Zola Themes Collection
Bear blog theme
The following instructions are not official so may be incomplete. They should work for most themes in this collection.
- Create a new Zola site:
zola init
and initialize a Git repository:git init
- Download the theme
- Option A: Add the theme as a git submodule:
git submodule add https://codeberg.org/alanpearce/zola-bearblog.git themes/zola-bearblog
- Option B: Clone the theme into your themes directory:
git clone https://codeberg.org/alanpearce/zola-bearblog.git themes/zola-bearblog
- Set theme in your
theme = "zola-bearblog"
- Author: Alan Pearce
- License: MIT
- Homepage: https://codeberg.org/alanpearce/zola-bearblog
- Offic. Live Demo: https://zola-bearblog.vercel.app/
- Min version: 0.4.0
- Original: https://github.com/janraasch/hugo-bearblog/
Modern, pretty, and clean theme
The following instructions are not official so may be incomplete. They should work for most themes in this collection.
- Create a new Zola site:
zola init
and initialize a Git repository:git init
- Download the theme
- Option A: Add the theme as a git submodule:
git submodule add https://codeberg.org/daudix/duckquill.git themes/duckquill
- Option B: Clone the theme into your themes directory:
git clone https://codeberg.org/daudix/duckquill.git themes/duckquill
- Set theme in your
theme = "duckquill"
- Author: David Lapshin
- License: MIT
- Homepage: https://codeberg.org/daudix/duckquill
- Offic. Live Demo: https://duckquill.daudix.one
- Min version: 0.19.0
tabi is an accessible Zola theme with search, multi-language support, optional JavaScript, a perfect Lighthouse score, and comprehensive documentation. Crafted for personal websites and blogs.
The following instructions are not official so may be incomplete. They should work for most themes in this collection.
- Create a new Zola site:
zola init
and initialize a Git repository:git init
- Download the theme
- Option A: Add the theme as a git submodule:
git submodule add https://github.com/welpo/tabi.git themes/tabi
- Option B: Clone the theme into your themes directory:
git clone https://github.com/welpo/tabi.git themes/tabi
- Set theme in your
theme = "tabi"
- Author: Óscar Fernández
- License: MIT
- Homepage: https://github.com/welpo/tabi
- Offic. Live Demo: https://welpo.github.io/tabi
- Min version: 0.17.0
A clean and elegant blog theme for Zola. Linkita is based on Kita and Hugo-Paper and is multilingual and SEO friendly.
The following instructions are not official so may be incomplete. They should work for most themes in this collection.
- Create a new Zola site:
zola init
and initialize a Git repository:git init
- Download the theme
- Option A: Add the theme as a git submodule:
git submodule add https://codeberg.org/salif/linkita.git themes/linkita
- Option B: Clone the theme into your themes directory:
git clone https://codeberg.org/salif/linkita.git themes/linkita
- Set theme in your
theme = "linkita"
- Author: Salif Mehmed
- License: MIT
- Homepage: https://codeberg.org/salif/linkita
- Offic. Live Demo: https://salif.github.io/linkita/en/
- Min version: 0.19.0
- Original: https://github.com/st1020/kita
A fast, lightweight, and modern Zola theme with two-languages support for building research laboratories website
The following instructions are not official so may be incomplete. They should work for most themes in this collection.
- Create a new Zola site:
zola init
and initialize a Git repository:git init
- Download the theme
- Option A: Add the theme as a git submodule:
git submodule add https://codeberg.org/plaublin/researchlab.git themes/researchlab
- Option B: Clone the theme into your themes directory:
git clone https://codeberg.org/plaublin/researchlab.git themes/researchlab
- Set theme in your
theme = "researchlab"
- Author: Pierre Louis Aublin
- License: MIT
- Homepage: https://codeberg.org/plaublin/researchlab
- Offic. Live Demo: https://plaublin.codeberg.page/researchlab/@pages
- Min version: 0.19.2
Project Portfolio
Theme for a project portfolio (based on Tailwind CSS).
The following instructions are not official so may be incomplete. They should work for most themes in this collection.
- Create a new Zola site:
zola init
and initialize a Git repository:git init
- Download the theme
- Option A: Add the theme as a git submodule:
git submodule add https://github.com/awinterstein/zola-theme-project-portfolio.git themes/project-portfolio
- Option B: Clone the theme into your themes directory:
git clone https://github.com/awinterstein/zola-theme-project-portfolio.git themes/project-portfolio
- Set theme in your
theme = "project-portfolio"
- Author: Adrian Winterstein
- License: MIT
- Homepage: https://github.com/awinterstein/zola-theme-project-portfolio
- Offic. Live Demo: https://awinterstein.github.io/zola-theme-project-portfolio-example/
- Min version: 0.9.0
Academic Paper
A Zola theme for a blog-post-style website to facilitate scientific communication of your academic paper
The following instructions are not official so may be incomplete. They should work for most themes in this collection.
- Create a new Zola site:
zola init
and initialize a Git repository:git init
- Download the theme
- Option A: Add the theme as a git submodule:
git submodule add https://github.com/aterenin/academic-paper.git themes/academic-paper
- Option B: Clone the theme into your themes directory:
git clone https://github.com/aterenin/academic-paper.git themes/academic-paper
- Set theme in your
theme = "academic-paper"
- Author: Alexander Terenin
- License: MIT
- Homepage: https://github.com/aterenin/academic-paper
- Offic. Live Demo: https://aterenin.github.io/academic-paper
- Min version: 0.18.0
Academic Workshop
A Zola theme for a website to list the schedule of your scientific workshop or seminar series
The following instructions are not official so may be incomplete. They should work for most themes in this collection.
- Create a new Zola site:
zola init
and initialize a Git repository:git init
- Download the theme
- Option A: Add the theme as a git submodule:
git submodule add https://github.com/aterenin/academic-workshop.git themes/academic-workshop
- Option B: Clone the theme into your themes directory:
git clone https://github.com/aterenin/academic-workshop.git themes/academic-workshop
- Set theme in your
theme = "academic-workshop"
- Author: Alexander Terein
- License: MIT
- Homepage: https://github.com/aterenin/academic-workshop
- Offic. Live Demo: https://aterenin.github.io/academic-workshop
- Min version: 0.18.0
Kita is a clean, elegant and simple blog theme for Zola.
The following instructions are not official so may be incomplete. They should work for most themes in this collection.
- Create a new Zola site:
zola init
and initialize a Git repository:git init
- Download the theme
- Option A: Add the theme as a git submodule:
git submodule add https://github.com/st1020/kita.git themes/kita
- Option B: Clone the theme into your themes directory:
git clone https://github.com/st1020/kita.git themes/kita
- Set theme in your
theme = "kita"
- Author: st1020
- License: MIT
- Homepage: https://github.com/st1020/kita
- Offic. Live Demo: https://st1020.github.io/kita/
- Min version: 0.17.0
- Original: https://github.com/nanxiaobei/hugo-paper
A fast, clean, responsive theme ported to Zola.
The following instructions are not official so may be incomplete. They should work for most themes in this collection.
- Create a new Zola site:
zola init
and initialize a Git repository:git init
- Download the theme
- Option A: Add the theme as a git submodule:
git submodule add https://github.com/cydave/zola-theme-papermod.git themes/papermod
- Option B: Clone the theme into your themes directory:
git clone https://github.com/cydave/zola-theme-papermod.git themes/papermod
- Set theme in your
theme = "papermod"
- Author: cydave
- License: MIT
- Homepage: https://github.com/cydave/zola-theme-papermod
- Offic. Live Demo: https://cydave.github.io/zola-theme-papermod/
- Min version: 0.4.0
- Original: https://github.com/adityatelange/hugo-PaperMod
A modern, clean Zola theme for personal blogs.
The following instructions are not official so may be incomplete. They should work for most themes in this collection.
- Create a new Zola site:
zola init
and initialize a Git repository:git init
- Download the theme
- Option A: Add the theme as a git submodule:
git submodule add https://github.com/edwardzcn-decade/cela.git themes/cela
- Option B: Clone the theme into your themes directory:
git clone https://github.com/edwardzcn-decade/cela.git themes/cela
- Set theme in your
theme = "cela"
- License: MIT
- Homepage: https://github.com/edwardzcn-decade/cela
- Min version: 0.19.0
🦎 A minimal Zola theme for building light and SEO-ready blogs.
The following instructions are not official so may be incomplete. They should work for most themes in this collection.
- Create a new Zola site:
zola init
and initialize a Git repository:git init
- Download the theme
- Option A: Add the theme as a git submodule:
git submodule add https://github.com/semanticdata/mabuya.git themes/mabuya
- Option B: Clone the theme into your themes directory:
git clone https://github.com/semanticdata/mabuya.git themes/mabuya
- Set theme in your
theme = "mabuya"
- Author: Miguel Pimentel
- License: MIT
- Homepage: https://github.com/semanticdata/mabuya
- Offic. Live Demo: https://mabuya.vercel.app/
- Min version: 0.18.0
- Original: https://github.com/chesterhow/tale
A fast and lightweight Zola theme using semantic html, a class-light abridge.css, and No mandatory JS.
The following instructions are not official so may be incomplete. They should work for most themes in this collection.
- Create a new Zola site:
zola init
and initialize a Git repository:git init
- Download the theme
- Option A: Add the theme as a git submodule:
git submodule add https://github.com/jieiku/abridge.git themes/abridge
- Option B: Clone the theme into your themes directory:
git clone https://github.com/jieiku/abridge.git themes/abridge
- Set theme in your
theme = "abridge"
- Author: Jake G (jieiku)
- License: MIT
- Homepage: https://github.com/jieiku/abridge
- Offic. Live Demo: https://abridge.pages.dev/
- Min version: 0.19.1
Hacker is a theme for Zola
The following instructions are not official so may be incomplete. They should work for most themes in this collection.
- Create a new Zola site:
zola init
and initialize a Git repository:git init
- Download the theme
- Option A: Add the theme as a git submodule:
git submodule add https://github.com/en9inerd/zola-hacker.git themes/hacker
- Option B: Clone the theme into your themes directory:
git clone https://github.com/en9inerd/zola-hacker.git themes/hacker
- Set theme in your
theme = "hacker"
- Author: Vladimir Loskutov
- License: MIT
- Homepage: https://github.com/en9inerd/zola-hacker
- Offic. Live Demo: https://zola-hacker.enginerd.io/
- Min version: 0.19.1
- Original: https://github.com/pages-themes/hacker
Minimalistic yet a bit featureful theme for the Zola static site generator.
The following instructions are not official so may be incomplete. They should work for most themes in this collection.
- Create a new Zola site:
zola init
and initialize a Git repository:git init
- Download the theme
- Option A: Add the theme as a git submodule:
git submodule add https://github.com/salcc/zola-bearplus.git themes/bearplus
- Option B: Clone the theme into your themes directory:
git clone https://github.com/salcc/zola-bearplus.git themes/bearplus
- Set theme in your
theme = "bearplus"
- Author: Marçal Comajoan Cara
- License: MIT
- Homepage: https://theme.marçal.cc
- Offic. Live Demo: https://theme.marçal.cc
- Min version: 0.17.2
- Original: https://codeberg.org/alanpearce/zola-bearblog
Clean and simple personal site/blog theme
The following instructions are not official so may be incomplete. They should work for most themes in this collection.
- Create a new Zola site:
zola init
and initialize a Git repository:git init
- Download the theme
- Option A: Add the theme as a git submodule:
git submodule add https://github.com/InputUsername/zola-hook.git themes/hook
- Option B: Clone the theme into your themes directory:
git clone https://github.com/InputUsername/zola-hook.git themes/hook
- Set theme in your
theme = "hook"
- Author: Koen Bolhuis
- License: MIT
- Homepage: https://github.com/InputUsername/zola-hook
- Offic. Live Demo: https://inputusername.github.io/zola-hook/
- Min version: 0.15.2
mo8it-mod is a Zola theme based on the templates on mo8it.com
The following instructions are not official so may be incomplete. They should work for most themes in this collection.
- Create a new Zola site:
zola init
and initialize a Git repository:git init
- Download the theme
- Option A: Add the theme as a git submodule:
git submodule add https://codeberg.org/salif/mo8it-mod.git themes/mo8it-mod
- Option B: Clone the theme into your themes directory:
git clone https://codeberg.org/salif/mo8it-mod.git themes/mo8it-mod
- Set theme in your
theme = "mo8it-mod"
- Author: Salif Mehmed
- License: AGPLv3
- Homepage: https://codeberg.org/salif/mo8it-mod
- Offic. Live Demo: https://salif.github.io/zola-themes-collection/demo/mo8it-mod/
- Min version: 0.19.2
- Original: https://codeberg.org/mo8it/website
Modern and minimalistic blog theme
The following instructions are not official so may be incomplete. They should work for most themes in this collection.
- Create a new Zola site:
zola init
and initialize a Git repository:git init
- Download the theme
- Option A: Add the theme as a git submodule:
git submodule add https://github.com/not-matthias/apollo.git themes/apollo
- Option B: Clone the theme into your themes directory:
git clone https://github.com/not-matthias/apollo.git themes/apollo
- Set theme in your
theme = "apollo"
- Author: not-matthias
- License: MIT
- Homepage: https://github.com/not-matthias/apollo
- Offic. Live Demo: https://not-matthias.github.io/apollo
- Min version: 0.14.0
A sleek, modern blog theme.
The following instructions are not official so may be incomplete. They should work for most themes in this collection.
- Create a new Zola site:
zola init
and initialize a Git repository:git init
- Download the theme
- Option A: Add the theme as a git submodule:
git submodule add https://github.com/micahkepe/radion.git themes/radion
- Option B: Clone the theme into your themes directory:
git clone https://github.com/micahkepe/radion.git themes/radion
- Set theme in your
theme = "radion"
- Author: Micah Kepe
- License: MIT
- Homepage: https://github.com/micahkepe/radion
- Offic. Live Demo: https://micahkepe.com/radion/
- Min version: 0.19.2
A simple zola theme for personal use.
The following instructions are not official so may be incomplete. They should work for most themes in this collection.
- Create a new Zola site:
zola init
and initialize a Git repository:git init
- Download the theme
- Option A: Add the theme as a git submodule:
git submodule add https://github.com/devendrn/devnzt.git themes/devnzt
- Option B: Clone the theme into your themes directory:
git clone https://github.com/devendrn/devnzt.git themes/devnzt
- Set theme in your
theme = "devnzt"
- Author: devendrn
- License: MIT
- Homepage: https://github.com/devendrn/devnzt/
- Min version: 0.18.0
A simple, minimal retro theme
The following instructions are not official so may be incomplete. They should work for most themes in this collection.
- Create a new Zola site:
zola init
and initialize a Git repository:git init
- Download the theme
- Option A: Add the theme as a git submodule:
git submodule add https://github.com/pawroman/zola-theme-terminimal.git themes/terminimal
- Option B: Clone the theme into your themes directory:
git clone https://github.com/pawroman/zola-theme-terminimal.git themes/terminimal
- Set theme in your
theme = "terminimal"
- Author: Paweł Romanowski
- License: MIT
- Homepage: https://github.com/pawroman/zola-theme-terminimal
- Offic. Live Demo: https://pawroman.github.io/zola-theme-terminimal/
- Min version: 0.11.0
- Original: https://github.com/panr/hugo-theme-terminal
UI Navigation
A multilingual theme designed for accessibility rather than visual.
The following instructions are not official so may be incomplete. They should work for most themes in this collection.
- Create a new Zola site:
zola init
and initialize a Git repository:git init
- Download the theme
- Option A: Add the theme as a git submodule:
git submodule add https://github.com/harrymkt/zluinav.git themes/zluinav
- Option B: Clone the theme into your themes directory:
git clone https://github.com/harrymkt/zluinav.git themes/zluinav
- Set theme in your
theme = "zluinav"
- Author: Harry Min Khant
- License: MIT
- Homepage: https://github.com/harrymkt/zluinav
- Offic. Live Demo: https://harrymkt.github.io/zluinav
- Min version: 0.19.2
Sandbox is a theme for Zola.
The following instructions are not official so may be incomplete. They should work for most themes in this collection.
- Create a new Zola site:
zola init
and initialize a Git repository:git init
- Download the theme
- Option A: Add the theme as a git submodule:
git submodule add https://github.com/semanticdata/zola-sandbox.git themes/sandbox
- Option B: Clone the theme into your themes directory:
git clone https://github.com/semanticdata/zola-sandbox.git themes/sandbox
- Set theme in your
theme = "sandbox"
- Author: Miguel Pimentel
- License: MIT
- Homepage: https://github.com/semanticdata/zola-sandbox
- Offic. Live Demo: https://zola-sandbox.vercel.app/
- Min version: 0.18.0
A modern, simple, clean blog theme for Zola.
The following instructions are not official so may be incomplete. They should work for most themes in this collection.
- Create a new Zola site:
zola init
and initialize a Git repository:git init
- Download the theme
- Option A: Add the theme as a git submodule:
git submodule add https://github.com/DenysVuika/zola-silk.git themes/silk
- Option B: Clone the theme into your themes directory:
git clone https://github.com/DenysVuika/zola-silk.git themes/silk
- Set theme in your
theme = "silk"
- Author: Denys Vuika
- License: Apache-2.0
- Homepage: https://github.com/DenysVuika/zola-silk
- Min version: 0.19.0
- Original: https://github.com/lukehsiao/zola-pickles
Oceanic Zen
Minimalistic blog theme
The following instructions are not official so may be incomplete. They should work for most themes in this collection.
- Create a new Zola site:
zola init
and initialize a Git repository:git init
- Download the theme
- Option A: Add the theme as a git submodule:
git submodule add https://github.com/barlog-m/oceanic-zen.git themes/oceanic-zen
- Option B: Clone the theme into your themes directory:
git clone https://github.com/barlog-m/oceanic-zen.git themes/oceanic-zen
- Set theme in your
theme = "oceanic-zen"
- Author: Barlog M.
- License: MIT
- Homepage: https://github.com/barlog-m/oceanic-zen
- Offic. Live Demo: https://oceanic-zen.netlify.app
- Min version: 0.12.0
A Zola theme for a personal knowledge base
The following instructions are not official so may be incomplete. They should work for most themes in this collection.
- Create a new Zola site:
zola init
and initialize a Git repository:git init
- Download the theme
- Option A: Add the theme as a git submodule:
git submodule add https://github.com/dongryul-kim/olivine.git themes/olivine
- Option B: Clone the theme into your themes directory:
git clone https://github.com/dongryul-kim/olivine.git themes/olivine
- Set theme in your
theme = "olivine"
- Author: Dongryul Kim
- License: MIT
- Homepage: https://github.com/
- Min version: 0.17.2
A blog theme
The following instructions are not official so may be incomplete. They should work for most themes in this collection.
- Create a new Zola site:
zola init
and initialize a Git repository:git init
- Download the theme
- Option A: Add the theme as a git submodule:
git submodule add https://github.com/CSUwangj/DogFood.git themes/DogFood
- Option B: Clone the theme into your themes directory:
git clone https://github.com/CSUwangj/DogFood.git themes/DogFood
- Set theme in your
theme = "DogFood"
- Author: CSUwangj
- License: MIT
- Homepage: https://github.com/CSUwangj/DogFood
- Min version: 0.4.0
An easy way to create docs for your project
The following instructions are not official so may be incomplete. They should work for most themes in this collection.
- Create a new Zola site:
zola init
and initialize a Git repository:git init
- Download the theme
- Option A: Add the theme as a git submodule:
git submodule add https://github.com/ProPixelizer/doc_zola_theme.git themes/doc
- Option B: Clone the theme into your themes directory:
git clone https://github.com/ProPixelizer/doc_zola_theme.git themes/doc
- Set theme in your
theme = "doc"
- Author: Roman Soldatenkov
- License: MIT
- Homepage: https://github.com/codeandmedia/zola_easydocs_theme
- Offic. Live Demo: https://easydocs.codeandmedia.com
- Min version: 0.13.0
An academic lab theme for zola
The following instructions are not official so may be incomplete. They should work for most themes in this collection.
- Create a new Zola site:
zola init
and initialize a Git repository:git init
- Download the theme
- Option A: Add the theme as a git submodule:
git submodule add https://codeberg.org/cablab/cablab-theme.git themes/cablab
- Option B: Clone the theme into your themes directory:
git clone https://codeberg.org/cablab/cablab-theme.git themes/cablab
- Set theme in your
theme = "cablab"
- Author: Chase Alan Brown
- License: MIT
- Homepage: https://git.cablab.cx/cablab-theme
- Offic. Live Demo: https://cablab.codeberg.io/cablab-theme
- Min version: 0.19.2
A minimalist Zola theme inspired by Swiss design principles.
The following instructions are not official so may be incomplete. They should work for most themes in this collection.
- Create a new Zola site:
zola init
and initialize a Git repository:git init
- Download the theme
- Option A: Add the theme as a git submodule:
git submodule add https://github.com/un1970ix/ski.git themes/ski
- Option B: Clone the theme into your themes directory:
git clone https://github.com/un1970ix/ski.git themes/ski
- Set theme in your
theme = "ski"
- Author: Bedir Ekim
- License: MIT
- Homepage: https://github.com/un1970ix/ski
- Offic. Live Demo: https://ski.un1970ix.com
- Min version: 0.19.2