preciso
- exact, precise, accurate
- exactly, precisely, accurately
- precu
- appear
- preferi
- preference
- prefer
- preferido
- favorite, preferred
- pregi
- summon, bring forth
- prehay
- here is, here you go, there you go, here you are, there you are
- preporta
- bring, take
- prepospel
- attraction
- attract
- presen
- presence
- be here, be present
- presenli
- present, here, there (as opposed to “away”)
- presenne
- present, here, there (as opposed to “away”)
- presenta
- presentation
- present
- presidi
- presiding
- preside (over)
- presidiyen
- president
- presidiyenli
- presidential
- presidentially
- prespetiva
- perspective, prospect, outlook
- presyon
- pressure
- put pressure (on), press
- presyonmeter
- barometer
- prevoka
- summon
- primate
- primate
- prince
- prince, princess
- principi
- principle
- printi
- printing
- print
- printitora
- printer
- prisma
- prism
- privato
- private
- privately
- privatoya
- privacy
- pro
- in favor of, pro-
- pro-
- pro-, in favor of
- probioente
- probiotic
- problema
- problem, trouble
- problemapul
- problematic
- problematically
- proceso
- process
- process
- produti
- product
- produce, generate
- produtidom
- warehouse, depot
- produtiyen
- producer
- profesi
- profession, career
- profesili
- professional
- professionally
- programa
- program
- program
- projeto
- project
- projui
- acknowledgement, recognition
- acknowledge, recognize (the fact or importance or quality of), admit (the truth or existence of), grant, accept
- prokrastina
- procrastination
- procrastinate
- proli
- favoring
- prometyum
- promethium, Pm
- propaganda
- propaganda
- propagandize
- propul
- favorable
- favorably
- prostata
- prostate (gland)
- prostesi
- prosthesis, prosthetic device, prosthetic limb
- protatinyum
- protactinium, Pa
- protein
- protein
- protesta
- protest
- protest
- protokol
- protocol (computing)
- proton
- proton
- provoka
- incite, instigate, prompt, cue
- proya
- be for, be in favor (of)
- proyeksi
- projection
- project
- prumu
- plum, Prunus
- prute
- fart, flatulence
- fart
- prutegi
- cause flatulence, cause to fart
- pudin
- pudding
- pudra
- powder
- pulverize
- pul
- full
- fully
- pulga
- flea, Siphonaptera
- pulgi
- fill (up)
- pulya
- fullness
- puma
- cougar, mountain lion, catamount, puma
- pumica
- pumice
- pupa
- pupa, pupe, chrysalis, tumbler
- pupe
- doll
- pure
- puree, purée, mash, mush
- puree, grind, smash
- purpuro
- purple
- puto
- grape
- putojusu
- grape juice
- Putunhwa
- Mandarin (language)
- puzle
- puzzle (game)
- pyale
- bowl
- pyano
- piano
- pyanoyen
- pianist, piano player
- pyara
- pear, Pyrus
- pyon
- pawn, peon
- radar
- radar
- radon
- radon, Rn
- radya
- ray, beam
- radiate
- radyagrafi
- x-ray image
- radyan
- radian, rad
- radyo
- radio
- radyofon
- radio (transmitter)
- radyum
- radium, Ra
- radyus
- radius
- Rafael
- Raphael
- rafu
- shelf
- rahatu
- rest, break
- rest, take a break
- rahatugi
- (cause to) rest, (make) rest
- Rahel
- Rachel
- rahema
- mercy
- rahibu
- monk, nun, brother, sister, cloisterer
- rahibudom
- monastery, abbey, convent, cloister
- rahim
- uterus, womb
- rakun
- raccoon, Procyon
- Ram
- Ram
- ramadu
- ash, ashes
- Ramses
- Ramses, Ramesses
- rande
- plane, grater
- plane, grate
- randevu
- appointment, engagement, date
- meet (up), go on a date
- ranko
- rank, grade, standing, place, position
- rapu
- rap (music)
- rap
- rapuyen
- rapper
- rasa
- race
- rasaismo
- racism
- rasaista
- racist
- rasali
- racial
- racially
- rasamu
- drawing, illustration
- draw, illustrate
- rasona
- reason (logical thought), reasoning
- reason
- rasonali
- rational
- rationally
- rasonapul
- reasonable
- reasonably
- rasuberi
- raspberry, Rubus idaeus
- rato
- rat
- raxwa
- bribe
- bribe
- rayfle
- rifle
- real
- real
- really
- realcu
- realization
- realize, become real
- realgi
- realization
- realize, make real
- realgido
- realized, made real
- realsim
- realistic
- realistically
- realya
- reality
- Rebeka
- Rebecca, Rebekah
- recepe
- recipe, prescription
- prescribe
- recitu
- receipt
- referendum
- referendum, plebiscite
- reforma
- reformation
- reform
- regula
- rule, regulation, policy
- reguladoku
- charter
- regulapul
- regular, rulebound
- regularly
- rehani
- basil
- reheni
- mortgage
- mortgage
- rehina
- hostage
- rekabu
- stirrup
- reki
- rake, harrow
- rake, harrow
- reklama
- ad, advertisement, commercial
- advertise
- reklamatahta
- billboard
- rekomenda
- recommendation
- recommend
- rekordi
- (world) record
- relativo
- relative
- relatively
- relativomo
- relatively, quite, rather, fairly, pretty
- Remon
- Raymond
- remora
- remora, suckerfish
- ren
- one
- rengenyum
- roentgenium, Rg
- rensu
- one's
- renyum
- rhenium, Re
- reporti
- report
- report
- reputasi
- reputation
- reserci
- research
- research
- reserva
- reservation, booking
- reserve, book, make a reservation
- resini
- resin
- resmi
- formal, official
- formally, officially
- resta
- remainder, (the) rest
- stay, remain
- restado
- left (behind), remaining, (the) rest of
- restagi
- leave (behind), keep
- restane
- remaining
- restoran
- restaurant
- resulta
- result, outcome
- result (in)
- resurso
- resource, means
- retil
- crawl
- crawl, creep
- retilyen
- reptile, crawler
- revende
- rhubarb, Rheum
- rewmati
- rheumatism, rheum
- reylu
- rail
- ri-
- re- (again)
- riadresu
- forward (mail)
- Ricardo
- Richard
- ricu
- repeat
- ridoxo
- reread
- rieksame
- retest
- rieskri
- rewrite
- rifale
- redo
- rigi
- repeat
- rikrimenyen
- recividist
- rilabel
- relabeling
- relabel
- rili
- again
- rilide
- redirection, referral
- redirect, refer
- rimarali
- again, once more, one more time
- rinjon
- bell
- ring
- rioko
- see again, meet again
- ripul
- again
- risasi
- lead (element), Pb
- Riser-Larsen
- Riiser-Larsen
- risi
- rice
- risko
- risk
- risk, take risks, take a chance
- riskojui
- caution
- be cautious
- riskojuine
- cautious
- cautiously
- ritmo
- rhythm
- Roberto
- Robert
- roboti
- robot
- robotilogi
- robotics
- robotitekno
- robotics
- rodyum
- rodium, Rh
- roketi
- rocket
- roku
- rock (music)
- rol
- role, part
- play a role, participate, take part, be involved (in)
- rolyen
- participant
- rolyuxi
- role-playing game, RPG
- roleplay
- Romani
- Romani, Roma
- rombo
- rhombus, lozenge, diamond (shape)
- rosa
- rose
- rosbif
- roast beef
- rosmari
- rosemary, Salvia rosmarinus
- roso
- red
- rosopanda
- red panda, lesser panda, panda, Ailuridae
- Ross
- Ross
- rota
- rotation
- rotate, turn (around)
- roti
- bread
- rotidukan
- bakery
- roya
- dream
- dream
- ru-
- retro-, re- (back), from back, backward, backwards
- ruaksyon
- reaction
- react
- ruata
- return, come back
- rubahe
- fox
- Ruben
- Reuben
- rubidyum
- rubidium, Rb
- rubin
- ruby
- rucudu
- take back
- rucuki
- recycling
- recycle
- ruderfordyum
- rutherfordium, Rf
- rufleksili
- retroflex
- rugbi
- rugby
- rugibe
- return, give back
- ruho
- spirit, soul
- ruidi
- return, go back
- ruirsal
- return, send back
- rujiwa
- resurrection, resuscitation, revival
- revive, resurrect, come back to life
- Rujiwadin
- Easter, Resurrection Day
- rujiwagi
- resurrection, resuscitation, revival
- revive, resurrect, resuscitate, bring back to life
- ruke
- back, rear
- rukebao
- backpack
- rukemajam
- spinal cord
- rukesahni
- background
- rukesutun
- backbone, spine
- rukesutunyen
- vertebrate
- rukone
- recognition
- recognize (identify)
- rum
- rum
- Rumani
- Romania
- Rumanili
- Romanian
- Rumanisa
- Romanian (language)
- Rumaniyen
- Romanian (person)
- Rundi
- Burundi
- ruoko
- look back
- rupaya
- repayment
- repay
- rupel
- push back
- rupelente
- repellent
- rupesa
- refund
- rupul
- back, backwards, in reverse
- rusehacu
- recover, get well again
- Rusi
- Russia
- Rusili
- Russian
- Rusisa
- Russian (language)
- Rusiyen
- Russian (person)
- rusoti
- echo
- rutenyum
- ruthenium, Ru
- rutina
- routine
- Rutu
- Ruth
- rutyao
- bounce, rebound, spring (back), ricochet
- ruwoju
- support (from behind or metaphorically), back (up)
- Rwanda
- Rwanda
- sabar
- patient
- patiently
- sabarya
- patience
- sabe
- 7, seven
- sabecen
- seven hundred
- sabedes
- seventy
- sabedesyum
- seventieth
- sabedin
- week
- sabegon
- heptagon, septagon
- sabeple
- septuple, sevenfold
- sabeyum
- seventh
- sabike
- race (competition)
- race
- sabotaje
- sabotage
- sabun
- soap
- soap, lather
- sabunkaxa
- soap-dish
- sabunli bulbula
- soap bubble
- sabunpul
- soapy
- sabzi
- vegetable
- sabziyow
- vegetable oil
- sadafa
- shell, seashell, carapace, concha
- sadafamahi
- shellfish
- safe
- clean
- cleanly
- safegi
- clean
- safeya
- cleanliness
- safir
- ambassador
- safran
- saffron
- sahay
- help, aid, assistance, support
- help, aid, assist, support
- sahaybasa
- auxiliary language, auxlang
- sahayli
- auxiliary
- auxiliarly
- sahayli falelexi
- auxiliary verb
- sahayyen
- helper, aide
- sahel
- beach
- sahem
- stock, share
- sahembazar
- stock market
- sahi
- correct, right, accurate
- correctly, accurately
- sahigi
- correction, correcting
- correct
- sahigili
- corrective
- correctively
- sahiloga
- be right, be in the right
- sahimoni
- proofread
- sahixey
- correction
- sahixinen
- orthodoxy
- sahiya
- correctness
- sahni
- scene
- sahnidixan
- stage
- sahnidom
- set, stage
- sahte
- hard, stiff, rigid, firm, tough
- rigidly, firmly, toughly
- sahteya
- hardness, stiffness, rigidity
- Sakartwelo
- Georgia (country)
- Sakartwelosa
- Georgian (language)
- Sakartweloyen
- Georgian (person)
- sakfu
- roof, ceiling
- sakfudom
- attic, loft
- saksofon
- saxophone
- salada
- salad
- salamandra
- salamander
- salami
- salami
- salmon
- salmon
- salom
- greeting, hi, hello
- greet, say hi (to), say hello (to)
- greetings, hi, hello
- Salomon
- Solomon
- Salomoni
- Solomon Islands
- salsa
- salsa (dance)
- saluba
- cross
- salun
- salon, hall, lounge
- Salvadori
- El Salvador
- sama
- same
- samaete
- the same ones
- samaijen
- agreement (same opinion)
- agree
- samajensifil
- homosexual, gay, lesbian
- homosexually
- samajensifilya
- homosexuality
- samakwanti
- the same quantity (of), the same amount (of)
- samaloka
- in the same place
- samamaner
- by the same manner, in the same manner
- samamenalexi
- synonym
- samamenapul
- synonynous
- samamo
- in the same way, to the same degree
- samanumer
- the same number (of)
- samaoto
- the same things
- samapul
- the same, the same kind of, the same way, in the same way
- samaryum
- samarium, Sm
- samaseba
- for the same reason
- samasu
- the same person's
- samate
- (the) same one
- samato
- (the) same thing
- samawatu
- at the same time
- samawatuli
- contemporary
- contemporarily
- Samoa
- Samoa
- Samoali
- Samoan
- Samoasa
- Samoan (language)
- Samoayen
- Samoan (person)
- sampo
- walk, stroll, promenade
- take a walk, go for a walk, go on a walk, stroll
- sampogi
- (cause to) walk, take on a walk, take for a stroll
- samrudi
- prosperity, fortune
- prosper, thrive, flourish
- Samwel
- Samuel
- San Kristofer ji Nevis
- Saint Kitts and Nevis
- San Lorenso
- St. Lawrence
- San Lusia
- Saint Lucia
- San Marino
- San Marino
- San Tome ji Prinsipe
- São Tomé and Príncipe
- San Vinsent ji Grenadin
- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- sandal
- sandal
- sandan
- shot (projectile), lead shot, birdshot, buckshot
- sanduku
- box
- sandwici
- sandwich
- sangu
- hide, go into hiding
- sangucu
- hide, go into hiding
- sangudo
- hidden
- sangudom
- hiding place, hideout, lair
- sanobar
- pine (tree), Pinaceae
- Sanskritam
- Sanskrit (language)
- Santari
- Santal, Santali (language)
- santo
- holy, sacred
- Santo Biskopodom
- Holy See
- Santo Papa
- pope
- santogi
- sanctify, hallow, make holy, make sacred
- santoyen
- saint
- sapatu
- shoe
- sapatudukan
- shoe store
- Sara
- Sarah
- sardina
- sardine
- Sargaso
- Sargaso, sargassum
- sarjenti
- sargeant
- sarkasmo
- sarcasm
- sarpen
- snake, serpent
- sarpenmahi
- eel, Anguilliformes
- satari
- row
- satelite
- satellite
- sati
- true
- indeed, truly
- satiya
- truth
- satu
- hour, time, h
- satumeter
- clock, watch
- Saul
- Saul
- savana
- savanna, savannah
- Sawdi
- Saudi Arabia
- Sawdili
- Saudi, Saudi Arabian
- Sawdiyen
- Saudi, Saudi Arabian
- sawna
- sauna
- sawsa
- sauce, salsa
- saye
- shadow
- sayfa
- page
- sayni
- signature, autograph
- sign
- saypan
- trial, (court) case, hearing
- try, put on trial
- sayso
- guess
- guess
- se
- reflexive pronoun, myself, yourself, herself, himself, itself, themselves, ourselves, yourselves
- se-
- self-
- sealimdo
- self-taught
- seanalisi
- self-analysis
- self analyze
- seba
- reason (cause or purpose)
- sebakal
- without reason, arbitrary
- arbitrarily
- Sebastyan
- Sebastian
- sebawe
- self-defence, self-defense
- sedabihu
- self-sacrifice
- sedabihune
- self-sacrificing
- sefide
- white
- sefidebalena
- beluga, white whale, sea canary, Delphinapterus
- sefil
- selfish
- sefoto
- selfie
- take a selfie
- segil
- wart, verruca
- segoyondo
- self-employed
- seha
- healthy
- healthily
- sehacu
- get healthy, become healthy
- sehagi
- heal, cure
- sehagine
- healing, healthy (conducive to health)
- sehaya
- health
- seinoko
- introspection, reflection, inlook
- introspect, reflect
- seismo
- egoism
- seismofil
- egotistical
- sejiwagrafi
- autobiography
- sekrasine
- autonomous, self-governing
- autonomously
- sekretari
- secretary
- sekretaridom
- secretary, secretariat
- seksi
- sexy
- sexily
- sekso
- sex, sexual intercourse
- have sex (with), mate (with)
- seksobawlu
- rape
- seksofilya
- libido, sex drive
- seksoli
- sexual
- sexually
- seksomalfilya
- lust (sin)
- seksopel
- sex appeal
- seksopeldo
- horny, lustful
- hornily, lustfully
- seksovole
- sexual arousal
- be horny, be sexually aroused
- sekundo
- second, s
- sela
- flood, deluge, inundation
- flood, inundate
- selenyum
- selenium, Se
- seleri
- celery
- seleti
- choice, selection, election
- choose, select, elect, pick
- seletifil
- selective
- selectively
- seli
- itself
- seli ete
- they themselves
- seli imi
- we ourselves
- seli mi
- I myself
- seli te
- he himself, she herself
- seli uyu
- you yourselves
- seli yu
- you yourself
- selsyus
- celsius, centigrade, °C
- semi
- semi-, partly, sort of, -ish
- half-, part
- semi semi
- so-so
- semiblue
- bluish, blueish
- semibruno
- brownish
- semidayra
- semicircle
- semihwese
- grayish, greyish
- semiisula
- peninsula
- semijalo
- yellowish
- semikijawi
- greenish
- seminyan
- semester (broad sense)
- semipurpuro
- purplish, purply
- semiroso
- reddish
- semisodar
- half-sibling, half-brother, half-sister
- semisyahe
- blackish
- semiteo
- demigod
- semoni
- introspection
- introspect
- semorgi
- suicide
- commit suicide, kill oneself, take one's life
- sempay
- narrow
- narrowly
- sen
- be, am, is, are
- sen peldo
- feel like
- senaryo
- script, screenplay
- senato
- senate
- senatoyen
- senator
- sencu
- becoming
- become, get, turn (into)
- Senegal
- Senegal
- Senegalli
- Senegalese
- Senegalyen
- Senegalese (person)
- sengi
- cause to be, cause to become, turn (into), make (+ adj)
- senmun
- glottis
- sentay
- moss
- senyor
- gentleman, lady, sir, mam, Mr., Mrs.
- Serbi
- Serbia
- Serbisa
- Serbian (language)
- Serbiyen
- Serbian (person), Serb
- serotonin
- serotonin
- serum
- serum
- serval
- serval, Leptailurus
- servi
- service
- serve
- servimusiya
- servitude
- servimusiyen
- servant
- servitora
- server
- servitul
- server
- serviyen
- server
- serye
- series, sequence
- sesam
- sesame
- sesu
- her own, his own, one's own
- sesyon
- session
- setin
- setting, adjustment
- set, adjust
- sewdo
- fake
- fakely
- sewdosyensi
- pseudoscience
- sexinloy
- self-confidence, confidence
- sexinloypul
- confident, self-confident
- confidently, self-confidently
- seya
- self, selfhood
- Seycel
- Seychelles
- seyeku
- oath, avowal
- swear, vow, pledge, take an oath
- seza
- punishment
- punish
- sezaible
- punishable
- punishably
- sezamorgi
- execution
- execute
- si
- yes
- Sibiri
- Siberia
- siborgyum
- seaborgium, Sg
- sicu
- become yes
- sicunki
- puberty
- side
- sit, be sitting
- sidegi
- sit, seat
- sidene
- sitting
- sidetul
- seat
- sifa
- characteristic, feature, quality, property, attribute, aspect
- sifalari
- character, personality, set of traits
- sifalexi
- adjective
- sifre
- whistle
- whistle
- sifretul
- whistle
- sigaro
- cigar
- sikapi
- nod
- Siki
- Sikh
- siko
- mind
- sikobimar
- mentally ill
- sikobimarya
- mental illness
- sikohospital
- psychiatric hospital
- sikoli
- mental
- mentally
- sikologi
- psychology
- sikologiyen
- psychologist
- sikomedis
- psychiatry
- sikomedisyen
- psychiatrist
- sikoosis
- psychosis
- sikoosisli
- psychotic
- psychotically
- sili
- affirmative, positive
- affirmatively, positively
- silikon
- silicon, Si
- silsila
- chain
- silsilamon
- link (of chain)
- sim
- similar, alike, like
- simbolo
- symbol
- simbologidatul
- legend
- simensu
- siemens, S
- simetri
- symmetry
- Simon
- Simon, Simone
- simpati
- sympathy, compassion, pity
- simpatilaye
- pitiful
- pitifully
- simula
- simulation
- simulate
- simya
- similarity
- sindan
- anvil
- Sindi
- Sindh (province in Pakistan)
- Sindili
- Sindhi
- Sindisa
- Sindhi (language)
- Sindiyen
- Sindhi (person)
- sindrom
- syndrome
- sindrom Asperger
- Asperger syndrome, Asperger's
- sindrom Dawn
- Down syndrome, Down's syndrome, trisomy 21
- sinfoni
- symphony
- singa
- lion, Panthera leo
- Singapura
- Singapore
- singasa
- roar
- Sinhala
- Sinhalese, Singhalese
- Sinhalasa
- Sinhala, Sinhalese, Singhalese (language)
- sinjabu
- squirrel, Sciuridae
- sinkroniza
- synchronization
- synchronize, sync
- sino
- sine
- sintaksu
- syntax
- sintaksuli
- syntactic
- sintesis
- synthesis
- synthesize
- sintoma
- symptom
- sintomali
- symptomatic
- symptomatically
- sinus
- sinus (anatomy)
- sipul
- indeed, of course, definitely, positively
- siri
- secret
- sirili
- secret
- sisa
- six
- sisacen
- six hundred
- sisades
- sixty
- sisadesyum
- sixtieth
- sisagon
- hexagon
- sisamesi
- semester (narrow sense)
- sisaple
- sextuple, sixfold
- sisayum
- sixth
- sistema
- system
- sistemali
- systemic
- systemically
- sistemapul
- systematic
- systematically
- sitafel
- soursop, custard apple, guanabana, annona
- siu
- sewing
- sew
- siutora
- sewing machine
- siuyen
- tailor, sewer, seamster
- sivertu
- sievert
- six
- skewer, spit
- siya
- approval
- say yes (to), approve
- soba
- morning
- sobayam
- breakfast
- have breakfast
- soberen
- sovereign
- soberenya
- sovereignty
- socebu
- groin, inguen
- soda
- soda, pop, carbonated drink
- sodar
- sibling, brother, sister
- sodarya
- brotherhood, sisterhood
- sodyum
- sodium, Na
- sofa
- sofa, couch
- sofi
- wisdom
- Sofi
- Sophia, Sophie
- sofilogi
- philosophy
- sofilogiyen
- philosopher
- sofipul
- wise
- wisely
- softwer
- software
- soho
- reciprocal, reciprocally, each other
- sohokoberi
- overlap
- overlap
- sohovada
- agreement, commitment, deal
- agree (to), commit (to)
- sokitan
- coal
- soksu
- sock
- sokutu
- fall, drop
- fall
- sokutugi
- dropping
- drop
- sol
- only, merely, just, a mere
- sol-
- only, merely, just
- Sola
- Sol, Sun (in our planetary system)
- solabanyo
- sunbath
- sunbathe
- soladin
- Sunday
- solaflura
- sunflower
- solainfracu
- sunset, dusk
- solali
- solar
- solarly
- solapul
- sunny
- sunnily
- solasupracu
- sunrise, dawn
- solli
- pure
- purely
- solo
- alone, (the) sole, (the) only
- solokrabe
- hermit crab
- soloya
- solitude
- soloyapul
- solitary
- solitarily
- soloyen
- loner, solitaire, hermit, recluse
- solunbete
- only child
- solunpul
- unique
- uniquely
- solusi
- solution (chemistry)
- dissolve
- solya
- mereness
- Somali
- Somalia
- Somalisa
- Somali (language)
- somno
- sleep
- sleep
- somnobao
- sleeping bag
- somnogi
- cause to sleep, put to sleep
- somnokamer
- bedroom
- somnone
- sleeping
- somnopeldo
- sleepy
- sleepily
- somnovole
- want to sleep, be sleepy
- Somov
- Somov
- somu
- garlic
- somuroti
- garlic bread
- sonxi
- loss
- lose (opposite of ewreka)
- sonxido
- lost
- sonzay
- existence
- exist
- sonzaylogi
- ontology
- soseji
- sausage, cock (penis, obscene)
- soso
- bro, sis, sib, brother, sister, sibling (informal)
- sosyal
- social
- socially
- sosyallogi
- sociology
- sosyaltim
- society
- soti
- sound
- (make a) sound
- sotigi
- (cause to make a) sound, play (instrument)
- sotije
- volume (of sound)
- sotikal
- silent, quiet
- silently, quietly
- sotikalya
- silence, quietness
- sotilogi
- acoustics
- sotimon
- note, tone
- sotipul
- loud
- Sovyeti
- Soviet
- soxo
- statue
- soya
- soy, soybean, soya bean
- soyo
- itch
- itch, feel itched, feel itchy
- su
- marks the genitive case
- submiti
- submission
- submit (a proposal, application, or other document for consideration), file, present
- Sudan
- Sudan
- sude
- south
- Sudeafrika
- South Africa
- Sudeafrikali
- South African
- Sudeafrikayen
- South African
- sudedongu
- southeast
- sudegarebi
- southwest
- Sudehangu
- South Korea
- sudeli
- south, southern
- Sudesudan
- South Sudan
- sudino
- needle
- suferi
- suffering
- suffer (from)
- sugu
- idiom, set phrase, common saying, expression
- suhe
- dry
- dryly
- suhegeo
- desert
- suhegras
- hay
- suheprumu
- prune
- suheputo
- raisin
- sui
- water
- suibloki
- dam, barrage
- suifobi
- hydrophobia, aquaphobia
- suikal
- thirsty
- suipeldo
- thirsty
- suipul
- hydrated
- suisokutu
- precipitation
- sujeto
- subject (grammar)
- sukeri
- sugar
- sukerosu
- sucrose, saccharose
- suki
- like
- like
- sukigi
- please, be pleasing to, appeal (to), be appealing (to)
- sukses
- success
- succeed
- suksespul
- successful
- successfully
- sukwa
- watermelon
- Sulawesi
- Celebes
- sulfur
- sulfur, sulphur, S
- suli
- own, one's own
- suli namelexi
- proper noun
- suli tosifulexi
- proper adjective-adverb word
- Sulu
- Sulu
- sumake
- sumac, Rhus
- sumbole
- ear (of corn, grain, etc), head, spike
- sumul
- well, shaft
- suna
- artificial, man-made
- artificially
- sunami
- tsunami
- sunatofa
- wig, toupee, hairpiece
- sunayen
- android
- sungay
- damage, harm, injury
- damage, harm, hurt, injure, get damaged, get harmed, get hurt, get injured
- sungayne
- harmful
- harmfully
- sungen
- dignity
- sungenkal
- degrading
- sungenkalgi
- indignation
- degrade
- sungo
- horn, antler
- suo
- left
- suohantafil
- left-handed
- suohantali
- left-hand
- suohantaya
- left-handedness
- supa
- soup
- super
- superiority, aboveness
- supra
- above, over
- supra-
- super-, hyper-, over-
- supracu
- rise
- suprafuha
- upload
- upload
- supragebo
- upper arm
- supragi
- put above, uplift, raise
- supraidi
- ascent, ascension, climb
- ascend, go up, climb
- suprali
- superior, upper
- suprarealsim
- hyperrealistic
- supratui
- thigh
- supraxanse
- advantage
- supraya
- superiority, aboveness
- be above
- suprayen
- superior
- suprem
- supreme, supremely, greatest (possible), extreme, extremely
- excellent, excellently, cool (informal)
- supremmo
- extremely
- sura
- sun (any star in a planetary system)
- suratu
- letter (written message)
- surfi
- surfing
- surf
- Suri
- Syria
- Surinam
- Suriname
- surka
- vinegar
- surprisa
- surprise
- surprise
- surprisaatake
- surprise attack
- susana
- lily (flower)
- Susana
- Susan
- susu
- suck
- suck
- sutun
- pillar, column
- sutyen
- bra, brassiere
- suxey
- possession
- suya
- possession
- possess, own
- suyali pornamelexi
- possessive pronoun
- suyali sifalexi
- possessive adjective
- suyayen
- owner
- suyon
- swim
- swim
- suyondom
- (swimming) pool
- suyongi
- cause to swim
- suyonkostum
- swim suit, bathing suit
- suyonlabas
- swim suit, bathing suit
- suyontul
- fin, flipper
- suyonyen
- swimmer
- Swahili
- Swahili
- Swahilisa
- Swahili (language)
- Swahiliyen
- Swahili (person)
- swal
- question
- ask (pose a question)
- Swatini
- Eswatini
- swe
- tax
- tax
- Sweri
- Sweden
- Swerili
- Swedish
- Swerisa
- Swedish (language)
- Sweriyen
- Swede
- sweta
- sweat, perspiration
- sweat, perspire
- swetagi
- cause to sweat
- swetapul
- sweaty
- sweatily
- sweter
- sweater, pullover
- swici
- (electrical) switch
- swikara
- acceptance
- accept
- swikaranenible
- unacceptable
- unacceptably
- swimo
- jellyfish
- swini
- pig, hog, swine, Sus
- swinimaso
- pork
- Switze
- Switzerland
- Switzeli
- Swiss
- Switzeyen
- Swiss
- Swomi
- Finland
- Swomili
- Finnish
- Swomisa
- Finnish (language)
- Swomiyen
- Finn
- syahe
- black
- syahe prumu
- black plum, java plum
- syaheberi
- blackberry, Rubus
- syensi
- science
- syensili
- scientific
- scientifically
- syensiyen
- scientist
- Syeraleon
- Sierra Leone
- tabako
- tobacco
- tabar
- axe, ax, hatchet
- hack
- tabasum
- smile
- smile
- tabasumgi
- cause (somebody) to smile, make (somebody) smile
- tabel
- (matrix) table
- tableta
- tablet
- tabriku
- congratulation
- congratulate
- congratulations
- tabu
- taboo
- tabutu
- coffin, casket
- taco
- ostrich, Struthionidae
- tadiku
- confirmation
- confirm
- tafasir
- interpretation, rendering, performance
- interpret, render, perform
- tahal
- spleen, milt
- tahamul
- tolerance
- tolerate, bear, stand, withstand, cope (with), resist
- tahta
- plank, board
- tahtu
- throne
- tahyo
- compromise, concession, settlement, reconciliation
- compromise, concede, settle, reconcile
- tair
- (pneumatic) tire, tyre
- taji
- crown
- takibu
- pursuit
- chase (after), pursue
- taklidu
- imitation, mimicry
- imitate, mimic
- taklidudo
- imitated, mimicked
- takliduyen
- imitator, impersonator
- tako
- taco
- taksi
- taxi
- taksiyen
- taxi driver
- talento
- talent, aptitute, knack
- be talented, cause to be talented, make talented
- talentopul
- talented
- talisman
- amulet, talisman
- talitipu
- barnacle, cirriped, Cirripedia
- taluji
- snow
- snow
- talujibunhway
- avalanche
- talujimon
- snowflake
- talujitahta
- snowboard
- talyum
- thallium, Tl
- tamadun
- civilization
- civilize
- tamadundo
- civilized
- tamaduntim
- civilization
- tamal
- tamale
- tamaluku
- flattery, adulation
- flatter, adulate
- tamarin
- tamarind, Tamarindus
- tamba
- copper, Cu
- tami
- sweet
- sweetly
- Tamil
- Tamil Nadu (state in India)
- Tamilli
- Tamil
- Tamilsa
- Tamil (language)
- Tamilyen
- Tamil (person)
- tamipatato
- sweet potato
- tamixey
- sweet, sweetmeat, confectionary
- tamiya
- sweetness
- tamlam
- greed, avarice, cupidity, covetousness
- covet
- tampon
- tampon
- tange
- tight
- tightly
- tangente
- tangent (mathematics)
- tanke
- tank (military)
- tantalum
- tantalum, Ta
- tanxiku
- sigh
- sigh
- tanxikugi
- cause (somebody) to sigh, make (somebody) sigh
- Tanzani
- Tanzania
- tapir
- tapir
- taradudu
- hesitation
- hesitate
- taraf
- party, side
- tarafkal
- impartial
- impartially
- taraftim
- (political) party
- tarafya
- bias
- tarahon
- tarragon, estragon, Artemisia dracunculus
- tarbux
- fez, tarboosh
- tarhaxkun
- dandelion, Taraxacum
- tarihe
- date
- tarki
- turkey (bird), Meleagris
- tarkimaso
- turkey (meat)
- taroto
- tarot (cards)
- taru
- tar
- taruta
- pour, spill
- tarutagi
- pour
- tas
- to (indirect object marker), for (for receiver/recipient)
- tasaduf
- coincidence
- coincide
- taseri
- influence
- influence
- taserido
- influenced
- taseriyen
- influencer
- taslum
- receipt
- receive, get
- taslumyen
- recipient, receiver
- Tasman
- Tasman
- tasswal
- interrogation
- interrogate, question
- tasya
- is for
- tatika
- tactics
- tatmini
- appraisal, evaluation, assessment, rating, judgment, critique, criticism
- appraise, evaluate, assess, rate, judge, critique
- tatminimarka
- grade (schooling)
- grade
- tatminiyen
- critic, assessor, judge
- tatua
- tattoo
- tattoo
- tavusi
- peafowl, peacock, peahen, Pavonini
- tawa
- pan, frying pan, frypan, skillet
- tawakeke
- pancake
- tawni
- plague, infestation, pestilence
- infest, plague
- Tay
- Thailand
- taydu
- attitude
- tayga
- taiga
- tayla
- tile
- Tayli
- Thai
- taymi
- thyme, Thymus
- taypu
- typing
- type
- tayputora
- typewriter
- Taysa
- Thai (language)
- tayti
- replacement, substitution
- replace, substitute
- Taywan
- Taiwan
- Tayyen
- Thai
- taze
- fresh
- freshly
- te
- he, him, she, her (animate, personified object)
- teatro
- theater, theatre
- teatroxey
- play (theater)
- tehdidu
- threat
- threaten
- tejam
- sharp
- sharply
- teknesyum
- technetium, Tc
- teknika
- technique
- teknikali
- technical
- technically
- tekno
- technology
- teknoli
- technological
- technologically
- televisi
- television (broadcast system or device)
- televise
- teli
- far, remote, distant
- remotely, distantly
- teli-
- far
- teli fe
- far from
- teli lefe
- long before (+ noun)
- teli lefe na
- long before (+ -ing)
- teli leki
- long before (+ sentence)
- teli of
- far from
- teli xafe
- long after (+ noun)
- teli xafe na
- long after (+ -ing)
- teli xaki
- long after (+ sentence)
- teliergo
- remote work
- work remotely
- telifikir
- telepathy
- telepathize
- telifon
- telephone, phone
- phone, call
- teligrafi
- telegram
- teliharka
- telekinesis
- use telekinesis (on)
- telije
- distance
- telileli
- old (from a long time ago), (a) long ago
- teliokotul
- telescope
- telixali
- in a long time
- teliya
- farness
- Telugu
- Telugu
- Telugusa
- Telugu (language)
- Teluguyen
- Telugu (people)
- teluryum
- tellurium, Te
- tem
- about, on, regarding, with regard(s) to
- tem-
- about, regarding
- tema
- topic, theme, subject
- be about, be regarding
- tembal
- lazy
- lazily
- temfikir
- think about
- temki
- that, about which
- templato
- template
- temwawa
- mourning, grief, lamentation
- mourn, grieve over, lament, bewail, cry about
- temya
- be about, be regarding
- tenda
- tent
- tendon
- tendon, sinew
- tenesin
- tennessine, Ts
- tengu
- vine, climber, climbing plant
- tenis
- tennis
- tenjire
- (cooking) pot, saucepan, casserole (dish)
- tenmun
- celestial body, celestial object, astro-
- tenmunlogi
- astronomy
- tensor
- tensor (mathematics)
- tentakul
- tentacle
- Tenwo
- Uranus (planet)
- teo
- god, goddess, deity, God
- teoamiru
- commandment
- teoista
- theist
- teokalismo
- atheism
- teokalista
- atheist
- teologi
- theology
- teologiyen
- theologian
- teori
- theory
- teorili
- theoretical, theoretic
- theoretically
- tera
- 10^12, trillion, one trillion, tera-, T
- terakota
- terracotta
- terapi
- therapy, treatment
- treat (with therapy)
- terbyum
- terbium, Tb
- Teresa
- Teresa, Theresa
- teritori
- territory
- terminal
- terminal (airport, computer, etc.)
- termo
- heat
- be warm, heat (up), warm (up)
- termodo
- warmed, heated
- termoje
- temperature
- termokrasitul
- thermostat
- termokumax
- blanket
- termometer
- thermometer
- measure temperature of
- termomosem
- summer
- termopul
- warm, hot
- warmly, hotly
- teror
- terror
- terrorize
- tesis
- thesis
- tesla
- tesla (unit), T
- teslimu
- surrender (to), succumb (to), give up, give in (to)
- tesu
- her, his, its
- tesu ete
- hers, his (those beings belonging to her/him)
- tesu oto
- hers, his (those things belonging to her/him)
- tesu te
- his, hers (that being belonging to her/him)
- tesu to
- hers, his (that thing belonging to her/him)
- teve
- television set, TV
- textil
- fabric, textile, cloth
- texto
- text
- teyan
- offer, proposal
- offer, propose, bid (in an auction)
- tibya
- shin, tibia
- tie
- aunt, uncle, pibling
- tiga
- three
- tigabasali
- trilingual
- trilingually
- tigacen
- three hundred
- tigades
- thirty
- tigadesyum
- thirtieth
- tigagon
- triangle
- tigagonlogi
- trigonometry
- tigamwin
- triphthong
- tigaple
- triple, threefold
- tigaxey
- trio
- tigaya
- trinity
- tigayen
- trio
- tigayum
- third
- tika
- tick (sound)
- tick
- tiketo
- ticket
- tilapya
- tilapia, Tilapiini
- tim
- team
- Timoteo
- Timothy
- tipo
- type, kind, sort, genus
- tipoli
- typical
- typically
- tir
- arrow
- Tireni
- Tyrrhenia, Tyrrhenian
- titanyum
- titanium, Ti
- titi
- uncle (informal), auntie, aunt (informal)
- titulo
- title (book, song, etc.)
- to
- it
- Tobago
- Tobago
- todzi
- investment
- invest
- todziyen
- investor
- tofa
- (head) hair
- tofabroxa
- hairbrush
- tofakal
- bald
- tofamon
- (single) hair, strand of (head)hair
- tofayen
- hairdresser, hairstylist, barber
- tofu
- tofu
- Togo
- Togo
- tohin
- insult
- insult
- Tojiki
- Tajikistan
- Tojikili
- Tajik, Tajikistani
- Tojikisa
- Tajik (language), Tajiki
- Tojikiyen
- Tajik (person)
- toka
- knock
- knock (on)
- tokapiu
- woodpecker, Picidae
- token
- token, (game) chip, counter
- token des
- ten cent piece, dime
- token dua lima
- twenty-five cent piece, quarter
- token lima
- five cent piece, nickel
- token un
- one-cent piece, cent, penny
- Tomas
- Thomas
- tomate
- tomato
- tomatesawsa
- tomato sauce
- ton
- (together) with, (along) with
- ton-
- co-, (together) with
- tona
- tone
- tonaksyon
- cooperation
- cooperate
- tonali
- tonal
- tonata
- assembly, gathering, meeting
- assemble, gather, meet (with)
- tonatatim
- assembly
- toncu
- coalescence, joining
- coalesce, get together, come together, join
- toncudu
- collection
- collect, gather, pick
- tonder
- thunder
- tonderbofun
- thunderstorm
- tonergo
- collaboration
- collaborate
- tonergoyen
- colleague, co-worker
- Tonga
- Tonga
- Tongali
- Tongan
- Tongasa
- Tongan (language)
- Tongayen
- Tongan (person)
- tongi
- connection
- join, connect, merge
- tongibe
- contribution
- contribute
- tongilexi
- derived word
- tongo
- together, along
- tongocu
- coalescence, joining
- get together, come together, join
- tongogi
- connection, combination
- join, connect, combine, merge
- tongoya
- togetherness, company
- tongoyen
- companion, company, partner
- tonhare
- share
- tonidi
- accompaniment
- accompany
- tonkarar
- agreement (decision), consent
- agree (to), consent
- tonlala
- sing along
- tonporta
- take (with), bring (with)
- tonpresyon
- compress
- tontexto
- context
- tonya
- company
- be with, keep company
- tonyen
- companion, company, partner
- tonyongu
- share
- topazi
- topaz
- topi
- hat, cap
- topifutru
- mushroom (fruiting body), toadstool
- topo
- mole, Talpa
- tora
- device, apparatus, appliance, machine
- tornado
- tornado
- tortiya
- tortilla
- torus
- torus
- toryum
- thorium, Th
- tosa
- slaughter, massacre
- slaughter, massacre
- tosifu
- description
- describe
- tosifulexi
- adjective, adverb, adjective-adverb word
- tosta
- toasting, roasting
- toast, roast
- tostaroti
- toast (bread)
- tosu
- its (belonging to it)
- tosu ete
- its (those beings or people belonging to it)
- tosu oto
- its (those things belonging to it)
- tosu te
- its (that person or being belonging to it)
- tosu to
- its (that thing belonging to it)
- total
- entire, entirely, whole, all, quite (a), absolute, absolutely
- total dur
- throughout
- total wey
- all around, all over, throughout
- totalglobali
- universal, worldwide
- universally
- totalmo
- totally, quite
- totalya
- (the) entire thing, (the) whole thing, total, totality, sum
- totalyakin
- definite, absolute
- definitely, absolutely
- towa
- tower
- trafiko
- traffic (of vehicles)
- tragedi
- tragedy
- trampolin
- trampoline
- tramu
- tramway, tram, trolley
- trankwilo
- calm
- calmly
- trankwilogi
- tranquilize, calm
- trankwilogitul
- tranquilizer
- trankwiloya
- tranquility, calmness
- trapesi
- trapezium, trapezoid (two parallel sides)
- tras
- across
- tras-
- trans-, across
- trasatlantikoli
- transatlantic
- trascu
- transfering
- get across, go across, transfer
- trasgi
- transfering
- put across, take across, transfer
- trasidi
- cross, go across
- trasjensili
- transgender, transsexual
- trasli
- across, of the other side, trans, transgender
- traspasa
- pass through
- trasplanta
- transplant
- trasplasi
- transfering
- transfer
- trasporta
- transportation
- transport
- trasya
- be across, be on the other side (of)
- trator
- tractor
- trawma
- trauma
- treme
- shake, tremble
- tren
- train
- trendom
- (train) station
- trey
- tray
- treyna
- training, coaching
- train, coach
- treynayen
- trainer, coach
- Trinidad
- Trinidad
- Trinidad ji Tobago
- Trinidad and Tobago
- triunfa
- victory, triumph
- win, triumph
- triunfamusi
- who must win
- trofe
- trophy, cup
- trol
- troll (fantasy, internet)
- troll
- trombon
- trombone
- trompeta
- trumpet
- trompo
- (spinning) top
- tropika
- tropic, (the) Tropics
- trufel
- truffle
- truta
- trout
- truti
- satisfied, content
- trutigi
- satisfaction
- satisfy
- trutigine
- satisfying, satisfactory
- satisfyingly, satisfactorily
- tuba
- tuba
- tubihu
- scolding, admonishment
- rebuke, scold, reprimand, admonish
- tubo
- tube
- tufan
- hurricane, typhoon, cyclone
- tui
- leg
- tukan
- toucan, Ramphastidae
- tuko
- spit
- spit
- tuksedo
- tuxedo
- tul
- tool
- tulipa
- tulip
- tullari
- equipment
- tulyum
- thulium, Tm
- tumor
- tumor
- tuna
- tuna, Thunnini
- tundra
- tundra
- tunel
- tunnel
- tunge
- barrel, cask, drum
- tungesten
- tungsten, W
- tunika
- tunic
- Tunisi
- Tunisia
- tupyo
- vote
- vote (for)
- tupyodom
- polling station, polling place
- tupyogi
- poll
- tupyokarta
- ballot
- turan
- soil, earth, dirt
- turban
- turban
- turbin
- turbine
- turi
- trip, tour
- travel (in)
- turiya
- tourism
- turiyen
- tourist
- Turki
- Turkey, Türkiye
- Turkili
- Turkish
- Turkisa
- Turkish (language)
- Turkiyen
- Turk
- Turkmeni
- Turkmenistan
- Turkmenili
- Turkmen
- Turkmenisa
- Turkmen (language)
- Turkmeniyen
- Turkmen (person)
- turno
- turn
- be one's turn
- turxi
- pickle, pickled food
- pickle, preserve (in salt, in vinegar)
- turxisawsa
- pickled sauce, relish
- tute
- mulberry, Morus
- tutum
- heart
- tutuminfarto
- heart attack, myocardial infarction
- tutumli adolaitis
- myocarditis
- tutumlogi
- cardiology
- tutumnarem
- gentle
- gently
- Tuvalu
- Tuvalu
- Tuvaluli
- Tuvaluan
- Tuvalusa
- Tuvaluan (language)
- Tuvaluyen
- Tuvaluan (person)
- twalete
- toilet
- twaletekamer
- restroom, lavatory, water closet, wc
- twaletepaper
- toilet paper
- tweji
- retirement
- retire
- tyan
- dot, point, period, spot
- tyanvirgul
- semicolon
- tyao
- jump, leap
- jump, leap
- tyenga
- swan, Cygnus
- tyojan
- challenge, dare, defiance
- challenge, dare, defy, question
- u
- general present tense marker
- uflasi
- bankruptcy, insolvency
- go bankrupt, bankrupt, become insolvent
- ufue
- disgust, repugnance
- feel disgust, be disgusted, be grossed out, (cause) disgust, gross out
- ew, yuck, ugh
- ufuku
- horizon
- Uganda
- Uganda
- Ugandali
- Ugandan
- Ugandayen
- Ugandan
- uje
- already
- ujira
- wage, salary
- ukabu
- eagle
- Ukraina
- Ukraine
- Ukrainali
- Ukrainian
- Ukrainasa
- Ukrainian (language)
- Ukrainayen
- Ukrainian (person)
- ukungu
- fog, mist, haze
- ulcera
- ulcer, sore
- ulcerate
- ultra
- beyond, over
- ultra-
- super-, ultra-, beyond
- ultradose
- overdose
- ultrajiwa
- survival
- survive
- ultrali
- from beyond
- ultranaturali
- supernatural
- supernaturally
- ultraordinari
- extraordinary, exceptional
- ultrapasa
- pass by, surpass, exceed
- ultraya
- beyondness
- be beyond
- uma
- horse, Equidae, Equus ferus caballus
- umami
- umami, savoriness
- umasa
- neigh
- umumi
- general
- generally, in general
- un
- one, a
- un-
- uni-, mono-
- un ofcare
- one fourth, a fourth
- un ofcen
- one hundredth
- un ofdes
- one tenth, a tenth
- un ofdua
- (one) half, (a) half
- un oflima
- one fifth, a fifth
- un ofnue
- one ninth, a ninth
- un ofoco
- one eighth, an eighth
- un ofsabe
- one seventh, a seventh
- un ofsisa
- one sixth, a sixth
- un oftiga
- one third, a third
- un solo
- a single
- unabi
- jujube, jujuba, Ziziphus jujuba, Ziziphus mauritiana
- unbasali
- monolingual
- monolingually
- unbasayen
- monolingual (speaker)
- uncu
- union
- unite
- uncudo
- united (in a state of union)
- uncutim
- union, league
- ungi
- unification
- unify, unite
- ungido
- unified (in a state of unification)
- universita
- university
- unpersonli
- individual
- individually
- unsungoyen
- unicorn
- unteoismo
- monotheism
- unteoista
- monotheist
- unvibrafono
- tap, flap
- unxey
- single, solo, unit
- unya
- oneness, unity
- unyen
- single, solo
- unyum
- first
- upwasa
- fasting
- fast
- uranyum
- uranium, U
- Urdu
- Urdu (language)
- Urdun
- Jordan
- urjuha
- swing
- Urugway
- Uruguay
- Usa
- United States (of America), U.S.A., USA
- Usali
- American (of or relating to the USA)
- Usayen
- American (person from the USA)
- usta
- expert, experienced
- expertly
- ustaya
- expertise
- ustayen
- expert, master
- ustore
- razor
- shave
- utara
- north
- utaradongu
- northeast
- utaragarebi
- northwest
- Utarahangu
- North Korea
- utarali
- north, northern
- Utaramakedoni
- North Macedonia
- utu
- (clothes) iron
- iron
- uvula
- uvula
- uvulali
- uvular
- uvularly
- uya
- letter u
- uyu
- you (pl.)
- uyusu
- your (pl. you)
- uyusu ete
- yours (those beings belonging to you all)
- uyusu oto
- yours (those things belonging to you all)
- uyusu te
- (that being belonging to you all)
- uyusu to
- yours (that thing belonging to you all)
- vada
- promise, pledge
- promise, pledge
- vagina
- vagina
- vakasi
- vacation, holiday
- take a vacation, go on holiday
- vaki
- heron, egret, bittern, Ardeidae
- vaksina
- vaccine
- get vaccinated, vaccinate
- Valentin
- Valentine
- valvu
- valve
- vampiri
- vampire
- van
- van
- vanadyum
- vanadium, V
- vanila
- vanilla
- Vanwatu
- Vanuatu
- varano
- monitor lizard, Varanus
- varnis
- varnish, lacquer
- varnish, lacquer
- vaselin
- petroleum jelly, vaseline
- vaysu
- vise, vice (tool)
- vegan
- vegan
- veganyen
- vegan
- vegetari
- vegetarian, veggie (burger, etc)
- vegetariyen
- vegetarian
- velosi
- fast, quick, rapid
- quickly, rapidly
- velosigi
- acceleration
- accelerate, speed up
- velosije
- speed, velocity, rate
- velosimeter
- speedometer, tachometer, velocimeter
- velosiya
- fastness, quickness
- Venezwela
- Venezuela
- Venezwelali
- Venezuelan
- Venezwelayen
- Venezuelan
- vento
- wind
- ventopul
- windy
- windily
- ventotul
- fan
- versyon
- version, variant
- vetor
- vector
- vibaja
- division
- divide
- vibra
- vibration
- vibrate
- vibrafono
- trill
- Vicenti
- Vincent
- video
- video
- vinamra
- humble, modest
- humbly, modestly
- vinamragi
- humble, make humble, cause to be humble
- vinamraya
- humility, modesty
- vinil
- vinyl
- vinildisko
- (vinyl) record
- vino
- wine
- viperi
- viper, adder, Viperidae
- virgul
- comma
- virtwal
- virtual
- virtually
- virus
- virus
- virusli
- viral
- virally
- visa
- visa
- visita
- visit
- visit
- visitayen
- visitor
- vitamin
- vitamin
- vite
- screw
- screw
- vodka
- vodka
- voka
- voice
- call
- vokafon
- microphone
- vole
- will
- want
- volepul
- willing, eager
- willingly, eagerly
- volkano
- volcano
- volkanoli
- volcanic
- volcanically
- volti
- volt, V
- voluntir
- volunteering
- volunteer
- voluntirli
- voluntary
- voluntarily
- voluntiryen
- volunteer
- vulva
- vulva
- vuvu
- vulva (non-clinical)
- vyalu
- vial, phial
- vyata
- expression
- express
- vyayama
- exercise (physical movement)
- exercise
- vyayamadom
- gym
- vyayamagi
- (cause to) exercise (physical movement)
- Vyetnam
- Vietnam
- Vyetnamli
- Vietnamese
- Vyetnamsa
- Vietnamese (language)
- Vyetnamyen
- Vietnamese
- vyoleta
- violet (flower), Viola
- vyolin
- violin, fiddle
- wadi
- valley
- wadisusana
- lily of the valley, Convallaria
- wafle
- waffle
- wagon
- wagon, coach
- wahyu
- revelation, apocalypse
- wair
- wire
- wairkal
- wireless
- wakil
- representation
- represent
- wakilyen
- representative, agent
- waksu
- wax
- wakufa
- pause, break
- pause, take a break
- wakufacu
- pause
- wala
- lack
- not have, lack, be missing
- walaganjon
- miss (feel lack of)
- walrus
- walrus, Odobenidae
- wangu
- monarch, king, queen
- reign (over)
- wangubeze
- queen-bee
- wangudom
- kingdom
- wangukrasi
- monarchy, reign
- wanguya
- kinghood, queenhood, reign
- wanji
- oblivion
- forget
- wao
- amazement, awe, wonder
- amaze, wow, feel amazed, feel wowed
- waone
- amazing, wonderful, marvelous
- amazingly, wonderfully, marvelously
- waoxey
- marvel, wonder
- warisa
- inheritance
- inherit
- warum
- swelling
- swell
- wasabi
- wasabi, Eutrema japonicum
- wasyatu
- will, testament, bequest
- wati
- watt, W
- watu
- time
- watuhuru
- available, free
- watumeter
- stopwatch
- watumon
- period (of time), time period, while, term
- watumonli
- periodic
- wawa
- cry, weep
- cry, weep
- wawagi
- cause (somebody) to cry, make (somebody) cry
- way
- aw (denoting tenderness)
- wazen
- weight
- wazenje
- weight
- weigh (have weight of)
- wazenmeter
- scale (weighing instrument)
- measure weight of
- wazenpul
- heavy
- heavily
- waziri
- minister, secretary
- wazirikef
- PM, prime minister
- waziritim
- cabinet
- weber
- weber, Wb
- weda
- farewell, bye, goodbye
- bid farewell (to), say bye (to), say goodbye (to)
- farewell, bye, goodbye
- wedali
- farewell, goodbye
- Wedel
- Weddell
- weji
- wedge
- wendu
- pea
- wenxi
- primal, primitive, primordial, proto-
- primally, primitively, primordially
- wermu
- worm
- wey
- around
- wey-
- around, circum-
- wey total
- all around, all over, throughout
- weycu
- get around, put itself around
- weygebo
- hug, embrace
- weygi
- put around, surround
- weykumax
- scarf, shawl
- weyli
- surrounding
- weylungoje
- perimeter, circumference
- weyya
- be around, surround
- widu
- latitude
- wifi
- Wi-Fi, wifi
- wiki
- wiki
- Wilyemu
- William
- wisen
- hygiene
- wiski
- whiskey
- wixin
- prestige
- wixinpul
- prestigious
- woju
- hold
- hold (in hands, etc.)
- wojutul
- handle
- woxa
- wash
- wash
- woxatora
- washing machine
- xa
- will, shall (future tense marker)
- xa-
- future
- xa no
- will not, won't, shall not, shan't
- xabahu
- ghost, apparition, phantom, spirit, spectre, specter, wraith
- haunt
- xabahubaytu
- haunted house
- xabahuhikaye
- ghost story
- xabahuli
- ghostly
- xabahunavi
- ghost ship
- xadin
- tomorrow, later, sometime in the future
- xafe
- after (+ noun, -ing), in (+ period of time), (period of time +) from now
- xafe-
- post-
- xafe dento
- later (after that), afterwards, (and) then
- xafe morcu
- postmortem, posthumous
- xafe na
- after (+ -ing)
- xafe to
- later (after that), afterwards, (and) then
- xafe xengi
- postpartum
- xafefikso
- suffix
- xafemorculi
- postmortem, posthumous
- posthumously
- xafeplasi
- postponement
- postpone
- xafeplasilexi
- postposition
- xafesoba
- afternoon
- xafexengili
- postpartum
- xafeyam
- dessert
- have dessert, eat for dessert
- xahedi
- testimony
- testify
- xahediyen
- witness (one who testifies)
- xaher
- city, town
- xaherdom
- town hall, city hall
- xaherkef
- mayor
- xaherli
- urban
- urbanly
- xaheryen
- urbanite
- xahidu
- martyr
- xahin
- falcon, Falconiformes
- xahu
- chess, check (chess)
- check
- xahumatu
- chess, checkmate
- xahutahta
- chessboard
- xaki
- after (+ sentence), once (+ sentence)
- xalaf
- whore, slut
- xalgam
- turnip
- xali
- future, afterwards, later
- xama
- candle
- xamahole
- candlestick
- xaman
- shaman
- xampu
- shampoo
- shampoo
- xamxir
- sword
- xanho
- coral
- xanhun
- scar, cicatrix
- Xani
- Saturn (planet)
- xanidin
- Saturday
- xanka
- doubt
- doubt
- xankakal
- doubtless, undoubtedly, definitely
- xankamenapul
- ambiguous
- ambiguously
- xanse
- luck, fortune, odds
- xansia
- umbrella, parasol
- xantaje
- blackmail, extortion
- blackmail, extort
- xanti
- peace
- hello, bye
- xantipul
- peaceful
- peacefully
- xanxwi
- landscape
- xarke
- shark, Selachimorpha
- xarmu
- hornbeam, hornbeech, ironwood, musclewood, Carpinus
- Xaron
- Sharon
- xarti
- condition, stipulation, term
- xartikal
- unconditional
- unconditionally
- xartili
- conditional
- conditionally
- Xatan
- Satan
- xatu
- sand
- xatubofun
- sandstorm
- xatumeter
- hourglass
- xatupul
- sandy
- Xaveri
- Xavier
- xaya
- future
- be after
- xayri
- barley, Hordeum vulgare
- xehi
- brag, boast
- brag (about), boast (about)
- xekaste
- defeat
- defeat, beat
- xekastedo
- defeated
- xekastenenible
- invincible, unbeatable
- invincibly, unbeatably
- xekaye
- complaint
- complain
- xekayefil
- peevish, grumbling
- xelange
- hose
- xen
- born
- xencu
- birth
- be born
- xencudin
- birthday
- xenculi
- (of) birth, native
- xengi
- give birth (to), bear
- xenon
- xenon, Xe
- xerafu
- honor, glory
- honor, glorify
- xerca
- search
- seek, look for, search for
- xeritu
- stripe
- xeto
- tongue
- taste
- xetocu
- taste (have a particular taste)
- xetocubon
- delicious, tasty
- deliciously
- xetoya
- (sense of) taste
- xetoyukwe
- delicious, tasty
- deliciously
- xey
- thing, object
- xidu
- attempt, try
- attempt, try
- xigo
- accident
- xijere
- quarrel, argument, dispute
- quarrel, argue, dispute
- xikar
- hunt
- hunt
- xikaryen
- hunter, predator
- xikenje
- torture
- torture
- xikenjeli kamer
- torture chamber
- xikudo
- esophagus, oesophagus, gullet, weasand
- xilepu
- slap, smack, clap, plap, swat, spank
- xilo
- yarn, thread, string
- ximbi
- mystery
- xinen
- faith, (religious) belief, conviction
- xinenmal
- heretical, heterodox, unorthodox
- xinensahi
- orthodox
- xinloy
- trust, faith, confidence
- trust, rely (on), believe (in)
- xinloylaye
- trust-worthy, trustworthy
- trustworthily
- xinyon
- abyss, chasm
- xirani
- louse, lice, Phthiraptera
- xiropu
- syrup
- xiwon
- wish, desire
- wish (for), desire
- xobi
- consumption
- consume
- xofer
- drive
- drive
- xoferyen
- driver
- xogyo
- commerce, trade
- deal
- xogyoli
- commercial
- commercially
- xohra
- fame
- be famous, cause to be famous, make famous
- xohrapul
- famous
- famously
- xohrayen
- celebrity
- xoku
- shock
- be in shock, shock
- xomin
- explanation
- explain
- xominnenible
- inexplicable
- inexplicably
- xor-
- begin, start, come to, arrive at
- xoraham
- realization
- realize, grasp the idea
- xorata
- arrival
- arrive
- xoratex
- set on fire, catch fire
- xorestay
- stand up, get up, rise
- xorewreka
- discovery
- discover
- xorexku
- fall in love (with)
- xorfe
- from, as of, since (+ noun)
- xorfe nunya
- from now on
- xorfirmayen
- entrepreneur
- xorfley
- takeoff
- take off (aircraft)
- xorganci
- detection
- detect
- xorhare
- acquisition
- gain, win, acquire, obtain
- xoridi
- leave, take off, head off, depart
- xorjanu
- kneel
- xorjixi
- find out
- xorjui
- notice
- xorjuiible
- noticeable
- noticeably
- xorki
- (ever) since (+ sentence)
- xorkone
- meeting
- meet (become acquainted with, get to know)
- xorkonegi
- introduce (make known)
- xorlefe
- for (starting... ago), since before (+ noun)
- xorleki
- since before (+ sentence)
- xorleta
- lie (down)
- xornavi
- embark, set sail, ship out
- xoroko
- glimpse
- catch sight of
- xorside
- sit (down)
- xorsomno
- fall asleep
- xortu
- shorts, short pants
- xoru
- beginning, start, initiation
- begin, start, initiate
- xorufilya
- initiative
- xoruli
- initial
- initially
- xoruyen
- beginner
- xorwala
- loss
- lose
- xorxugwan
- get used (to), become accustomed (to)
- xoryunki
- get the courage (to), muster the courage (to)
- xosu
- few, (a) little, (a) little bit (of)
- xosu xafe xosu
- little by little
- xow
- show, spectacle, performance
- perform
- xowpul
- spectacular
- spectacularly
- xube
- branch, offshoot, phylum
- xucyo
- demand, requirement
- demand, require
- xucyofil
- strict
- strictly
- xugwan
- habit
- be accustomed (to), be in the habit (of), be used (to), be wont (to)
- xugwanpul
- habitual, usual, typical
- habitually, usually, typically
- xuha
- harvest
- reap, earn, gain, win
- xuhamosem
- autumn, fall
- xuji
- finger
- xukra
- gratitude
- thank, give thanks
- thanks
- Xukradin
- Thanksgiving Day
- xukrafil
- grateful, thankful (“gratitude-prone”)
- gratefully, thankfully
- xukrapul
- grateful, thankful (filled with gratitude)
- gratefully, thankfully
- xuli
- repair, fix
- repair, fix
- xunjan
- growth
- grow
- xunjangi
- grow, cause to grow, make grow
- xupan
- publication
- publish
- xupi
- bark (tree)
- xux
- hush, shush, be silent, be quiet
- xweki
- sap
- xwexi
- learning
- learn
- xwexiyen
- learner, pupil
- xyombu
- cattail, reed, bulrush, reedmace, Typha
- xyuci
- shame, embarrassment, humiliation
- shame, embarrass, humiliate, feel shamed, feel embarrassed, feel humiliated
- yake
- burn
- burn
- yakin
- sure, certain
- surely, certainly
- yakingi
- assurance
- assure, ensure, make sure, secure
- Yakobu
- Jacob, James
- yaku
- yak, Bos grunniens
- yam
- meal, food
- eat
- yamdom
- cafeteria
- yamdukan
- grocery store
- yamfilya
- gluttony
- yamgi
- feed
- yamible
- edible
- edibly
- yamkal
- hungry
- hungrily
- yamkalya
- hunger
- yamkamer
- dining room
- yamnenible
- inedible
- inedibly
- yampeldo
- hungry
- hungrily
- yamtul
- eating utensil
- yamvole
- hunger, appetite
- be hungry, hunger (for)
- yamxey
- food
- yamyen
- eater
- yanlyo
- fuel
- yao
- bite
- bite
- yarda
- yard (unit)
- Yason
- Jason
- yasuf
- dragonfly, Anisoptera
- yate
- yacht
- yatima
- orphan
- yawxe
- key
- yaxu
- beast, brute
- Yehudi
- Jewish
- Yehudiismo
- Judaism
- Yehudiyen
- Jew
- Yemen
- Yemen
- yen
- (animate) being, gal, guy, personified object
- yentu
- pharynx
- yentuli
- pharyngeal, glottal (linguistics)
- Yeremia
- Jeremy, Jeremiah
- Yese
- Jesse
- yesen
- wild, untamed, savage
- wildly
- yesenyen
- beast, savage
- Yesu
- Jesus
- yexim
- jade
- Yoakim
- Joachim
- yobu
- loin, small of back
- yodin
- iodine, I
- Yoel
- Joel
- yoga
- yoga
- yogurtu
- yogurt, yoghurt, yogourt
- Yohan
- John, Jane
- yoho
- temptation
- tempt
- yohone
- tempting
- temptingly
- yolyu
- worry, concern, care, preoccupation
- worry, care, fret
- yolyudo
- worried, concerned, preoccupied
- yomo
- wool
- yon
- with, by, by means of, through, via
- yon-
- with, by, by means of, through, via
- yon na
- by (+ -ing)
- Yonatan
- Jonathan
- yonfobi
- intimidation
- intimidate
- yongu
- use, usage, utilization, employment
- use, utilize, employ
- yongudo
- used, second-hand
- yonguible
- useable
- yonguyen
- user
- yoni
- ion
- ionize
- yonidi
- ride
- yonya
- be (done) with, be (done) by means of
- Yonyo
- Ionian (Sea)
- yoran
- cradle, crib
- cradle, crib, rock, sway
- Yosef
- Joseph
- yow
- oil
- yoxin
- conscience
- Yoxwa
- Joshua
- yoyo
- yo-yo, yoyo
- yozay
- guilt, fault, blame
- blame, be guilty
- yozaykal
- innocent
- innocently
- yozaykalgi
- acquittal, absolution
- acquit, absolve
- yozaypul
- guilty
- guiltily
- yu
- you (singular)
- Yudit
- Judith
- yugo
- yoke
- yukwe
- pleasant, pleasing, nice
- pleasantly, nicely
- yulaf
- oat, Avena
- Yulyo
- Julius
- yumaw
- feather
- yumawlari
- plumage
- yumuku
- nomadism
- live as a nomad
- yunki
- courage
- dare, have the courage (to, for), encourage
- yunkigi
- encouragement
- encourage
- yunkipul
- courageous, brave, bold, daring
- courageously, bravely, boldly, daringly
- Yustin
- Justin
- yusu
- your
- yusu ete
- yours (those beings belonging to you)
- yusu oto
- yours (those things belonging to you)
- yusu te
- yours (that being belonging to you)
- yusu to
- yours (that thing belonging to you)
- yuxi
- game, match (game, sports)
- play
- yuxifil
- playful
- playfully
- yuxikamer
- play room
- yuxitul
- toy
- yuxituldukan
- toyshop
- yuxixey
- game
- yuxiyen
- player
- yuxu
- weasel, Mustela
- zabatu
- confiscation, expropriation, forfeiture, seizure
- confiscate, expropriate, seize, forfeit, sequestrate, commandeer
- Zakaria
- Zachary, Zechariah
- zakere
- negotiation
- negotiate
- Zambi
- Zambia
- Zambili
- Zambian
- Zambiyen
- Zambian
- zangar
- rust
- zarif
- elegant, chic, stylish, fancy
- elegantly, stylishly, fancily
- zaxi
- magazine
- zebra
- zebra, Hippotigris
- zekaru
- mention
- mention
- zendana
- dungeon
- zenjebir
- ginger, Zingiber officinale
- zeytuni
- olive, Olea europaea
- zeytuniyow
- olive oil
- zigzagu
- zigzag, zig-zag
- zigzagune
- zigzagging
- Zimbabwe
- Zimbabwe
- Zimbabweli
- Zimbabwean
- Zimbabweyen
- Zimbabwean
- zinko
- zinc, Zn
- ziper
- zipper, zip, fly, zip fastener
- zira
- cumin, Cuminum cyminum
- zirehe
- armor
- zirkonyum
- zirconium, Zr
- zixe
- hiss
- hiss
- zizi
- cus, cuz, cousin (informal)
- zombi
- zombie
- zona
- zone, area, region
- zonali
- zonal, regional
- zonally, regionally
- zubale
- trash, rubbish
- zubul
- wither, wilt, droop
- Zuhura
- Venus (planet)
- zuhuradin
- Friday
- zukam
- (common) cold
- zukini
- zucchini, courgette, baby marrow, Cucurbita pepo
- zumbur
- wasp
- zumrudi
- emerald
- zuraka
- jay (bird)
- zway
- fly (insect), Diptera