Numbers and Months of the Year
Cardinal Numbers
0 - nil
1 - un
2 - dua
3 -
4 - care
5 - lima
6 -
7 - sabe
8 - oco
9 -
10 - des
11 - des un
12 - des dua
13 - des tiga
14 -
des care
15 - des lima
16 - des sisa
17 -
des sabe
18 - des oco
19 - des nue
20 - duades
30 - tigades
40 - caredes
50 -
60 - sisades
70 - sabedes
80 -
90 - nuedes
100 - cen
200 - duacen
300 - tigacen
400 -
500 - limacen
600 - sisacen
700 -
800 - ococen
900 - nuecen
1,000 - kilo
2,000 - dua kilo
3,000 - tiga kilo
4,000 - care kilo
5,000 - lima kilo
6,000 - sisa
7,000 - sabe kilo
8,000 - oco kilo
9,000 -
nue kilo
1 x 10^6 (1,000,000) - mega
1 X 10^9 (1,000,000,000) - giga
1 X 10^12
(1,000,000,000,000) - tera
Larger numbers can be expressed by combining kilo, mega, giga and tera.
1 x 10^15 - kilo tera
1 x 10^18 - mega tera
1 x 10^21 - giga
1 x 10^24 - tera tera
Ordinal Numbers
first (1st) - unyum (1yum)
second (2nd) - duayum (2yum)
third (3rd) -
tigayum (3yum)
fourth (4th) - careyum (4yum)
fifth (5th) -
limayum (5yum)
sixth (6th) - sisayum (6yum)
seventh (7th) -
sabeyum (7yum)
eighth (8th) - ocoyum (8yum)
ninth (9th) -
nueyum (9yum)
tenth (10th) - desyum (10yum)
eleventh (11th) -
desunyum (11yum), etc.
unyen, unxey - single, solo
duayen, duaxey - duo, couple, pair
tigayen, tigaxey - trio, etc.
Fractional Numbers
Derived fractional numbers are nouns and are composed of two words, the numerator followed by the denominator prefixed with of-.
1/2 (a half) - un ofdua
1/3 (a third) - un oftiga
1/4 (a quarter) -
un ofcare
1/5 (a fifth) - un oflima
1/6 (a sixth) - un
1/7 (a seventh) - un ofsabe
1/8 (an eighth) - un
1/9 (a ninth) - un ofnue
1/10 (a tenth) - un
1/11 (an eleventh) - un ofdesun, etc.
Globasa also uses the following fractional metric numbers.
1 X 10^-1 (one 10th of): deci (un ofdes fe)
1 X 10^-2 (one 100th of):
centi (un ofcen fe)
1 X 10^-3 (one 1,000th of): mili
(un ofkilo fe)
1 X 10^-6 (one 1,000,000th of): mikro (un ofmega
1 X 10^-9 (one 1,000,000,000th of): nano (un ofgiga
1 X 10^-12 (one 1,000,000,000,000th of): piko (un oftera
Metric Measurements
Words for metric measurements use whole number and fractional numerals as prefixes.
metro - meter
desmetro - decameter
cenmetro - hectometer
kilometro - kilometer
decimetro - decimeter
centimetro - centimeter
milimetro - millimeter
gramo - gram
kilogramo - kilogram
miligramo - milligram
litro - liter
mililitro - milliliter
Multiplied Numbers
unple - single
duaple - double
tigaple - triple
careple - quadruple
limaple - quintuple
sisaple - sextuple, etc.
Months of the Year
mesi 1 (mesi un) - January
mesi 2 (mesi dua) - February
mesi 3 (mesi tiga) - March
mesi 4 (mesi care) - April
mesi 5 (mesi lima) - May
mesi 6 (mesi sisa) - June
mesi 7 (mesi sabe) - July
mesi 8 (mesi oco) - August
mesi 9 (mesi nue) - September
mesi 10 (mesi des) - October
mesi 11 (mesi des un) - November
mesi 12 (mesi des dua) - December